
作者&投稿:崇南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我们结婚啦。 翻译有二:标准说法:We are married.其次也可以说: We have got married.其他说法错误。We have married.是典型的汉式英语,千万别说。

I have finished my homework.这两句的意思差不多,但强调的不一样.第二句强调的是动作,我们结婚了,这句可以加时间状语,比如We got married two years ago.但 We were married two years ago. 这句话的意思就不一样了,这句话的意思是,两年前我们还是夫妻(已婚状态),而现在已经不是夫妻了.

finally, we get married!终于我们结婚了

they are married.marry vt. 结婚,嫁人 marry A to B 把A嫁给B My father married me to a doctor. 我爸爸把我嫁给了一个医生 I am married to a doctor. 我和一个医生结婚了 marry sb. off 把谁嫁出去 She finally married her daughter off. 她终于把她女儿嫁出去了 marry above onesel...

02:41 结婚的英文怎么说?1 to get hitched= to get married结婚 (非正式\/俚语)hitched的本意是“拴住、钩住、套住”的意思 Did you hear? Adam and Betty got hitched in Vegas last weekend!你听说了没?亚当和贝蒂上周末在拉斯维加斯结婚啦!Many people go to Mexico to get hitched!很多...

结婚\/订婚\/离婚\/分居…英文怎么说? 四种婚姻说法整理!
分居可以说:I am separated. “我们分居了”4. Divorce 离婚 Divorce可以当动词和名词使用,只是用法不一样而已。I’m divorced. “我离婚了”I get a divorce. “我们离婚了”图片来源:RyanMcGuire divorce, engaged, marry, separate, 分居 英文, 结婚 英文, 订婚 英文, 离婚 英文 ...

i marride.marry本来就是动词。楼上的be+动词过去式就变被动语态啦!

结婚 英文 至于两个人即将要结婚,如何用英文表达呢?结婚的英文可以用 marry这个英文单字。常见的说法有A marry B,get married, be married。例: We are getting married. 我们要结婚了。例: I’m going to marry him. 我要嫁给他。例:I’ll be married to Jenny. 我将和珍妮结婚。关于...

1.我要结婚了用英语怎么说哈哈哈哈 我要结婚了:I'm going to get married.;I'm getting married.译文:I went to my mother, I said “I'm going to get married, Ma, tell me something about it.” 我找到母亲,对她说,“我要结婚了,妈,告诉我关于婚姻的一些事情吧。”When I got...

以下是一些婚礼英文祝福语以及翻译,希望给您参考:Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. (祝你们一生都充满爱和幸福。)May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. (...

芷筠13270023333问: 我们结婚了英语怎么说 -
黄平县安神回答:[答案] We are married. We have got married.

芷筠13270023333问: 英语我们结婚啦怎么翻译啊?
黄平县安神回答: 我们结婚啦. 翻译有二: 标准说法:We are married. 其次也可以说: We have got married. 其他说法错误.We have married.是典型的汉式英语,千万别说.

芷筠13270023333问: 英语我们结婚啦怎么说英文 我们结婚啦 怎么翻译啊 哎结婚还要英文的 -
黄平县安神回答:[答案] finally,we get married!终于我们结婚了

芷筠13270023333问: 我们结婚啦,这句怎么翻译成英语 -
黄平县安神回答: 1. Lin Yifan & Li Xuan, We are getting married! 2. Lin Yifan & Li Xuan, A Happy Wedding. 第二个比较好, 第一个比较适合挂在婚车上.

芷筠13270023333问: 我们结婚了英文怎么说? -
黄平县安神回答: we got married----------------------问题已回答,谢谢采纳!

芷筠13270023333问: 我们结婚了.用英文要怎么写 -
黄平县安神回答: 你好,可写为:书面版:We`ve been married. 简单版:We got married. 口语版:We have been a couple. 满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

芷筠13270023333问: 我们结婚了英语怎么说 -
黄平县安神回答: We are married.We have got married.

芷筠13270023333问: “我们结婚了”翻译成英语怎么说?
黄平县安神回答: Wegotmarried是?我们结婚了We'regettingmarried.是?我们就要结婚了Handstocomewithmeyesterdayitwastoolatetomorrowwillbeapitythattodayyou'regoingtomarryme中文是手牵手跟我一起走昨天已来不及明天就会可惜今天你要嫁给我还有一句Youaremypermanenthome你是我永远的家

芷筠13270023333问: 请问“我们结婚了”翻译成英语后是“We are married"还是“We got married” 二者翻译起来有区别吗? -
黄平县安神回答:[答案] 两种说法都对,但是有区别. 第一句的married在这里可以看成是形容词,和happy一样,强调的是状态,“我们是夫妻”. 类似的语法例子有: My homework is finished. I have finished my homework. 这两句的意思差不多,但强调的不一样. 第二句强调...

芷筠13270023333问: 我们结婚吧!这句话用英语怎么写? -
黄平县安神回答: We get married!我们这样翻译,我们(We)结婚(get married)

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