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请问“我们结婚了”翻译成英语后是“We are married"还是“We got marr...
两种说法都对,但是有区别。第一句的married在这里可以看成是形容词,和happy一样,强调的是状态,“我们是夫妻”。类似的语法例子有:My homework is finished.I have finished my homework.这两句的意思差不多,但强调的不一样。第二句强调的是动作,我们结婚了,这句可以加时间状语,比如We got ...

let's get married 如果是求婚的话,还可以是please marry me !

We are married.We have got married.

Let's get married.

darling,Let us get married!Would you like to marry me?

回答:I will be marry!

回答和翻译如下:我们结婚了。( 恭喜了,响必一定是天作之合,也同样是男才女貌。看了报道,感觉女孩很漂亮,祝福你。也同样是很有才气的人。要好好珍惜缘分哦。加油。)We are married.

我们年底就要结婚了 At the end of the year we're getting married We will soon be joined in matrimony at the end of the year

I want to spend eternity with you. Let's get married.如果你对婚姻仍有恐惧,我等你。直到有一天你对我说:亲爱的,我们结婚吧。If you still have fear for marriage, I will wait for you, until one day you say to me:honey. let's get married.2. 我们结婚吧 英语怎么说 Let's ...

finally, we get married!终于我们结婚了

欧阳高15818242985问: "我们要结婚了"的英文怎么说怎么都说的不一样?I'll get married -
献县金石回答:[答案] We are going to get married. 相信我,我是老师

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们要结婚了的英文怎么写? -
献县金石回答: We want to get married

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们就快结婚了用英语怎么说? -
献县金石回答: We will soon get married……

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们结婚了英语怎么说 -
献县金石回答:[答案] We are married. We have got married.

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们结婚了.用英文要怎么写 -
献县金石回答: 你好,可写为:书面版:We`ve been married. 简单版:We got married. 口语版:We have been a couple. 满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

欧阳高15818242985问: 英语翻译,我们结婚了,we are married 和we got married 哪个正确? -
献县金石回答: 两个都对.只是, are更偏向于表示一种状态, got更侧重于结婚这个举动.

欧阳高15818242985问: ...get married就行么?不用再来 each other 什么的吧.呵呵我们很快就要结婚了 ( 很快用那个词翻译 )3 他们就要离婚了,因为感情已经破裂,无法挽回了.英... -
献县金石回答:[答案] Hegoing to be married .这样子翻译更好~

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们结婚啦,这句怎么翻译成英语 -
献县金石回答: 1. Lin Yifan & Li Xuan, We are getting married! 2. Lin Yifan & Li Xuan, A Happy Wedding. 第二个比较好, 第一个比较适合挂在婚车上.

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们结婚了英文怎么说? -
献县金石回答: we got married----------------------问题已回答,谢谢采纳!

欧阳高15818242985问: 我们结婚吧!这句话用英语怎么写? -
献县金石回答: We get married!我们这样翻译,我们(We)结婚(get married)

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