
作者&投稿:人使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大象是一种体型很大哺乳动物,它属于群居动物,它的鼻子、象牙都是具有自卫能力的,以下是大象的英语介绍:1、Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.大象是陆地上最大的动物。他们是大的和强壮的。2、They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and he...


This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color. You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant"...

1. Elephants are the largest terrestrial mammals in the world. They typically live in family units, although occasionally, several elephants come together to form herds numbering in the hundreds.2. Despite having a thick cortex, their skin is relatively thin, making them prone to mosq...

大象是世界上最大的陆生哺乳动物,通常是一个家族单位,有时几头大象聚集在一起形成数百头大象。The cortex is very thick, but the skin is very thin, so it is often used to prevent mosquitoes from biting.皮层很厚,但皮肤很薄,所以经常用来防止蚊虫叮咬。Ivory is an important weapon ...

adult elephants have no natural predators. They are, however, increasingly threatened by human intrusion and poaching.象是大型陆地哺乳累生物也是世界上最大的陆地动物. 它们拥有大耳朵, 粗腿和像树干一样的长鼻子. 健康的成年象没有天敌. 但是由于人类的入侵和杀戮,它们受到越来越严重的威胁....


大象有很多种类,不过我只知道四种:亚洲象、非洲象、刚果象、非洲森林象。大象的耳朵很大,有着犹如大蒲扇的耳朵,有着功能多的长鼻子和洁白美丽,又异常珍贵的牙齿,它的身上长了很多非常粗的汗毛,摸起来好扎人;最厉害的是大象的鼻子,就像我们的手一样灵活,拿东西根本不用它的前腿。(My favorite...

大象的英语作文【1】Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some niy kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk ...

您好,以下是本人找到的关于大象和黑猩猩的英文介绍,希望对您有帮助:大象:Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. ...

皮阮15613191955问: 用英语介绍大象的特点 4—5句话 -
桂东县甲磺回答:[答案] This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color.You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant"

皮阮15613191955问: 用英文介绍非洲大象 -
桂东县甲磺回答: elephant 英[ˈelɪfənt] 美[ˈɛləfənt] n. 象,大象; [例句]He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch's TheElephant Man. 他在大卫·林奇的电影《象人》中所拍摄的那些渲染气氛的黑白镜头受到了好评. [其他] 复数:elephants

皮阮15613191955问: 英语介绍大象 -
桂东县甲磺回答: Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow...

皮阮15613191955问: 用英语来描写大象 要4年级水平的 几句就可以了 -
桂东县甲磺回答: This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color. You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant"

皮阮15613191955问: 初一介绍大象的英语作文(好心人帮帮忙) 不少于80词要点提示:1 上周六.你和同学们去动物园,看到了大象; 2 大象是陆地上最大的动物.因为大,每天吃... -
桂东县甲磺回答:[答案] 1 last Saturday.You and schoolmates go to the zoo, saw the elephant; 2 elephants are on the land the biggest animal.Because big, every day eats many.The elephant must eat 100-1000 pound grass every da...

皮阮15613191955问: 用英语描写大象~简单一点..小学五年级的 -
桂东县甲磺回答: Elephant animal totem If the United States is Turtle Island, a continent supported on the back of a turtle, then India would be Elephant Island, a continent supported on the back of an elephant. Throughout the centuries, Indian tradition dictated that all...

皮阮15613191955问: 初中英语书面表达 写一篇有关大象的短文,50词左右.尽量是初中生能看懂的 顺便翻译一下就更好了 不要机译 -
桂东县甲磺回答: I like the elephant because it is very friendly. It usually lives in tropical jungle(热带雨林) in Asia and Africa.It has big eyes ,huge mouth and a quite long nose.Its legs look like tree trunks(树干) .It is vrey strong and the biggest animal on land.It eat ...

皮阮15613191955问: 用几句话描述大象(用英语) -
桂东县甲磺回答: The elephant has big ears like fans. Its nose is like the trunk of a tree. Its body is as strong as a wall. It is very heavy.

皮阮15613191955问: 大象的英文介绍要翻译 -
桂东县甲磺回答: Many Asian elephants live in india but you can find them in other countries as well.There are many elephants which work for people.There might be 35000 Asian elephants left in the wild.

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