
作者&投稿:永荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Briefed the African elephant and Asian elephant:Adult elephant in Africa is indeed tough, the general weight of 4 tons or more, the large, nearly 10 tons. In recent years, studies have shown that there are two kinds of the African elephant: the African elephant and the African ...

白兔 大象 小蚂蚁 写一个小短文
听说小蚂蚁要和大象比赛,动物们都一窝蜂地拥过来观看。裁判员一声令下,一大一小动物的比拼开始了。小蚂蚁朝大家硬撞过去,不但未伤大象一根毫毛,自己却被弹出了十米远。吃一堑,长一智,小蚂蚁想:对付这样的庞然大物,看来,只能想办法了。过了一会儿,小蚂蚁计上心来。他爬到了大象的 处,用触角、...




虎说:“老虎兄弟,我约兔子到你家,然后你就装死。兔子如果看 见你死了,一定会认为你真的死了。趁兔子不注意的时候,你就跳 起来把兔子咬死,然后我们一起瓜分了兔子的那块地。你说怎么样 ?”老虎说:“这真是个好主意!”于是大象下山去骗子上山。可怜的小兔子轻信了大象的花言巧语,跟着大象...

Elephant Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things.They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants reduces.People kill elephants for ...




曹秆15864623628问: 初中英语书面表达 写一篇有关大象的短文,50词左右.尽量是初中生能看懂的 顺便翻译一下就更好了 不要机译 -
青山区贝分回答: I like the elephant because it is very friendly. It usually lives in tropical jungle(热带雨林) in Asia and Africa.It has big eyes ,huge mouth and a quite long nose.Its legs look like tree trunks(树干) .It is vrey strong and the biggest animal on land.It eat ...

曹秆15864623628问: 写大象的英语的作文60字 -
青山区贝分回答: ElephantsElephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born.Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. ...

曹秆15864623628问: 介绍大象的英语作文初一的作文 -
青山区贝分回答: Elephant This is an elephant. It is big. It has two big ears. It has a long nose. It has four strong legs. It can help the people. It can water the flowers with its nose. It likes bananas. I like elephants.

曹秆15864623628问: 用英语写大象1.大象的鼻子像蛇 2.大象耳朵像扇子 3.大象腿像树 4.大象尾巴像粗绳 -
青山区贝分回答:[答案] 1.大象的鼻子像蛇 = Elephant's nose likes the snake 2.大象耳朵像扇子 = The elephant ear likes the fan 3.大象腿像树 = The elephant leg likes the tree 4.大象尾巴像粗绳 = The elephant tail likes the thick rope

曹秆15864623628问: 用英语来描写大象 要4年级水平的 几句就可以了 -
青山区贝分回答: This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color. You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant"

曹秆15864623628问: 描写大象的英语作文 不少于30个单词快~ -
青山区贝分回答:[答案] In the beauty of nature,there are many cute little animal and animal,among them,I like elephants.An elephant's very large,even... 在美丽的大自然里,有许多可爱的小动物和大动物,其中,我最喜欢大象. 大象的体形非常巨大,连狮子和老虎也怕它.它四...

曹秆15864623628问: 初一介绍大象的英语作文(好心人帮帮忙) 不少于80词要点提示:1 上周六.你和同学们去动物园,看到了大象; 2 大象是陆地上最大的动物.因为大,每天吃... -
青山区贝分回答:[答案] 1 last Saturday.You and schoolmates go to the zoo, saw the elephant; 2 elephants are on the land the biggest animal.Because big, every day eats many.The elephant must eat 100-1000 pound grass every da...

曹秆15864623628问: 描写大象的英语作文 不少于30个单词快快快~谢谢啦 -
青山区贝分回答: In the beauty of nature, there are many cute little animal and animal, among them, I like elephants. An elephant's very large, even lions and tigers are afraid of it. Its limbs heavy, run slowly, but it has a long nose, and heavy things it can lift, the ear ...

曹秆15864623628问: 一篇描写大象生活习性的英语作文 80词 -
青山区贝分回答:[答案] elephant Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any...

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