
作者&投稿:寿南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

描写大象的英语作文 不少于30个单词快快快~谢谢啦
how I want to see an elephant drinking water! I like elephants, more like nature, I hope to remain forever in the nature of beauty in the world.中:在美丽的大自然里,有许多可爱的小动物和大动物,其中,我最喜欢大象。大象的体形非常巨大,连狮子和老虎也怕它。它四肢笨重,跑起来很...

大象的外貌描写 (英语)
Elephants Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large...

用英语介绍大象的特点 4—5句话
This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color. You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant" 希望帮到你 望采纳 ...

The elephant is the biggest four�legged animal in the world. It is also, perhaps, the gentlest , but not always!Elephants are like us in some ways. They live for a long time ― fifty or sixty years. They can remember things very well. They never forget great ...

描写大象的英语作文 不少于30个单词快快快~谢谢啦
The elephant is Vevery strong and big .给你个开头,自己慢慢想吧,可以从它的喜好、外表来写。自己也要动脑筋啊。孩子,事事都得靠自己!

您好,以下是本人找到的关于大象和黑猩猩的英文介绍,希望对您有帮助:大象:Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. ...

There are two major kinds of elephants – African and Indian. You can tell them apart pretty easily by their size. The African elephant has a larger body and big, floppy ears, while the Indian elephant is a little smaller and has small, stubby ears.· I live on the continent...

2. 正文:大象是当今陆地上最大的动物,刚出生时体重约90公斤,高约1米。到了12岁,它们的体高就不再增加,超过3米。大象通常呈灰色,拥有长鼻子和显著的象牙。它们以群居和相互照应为特点,是温和的生物。3. 正文(续):多年来,人们利用大象的力气来移动树木和重物。作为人类完成许多难以想象的...

我喜欢大象的英语怎么写 我喜欢大象 I like elephants 我喜欢大象 I like elephants 我喜欢大象 I like elephants 以我喜欢冬天写一篇不少于5句的英文短文 My favorite food are vegetables.I eat them every day.As we know, vegetables can give us a lot of vitamins and cellulose....

请描述一下你对大象的认识 写一篇60词的文章(英语)
Elephant is the largest animal on land today.It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born.When it is 12 years old,it studs over three meters and does not grow any more.Elephant is usually grey in color,having a long trunk with large ivory tusks ...

展肾19753085524问: 用英语介绍大象的特点 4—5句话 -
孝感市正天回答:[答案] This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color.You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant"

展肾19753085524问: 大象的特点用英语怎么说最好写完英文翻译中文 -
孝感市正天回答:[答案] The characters of elephants

展肾19753085524问: 用英语描写大象~简单一点..小学五年级的 -
孝感市正天回答: Elephant animal totem If the United States is Turtle Island, a continent supported on the back of a turtle, then India would be Elephant Island, a continent supported on the back of an elephant. Throughout the centuries, Indian tradition dictated that all...

展肾19753085524问: 写出大象的特点 (写英文) -
孝感市正天回答: big ,storng ,has a long nose ,has a pair of big ears,has four storng legs that like four pillars

展肾19753085524问: 大象的英文名字和外貌特征 -
孝感市正天回答: elephant,大象是目前最大的陆生哺乳动物,体型庞大,灰色的体肤,有长鼻,两根象牙,四肢粗大.

展肾19753085524问: 急需一篇初二的写大象的英语作文,主要写大象的外貌特征,它的特长和不善长的等等…… -
孝感市正天回答: Elephant Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things.They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants...

展肾19753085524问: 五种动物的特点,记住,用英语说! -
孝感市正天回答: 大象(Elephant)可爱(Cute) 猴子聪明(Smart monkey) 兔子顽皮(Naughty rabbit) 猫安静(Quiet Cat) 猪贪吃(Greedy pig)

展肾19753085524问: 怎样用英语形容一种动物,5句话,最好简单一些 -
孝感市正天回答: Cat is a small animal. Cat is cute. Cat eats fish. Cat likes sleep. Cat plays at night. Cat walks cat walk.

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