
作者&投稿:莱详 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.有个年轻人,姓叶,非常喜欢龙.他在屋里里面了许多许多龙。这屋子都快成了龙的世界。A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeply moved. He wan...

in the wine pot, the wine class is engraving the dragon, on eave room is carving the dragon pattern design. He likes dragon takeing a ply like this, is known after by the space real dragon,

是叶公非好龙也,好夫似龙而飞龙者。翻译结果 Original text: Leaf son Gao Haolong, the hook writes the dragon, chisels writes the dragon, the room room carves Wen Yixie the dragon. Therefore day Long Wen under it, peeps in window, Shi Weiyu hall. Ye Gong sees it, abandons ...

强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.

龙马精神和叶公好龙的英语是leaf male be fond of dragon 和 dragon...
不是,叶公好龙 Lord Ye’s Love of the Dragon 龙马精神The vigour of a dragon or horse

谁知道“叶公好龙 ”的成语故事啊?
英文: professed love of what one actually fears 故事: 春秋时期,楚国叶地诸侯子弟沈诸梁自称叶公,他特别喜欢龙,他的屋梁、柱子、门窗及所有家具甚至连衣服上都雕刻或绣制龙的图案。天上的真龙得知后,专程去探望叶公,从窗户上探进头去。叶公一见真龙,吓得魂不附体,连忙逃跑 常用度: 高 ...

Lord Ye’s dubious love for Dragon

叶公好龙 [词典] Lord Ye professed to love dragons. (A Lord Ye of ancient times who was ve...;Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was scared out of his wits when a real one appeared.; Lord Ye's love of dragons; professed love of what one really fears;[例句...

◎ 咳,叶公好龙,只不过是神话传说,那还定个'龙年'呢。"【英文翻译】lord ye who chaimed to be fond of dragons was scared out of his wits when a real one appeared.【谜语】倾古雄才爱中华 【成语故事】春秋时期,楚国叶地诸侯子弟沈诸梁自称叶公,他特别喜欢龙,他的屋梁、柱子、...


史忽19613627875问: 叶公好龙英语短文填空 -
东坡区强力回答: 原文:叶公子高好龙,钩以写龙,凿以写龙,屋室雕文以写龙.于是天龙闻而下之,窥头于牖,施尾于堂.叶公见之,弃而还走,失其魂魄,五色无主. 是叶公非好龙也,好夫似龙而飞龙者. 翻译结果 Original text: Leaf son Gao Haolong, the hook wr...

史忽19613627875问: 谁有叶公好龙的译文,急!!! -
东坡区强力回答: Professed love of what one really fears(叶公好龙) In the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), there lived in Chu a person named Ye Zhuliang, who addressed himself as “Lord Ye”. It's said that this Lord Ye was very fond of dragons. The ...

史忽19613627875问: 一百词的英语故事30篇急急急急急急 -
东坡区强力回答: 英语故事:叶公好龙 Lord Ye's Love of the Dragon There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons very much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeply moved. He ...

史忽19613627875问: 关于龙的故事 ..英语的 -
东坡区强力回答: 叶公好龙 Professed love of what one really fears Long ago, there was a person named Chu Zhuliang who addressed himself as "Lord Ye." It was said that this Lord Ye was very fond of dragons. The walls of his house had dragons painted on ...

史忽19613627875问: 叶公好龙的内容用英语表达 -
东坡区强力回答: 译成英语为: ye gong loves dragons very much你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮你

史忽19613627875问: 英语翻译就翻译这个成语就行 -
东坡区强力回答:[答案] 叶公好龙professed love of what one actually fearsfalse respect Lord Ye professed to love dragons.(A Lord Ye of ancient times who was very fond of dragons adorned his whole palace -- beams,pillars,door...

史忽19613627875问: 高三英语五句话作文叶公好龙 -
东坡区强力回答: Long long ago there lived a man named Yegong who had a strong taste in dragons,so he dressed himself with dragon pattens on the clothes,also he had his desks,chairs,pillars and walls painted with them.The real dradon in heaven heard about this...

史忽19613627875问: 英语翻译翻译叶公好龙叶公好龙,室中雕文尽以为龙.于是天龙闻而下之,窥头于牖,拖尾于堂.叶公见之,弃而还走,失其魂魄,五神无主.是叶公非好龙也,... -
东坡区强力回答:[答案] 叶公喜欢龙,衣带钩、酒器上刻着龙,居室里雕镂装饰的也是龙.他这样爱龙,被天上的真龙知道后,便从天上下降到叶公家里,龙头搭在窗台上探望,龙尾伸到了厅堂里.叶公一看是真龙,转身就跑,吓的他像失了魂似的,惊恐万状,不能控制自己 ....

史忽19613627875问: 英语翻译:叶公好龙 -
东坡区强力回答: 叶公好龙 professed love of what one actually fears false respect Lord Ye professed to love dragons. (A Lord Ye of ancient times who was very fond of dragons adorned his whole palace -- beams, pillars, doors, windows and walls -- with drawings ...

史忽19613627875问: 英语翻译叶公好龙叶公子高好龙,钩以写龙,凿以写龙,屋室雕文以写龙.于是天龙问而下之,窥头于牖,施尾于堂.叶公见之,弃而还走,失其魂魄,五色为... -
东坡区强力回答:[答案] 有一位姓叶的公子很喜欢龙.他身上佩戴的钩剑,凿刀等武器上都饰有龙纹,家里的梁柱门窗上都雕着龙,墙上也画着龙.于是天上的真龙听说了,就降落到叶家来看.它把头伸到窗户里,尾巴伸到堂屋里.叶公子看见了真龙,吓得魂不附体,脸上的神色...

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