
作者&投稿:雕彬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He braced every nerve for a supreme effort.全力以赴英语怎么说 我决定全力以赴找个住的地方。I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.逆境是促使我们全力以赴的催化剂。Adversity is the catalyst that forces us to stretch.他们必须全力以赴把工作完成。They have ...


go to all lengths; call forth all one's energy; dedicate oneself to; devote every effort to例句1. The team is going all out to win the championship. 这支队伍将全力以赴夺取冠军。2. We're working at full blast to complete the order before the holidays. 我们正全力以赴,...

全力以赴 do someone's best exaust (someone's) all resources I will do my best. 我会全力以赴.

全力以赴 [quán lì yǐ fù]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?_百度...
[全力以赴]相关成语 不遗余力 全心全意 尽心尽力 敷衍了事 竭尽全力 *** 俱全 [全力以赴]成语接龙 全力以赴 赴汤投火 火耨刀耕 耕当问奴 奴颜媚骨 骨化风成 查看更多 [全力以赴]英文翻译 do all one can [全力以赴]相关搜寻 全力以赴的近义词 全力以赴的赴字开头的成语 ...

全力以赴:1. spare no effor.2. for a supreme effort.例句与用法:他振作精神准备全力以赴。He braced every nerve for a supreme effort.


hhj来源于英文缩写,意为"Hold High and Jump",翻译为中文是“高举并跳”。这个词常见于校园文化中,特别是体育竞赛中,意味着要充分发扬个人实力和团队协作,全力以赴去实现目标。在这个运动中,选手要勇往直前,不怕跌倒,以迎接下一个挑战。因此,hhj代表了冒险、勇气和毅力等特质,这些...

竭尽全力 双语例句:Because it's important to the atmospheric system, we go to all lengths to study this thing.因为它对大气系统很重要,我们长期研究这个分子;In order to overfulfil the plan, we are prepared to go to all lengths.为了超额完成计划,我们都准备全力以赴。

The term "go to all lengths" refers to making every possible effort, pushing oneself to the limit in pursuit of a goal. In the context of a sports team, for instance, "The team is going all out to win the championship" signifies that they are leaving no stone unturned and ...

秘政15831239367问: 全力以赴英语翻译 -
舞阳县阿莫回答: get all out

秘政15831239367问: 全力以赴用英语怎么说 -
舞阳县阿莫回答: 全力以赴 do someone's best exaust (someone's) all resources I will do my best. 我会全力以赴.

秘政15831239367问: 全力以赴 译为英文应该是? -
舞阳县阿莫回答: 全力以赴 [词性]:v.vt.vi.vt.adv.adv.adv.vt.vt.vi.adv. [拼音]:quán lì yǐ fù [解释]:go all out; buckle down ; concentrate upon ; do her possible ; do his possible ; do my possible ; do our possible ; do their possible ; do your possible ; go all out ; go for ...

秘政15831239367问: “脚踏实地,全力以赴”翻译为英文 -
舞阳县阿莫回答: 脚踏实地 down-to-earth 全力以赴 spare no pains

秘政15831239367问: too much to do anything less than their best怎么能翻译为全力以赴? -
舞阳县阿莫回答: too much to do anything less than their best 里面有个“too ……to ……”结构,意思是“太……而不能……”,所以里面含有否定的意思.因此...

秘政15831239367问: GO+TO+ALL+LENGTHS+TODO+THE+BEST+释成英文是甚么
舞阳县阿莫回答: 全力以赴,力争做到最好!gotoany/some/great/alllengthstodosth表示”不顾1切,不遗余力之意.dothebest表示“做到最好”

秘政15831239367问: 务必全力以赴的英文怎么写 -
舞阳县阿莫回答: 你好.务必全力以赴 翻译成英语是:Must go all out.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

秘政15831239367问: 倾尽全力 英语 -
舞阳县阿莫回答: try one's best (to do sth.) go out of one's way (to do sth.)go all out 全力以赴

秘政15831239367问: pull out all the stops 全力以赴的意思 ? 为什么英文解释是 make a special efforts? -
舞阳县阿莫回答: 你可以从字面意思来理解把所有的stop都推出去,就是什么都不能使你停下,毫不犹豫全力以赴

秘政15831239367问: 全力以赴不间断用英语说 -
舞阳县阿莫回答: interruption才是名词哟 但是我个人认为 break 好些,全力以赴是种用尽全力去努力的状态,break是休息,暂停,觉得和这里比较对应,且词义简洁明了,感觉还有点押韵呢~~

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