
作者&投稿:菜娟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、人称的变化 直接引语在转换成间接引语时,人称的变化规则是:一随主,二随宾,三不变。1) 一随主:即直接引语中的代词是第一人称时,在间接引语中必须和主句的主语相一致。例如:Tom says, “I’m from America.” 汤姆说:“我来自美国。”→Tom says (that) he is from America. 汤姆说...

2b. 读文章并回答问题。中国和美国家庭,共同的问题是什么?关于这个问题,谁提出了他们的看法?或许你应该学会放松 如今,中国孩子有时在周末比工作日还要忙,因为他们不得不上那么多的课外补习课。他们 中的许多人在学习考试技巧,以便他们能进入一所好的高中,随后上一所好大学。其他人在训练体育,以...

八年级下册英语 人教版新目标 Unit 4 作文
八年级英语下册P30页:参考答案一:Dear Bob,I got my report card today.Well, I did OK this time. I was very glad to hear that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. However, I still had some troubles in learning histo...

八年级下册英语unit4 she said helping others changed her life...
Life in the mountains was a new experience for Yang Lei,Her village was 2000 meters above sea level,and at first the thin air made her feel sick.The food was very simple——teachers ate porridge three times a day.Fortunately,Yang Lei's mother agreed with her daughter's decisio...

下面是我为大家精心推荐的人教版八年级下册英语单词表,希望能够对您有所帮助。 1-3单元 1Unit 1 What's the matter? 1 matter n.问题,事情 2 What's the matter ? 怎么了? 出什么事了? 3 sore adj.疼痛的,酸痛的 4 have a cold 感冒 5 stomachache n.胃痛,腹痛 6 have a stomach...

八年级下册英语unit4 3a翻译
八年级下册英语unit43a翻译 我来答有奖励 小贝童鞋_LV.1 2020-04-09聊聊 亲爱的亨特先生:我的问题是不能和家人相处好.我父母间的关系已经变得很艰难.他们常打架,而我不喜欢这样.打架是他们唯一的交流.我不知道是否我应该对他们谈这些.当他们争论的时候,屋里就像被一团庞大的黑云笼罩.同时,我的...

英语新目标八年级下册 Unit4 30页 3A翻译

人教版八年级下册英语知识点2 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean the city parks 短语归纳 1.clean up 打扫干净 2.cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 3.give out 分发 4. used to 曾经...;过去... 5.give away 赠送;捐赠 6.set up 建立;设立 7.make a difference 8.come up with 想出 9.put off...

新版人教版新目标八年级下册第四单元A部分3a的翻译 P27 3a 课文基本意思,仅供参考。亲爱的亨特先生:我的问题是我不能与家人和睦相处。与父母之间的关系很紧张。他们经常打架,我真的不喜欢他们这样。这是他们唯一的交流方式。我不知道该对他们说什么。每当他们争吵时,就像一片巨大的黑云悬在我...

the student also have a part in thes activites;they have to say good things about themselves at school.“

齐封19548591792问: 人教版英语八年级下册第四单元 -
田家庵区爱米回答: Last night on "Young Lives",it was an exciting night. There was a surprising party. Lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to Marcia's house on Friday night. Marcia was still very glad. Then they went to the park outside Marcia's house....

齐封19548591792问: 新目标八年级下册英语unit4While You Read
田家庵区爱米回答: She said helping others changed her life. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. However, it changed the life of Yang Lei from Beijing. The Peking University graduate first went ...

齐封19548591792问: 人教版八年级下英语unit4重点 -
田家庵区爱米回答: 即直接引语中的代词是第三人称时,advise sb,情况如下.” →He offered to help me.” He said the boy.【注意】如果间接引语是由that引导的两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句.如, “How many bowl of rice did you have.例如, suggest. 4、地...

齐封19548591792问: 新目标八年级下册Unit4直接引语变间接引语 初二英语下册
田家庵区爱米回答: I asked where they shoped on the way.

齐封19548591792问: 八年级下册英语(新目标)Unit4 Section A 3b -
田家庵区爱米回答: Marcia was go to have a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. She went shopping to buy nice things for Lana. Lana arrived with drinks and snacks at Marcia's house at 7 o'clock. She was sad when she found the door was not open. She ...

齐封19548591792问: 新目标八年级英语下册Unit4 -
田家庵区爱米回答: Dear grandma, How's it going?I hope that grandpa is well now.I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.I hope you are in good health. Things are fine here.I finish my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today.I always get ...

齐封19548591792问: 新目标八年级英语下册unit4 Section3 After you read (快!答得好有悬赏.) -
田家庵区爱米回答:[答案] Section 3 3c 范文: Yang Lei,a Peking University graduate,went to a poor mountain villige as a volunteer.Her parents agreed with her decision.Yang Lei lived and studied with the students together.They got on well with each other.Though it was ( hard ...

齐封19548591792问: 八年级下册英语 人教版新目标 Unit 4 Section B 3B的那个小作文怎么写? -
田家庵区爱米回答:[答案] Dear Mary, I got my report card today.I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail.But luckily,I did OK this time.My math teacher said I was hard-working.Another disappointing result was in history.My history teacher said I could do ...

齐封19548591792问: 人教版初二英语下UNIT4 while you read 翻译(有解析更好) -
田家庵区爱米回答:[答案] 原文:She said helping others changed her life.Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you.However,it changed the life of Yang Lei from Bei...

齐封19548591792问: 人教版八年级下政治复习提纲第四单元 -
田家庵区爱米回答: 第四单元 我们崇尚公平和正义 第九课 我们崇尚公平 1、你认为什么是公平?(p100--101) *不公平的危害性有哪些? 答:P102第一段(人们在社会合作交往中,……影响社会的长治久安) 2、公平对于社会稳定和发展有哪些作用?(p102) ...

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