英语新目标八年级下册 Unit4 30页 3A翻译

作者&投稿:党黄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
八年级下册英语unit4 3a翻译~

亲爱的奶奶: 近来可好?我希望爷爷身体现在好了!听说他上周感冒了,我很难过.盼望你也身体健康. 我们这一切都好.我上周考完了年末考试,今天也拿到成绩报告书了.一直以来当我收到学校的信封时,我都会紧张,但幸运的是我这次完成得还好.这学期我在科学方面赶紧真的很难,所以报告中科学老师的汇报最糟糕我也不意外了,她说我很懒,其实并不是这样的,我真的觉得科学很难!另一门很失望的科目就是历史了,我的历史老师说我可以做得更好.好消息是数学老师说我很刻苦,而我的西班牙老师则说我的听力挺好. 好了,以上是我目前的所有消息。爸爸妈妈爱你们。 艾伦敬上


Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?1. turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗 turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮)turn off 关(开关、按钮)2. not at all 一点也不 3. right away = in a minute 立刻,马上 4. do\/wash the dishes 洗碗 5. ...

新目标八年级下册英语第八单元短语 至少要150个 还有要翻译
1. fall asleep 入睡 2. give… away 赠送;分发 3. rather than 宁愿…而不是,胜于 4. would do…rather than do宁愿…不愿做 5. hear of… 听说 6. make friends with 和……交友 7. photo album 像册 8. too personal 太私人化 9. not interesting\\special \\cr...

1.fall asleep 入睡 2.give… away 赠送;分发 3.rather than 宁愿…而不是,胜于 4.would do…rather than do宁愿…不愿做 5.hear of… 听说 6.make friends with 和……交友 7.photo album 像册 8.too personal 太私人化 9.not interesting\\special \\creative enough不够有...

英语新目标八年级下册9单元read 有哪些词组
across China 15.在舞台上on stage 16.各种年龄层all age groups 17.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth 18.取得进步make progress 19.奥委会the Olympic Committee 20.从…中得到乐趣have fun with sth 21.讲本族语的人native speakers 22.使某要对某事感兴趣make sb interested in ...

Most of us may have heard of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many other famous Disney characters. Maybe we even saw them in the movies. But have you ever been to Disneyland? In fact, there are several different Disneyland in the world.我们中的大多数人可能都听说过米老鼠,唐老鸭...

I'm talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon, here students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. ...

2012-03-02 go for it(新目标英语)八年级下要学什么时态和重要语... 4 2013-06-29 新目标英语八年级下册语法 8 2018-01-17 初二下英语新目标会学到什么语法,时态 1 2012-11-23 新目标英语到八年级第六单元为止 都学了哪些时态啊? 2013-08-16 哪位仁兄有人教版新目标八年级下册的语法点?求教啊...

Unit 6 collect 收集 shell 贝壳 marathon (体育比赛中)马拉松比赛 pair 一对 skate 溜冰鞋 since 自从 Hilltop School 一学校名称, 可译为山顶学校 raise 筹集 several 几个的 skater 溜冰者 stamp 邮票 kite 风筝 monster 怪物 globe 球状物 anyone 任何人 run out of 用完 store 储存 cake 蛋糕...

新目标英语八年级下册语法 要新目标的,要划分那个单元的,答好有加分~... 要新目标的,要划分那个单元的,答好有加分~ 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?匿名用户 2013-06-14 展开全部 unit1要点详解1. —Will kids go to school? —Kids won’t go to school. They’ll ...

求新目标八下Unit 8 2b课文原文翻译
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枞钱氯屈: She said helping others changed her life. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. However, it changed the life of Yang Lei from Beijing. The Peking University graduate first went ...

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枞钱氯屈: 3a 近来一切可好?但愿爷爷现在康复了.听到他上周感冒了我很遗憾.希望你们的身体都健健康康的. 这儿一切都好.我上周参加期末考,今天已经拿到成绩报告单.在邮箱里看到学校发过来的信件时,我总是觉得好紧张.幸好这次我干得还算不错.这学期的自然科学课程对我来说确实很难,所以,这一门课的老师给了我所有学科里最差的评价我一点也不吃惊.自然科学的老师说我很懒,但这不是真的.我真的觉得自然科学很难学.另外,我的历史考得也不好.我的历史老师说我可以考得更好的.好消息来了,数学老师说我很勤奋,西班牙语老师说我的听力很好.好了,这些就是我想告诉你们的所有消息.老爸老妈让我向你们问好.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

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枞钱氯屈:[答案] Dear Mary, I got my report card today.I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail.But luckily,I did OK this time.My math teacher said I was hard-working.Another disappointing result was in history.My history teacher said I could do ...

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枞钱氯屈: Marcia was go to have a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. She went shopping to buy nice things for Lana. Lana arrived with drinks and snacks at Marcia's house at 7 o'clock. She was sad when she found the door was not open. She ...

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枞钱氯屈: Dear grandma, How's it going?I hope that grandpa is well now.I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.I hope you are in good health. Things are fine here.I finish my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today.I always get ...

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