八年级下册英语 人教版新目标 Unit 4 作文

作者&投稿:井标 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
八年级下册英语 人教版新目标 Unit 4 Section A 3B和4的小作文怎么写?~

Marcia was go to have a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. She went shopping to buy nice things for Lana. Lana arrived with drinks and snacks at Marcia’s house at 7 o’clock. She was sad when she found the door was not open. She waited for half an hour, cold and hungry. 10 more minutes passed. Lana called everyone and asked them where Marcia was. Nobody was sure where she was. Lana became mad at Marcia. While she was walking back home she suddenly found Marcia lying on the street. She ran to ask her what had happened to her. Marcia told Lana that she was going to die. Lana called the police, and asked for help. At hospital Marcia got better. She told Lana that she had been too excited for the party that she fell down on the street with the things that she had bought. Lana told Marcia that she wasn’t mad at her anymore, and that she would go to Marcia’s house on Saturday night. However, Marcia said that she wasn’t going to have the party because she was too ill to stand up.

Last night on "Young Lives",it was an exciting night. There was a surprising party. Lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to Marcia's house on Friday night. Marcia was still very glad. Then they went to the park outside Marcia's house. Marcia and Lana were surprised to see their classmates. They smiled. Then every student took out their gifts. They laughed,ate and drank.How happy they are!

Last night on"Young Lives",Marcia was mad at Lana.The next day, Ben told Lana that Marcia was mad at her.So,Lana went to Marcia's house and said sorry to her.Then,Marcia got over Lana.And she would have the party again on Friday.Ben called everyone again,and told them that Marcia got over Lana,Marcia would have a party again on Friday.


Dear Bob,
I got my report card today.Well, I did OK this time. I was very glad to hear that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. However, I still had some troubles in learning history and science. My history said I could do better, and my science teacher said I was a lazy student. In a word, I think I need to study hard in the next semester.

Dear uncle,
I got my report card today. Luckily I did well in the exam this time. To my surprise, my best report was from my math teacher. He said I was hard-working and I found math really interesting. But a disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The worst report was from my science teacher. He said I was a lazy student. In fact, I found it difficult. The good news is that my Spanish teacher said my speaking was very good.
Well, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.

Dear mother,

I got my report card today. My math teacher said that I was hard working. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My history is not so good. The teacher said I should do better. My science teacher said I was a lazy student.I 'll have to try harder at science.



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