
作者&投稿:鲁孔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【解析】先行词是the boy,指人,定语从句中缺少made的主语,故选择who. 37. —Which is your new neighbour, Liu Hua? —The man ___ T-shirt is red. A. that B. who C. which D. whose 【答案】D 【解析】先行词是the man,指人,定语从句中缺少T-shirt 的定语,故选择whose. 38. —Do you kno...

首先,第一题考查的不是从句,而是考查代词用法,因为空格之后没有动词,所以不能构成句子。第一题选B,that指代的是 the life,表示与前面的名词life 是同一类。句意:他想过一种与他的父母不同的生活。第二题选B,是定语从句,修饰前面的名词majors,因为从句缺少主语,且先行词majors指物,所以用...

since稍正式一些。3) 由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。4)当because引导的从句与否定的主句连用,而主句又位于句首时,之前不用逗号,因为主句动词否定的是其后的全部内容。为了突出 because从句,becaus...

13. A. 因为替代不可数名词 (the bread) 只能用that,排除B和D;又因为先行词that (the bread)在定语从句中作buy的宾语,用which,所以选A。14. D. 当定语从句的先行词前有such, so, as等词语时,由as引导,并且as在定语从句中作主语或宾语,as在此题中作dream of的宾语。注意:在表示“如此...

解析:答案分别是(1) A (2) A\/D。先行词与where, when概念一致时,是定语从句,(2)中的house与where同表地点,且这个关系副词where或when可以用“介词+which”的形式代替,所以答案A 和D都可以引导。(1)题中的question与where不表同一概念,可见是同位语从句,所以where不能改用“介词+which”的形式。18It is ...

【试题答案】1. C Susan 正是我认为作了好事的那位女孩。先行词the very girl在从句中做think的宾语,同时又是后面宾语从句did the good deed.的主语,所以关系词不能用whom 2. C 定语从句___ he could buy a train ticket.修饰先行词money:用这笔钱买火车票。关系词前面需要加介词:with...

54D (WHERE 定语从句)55D 第三十题:30.The watch he ___ went wrong again.A. had to be mended B. has mended C. had had mended D. had been mended 答案解析:首先可以确定,先行词在从句充当宾语,因此引导限制性定语从句关系代词THAT ,WHICH 可以省略,因此只需要把从句,主语...

以下是三个关于结果状语从句的考题解析:1. 在2007年上海的考题中,题目是评估流行音乐在社会中的重要性,以至于它甚至影响了我们的语言。正确选项为B,"such"与"that"连用,引导的结果状语从句表达的是"如此重要以至于…",即"It was such an important part of society that it has even influenced ...

1A 此题考察what引导名词性从句的用法。在此题中what引导主语从句,同时在从句中充当主语。2.B 通过对句子的分析可知,believe it or not是插入语,在此句中that引导的是the story的同位语从句。3.D 通过对句子的分析可知,此题需要选一词来引导表语从句,而从句中的明显缺少宾语,故只能what用来...

[考题1] — Mom, what did the doctor say?— He advised me to live ___ the air is fresher. (2006四川)A. in where B. in which C. the place where D. where[答案] D[解析] where引导修饰谓语live的地点状语从句。[考题2] In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send ...

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句练习题~1.___B - you don't like him is none of my business.A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether2.It's uncertain(不确定) - __C____ - the exhibition will... -
独山县天麻回答:[答案] 第一题选C.从句部分为You don't like him.由于从句部分为陈述句,故引导词用that;第二题选C.这个是由it做形式主语的主语从句,句首的it是形式主语,句子真正的主语是whether the exhibition will be hold in Shanghai....

迪琬13474186072问: 从句做主语的练习1:what is clear is that( )2:what is know to all is that ()3:what he said was ()4:what she told me was ()帮我做以上练习题 -
独山县天麻回答:[答案] 1:What is clear is that everyboby is angry with Japan now. 2:What is known to all is that the Diaoyu Island belongs to China. 3:What he said was that we should not buy Japanese goods. 4:What she told me was about the boycott of Japanese goods.

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句练习题,求一些大神给解决一下~11. It's - ___ - he'll be able to come. D A. doubt whether B. doubtfulC. doubt it D. doubtful whether 12. It is - ___ - ... -
独山县天麻回答:[答案] 11.选D.It's doubtful whether...是固定句式,意思是怀疑他是不是能够来.Doubt还有其他的用法一般是:1)It's no doubt that(表示对XX事情会怎样怎样毫不怀疑);2)I doubt that...(表示我怀疑XXXX会怎样怎样).doubt是动词/名词,doubtful是形容词....

迪琬13474186072问: 高一必修3主语从句的练习题和讲解
独山县天麻回答: 1.who will pick him up 2.which class will win the football match 3.whtether he can buy a flight ticket 4.how we are going there 5.what you have told me 6.when he will go abroad 7.why he is crying 8.that he is a begger 9.who you will invite 10.where we are holding the basketball match

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句的练习题, 7.I am sure that - ___ - she said is wrong. -
独山县天麻回答:[选项] A. which B. all C. this D. what

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句练习题~有木有大神能给个详细点的解析~在线等!3. we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where4. he ... -
独山县天麻回答:[答案] 3 B. 在句首的主语从句不能用 if 引导 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 B 10 A

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句的题,15.____ - is a pity that he should feel so upset.DA.What B.That C.He D.It16.____ - a spoonful of soil can tell us so much about the structure and ... -
独山县天麻回答:[答案] 15.D 16.C 这两题类型是一样的.It is.that. that引导的是主语从句(真正意义上的主语),而It只是形式主语

迪琬13474186072问: 课堂需要,请大家罗列一个主语从句选择题,并写明答案和解析,解析要越详细越好,谢谢大家帮忙
独山县天麻回答: 1、____is well known is that China is becoming more and more influential in the world today. A、It B、There C、 That D、What答案:What简析:What 引导主语从句,并作从句主语,作know 的逻辑宾语;或者说做be well known 的主语.另外...

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句的练习题, 3.____ - we have achieved is attributed to the guidance of our parents. -
独山县天麻回答:[选项] A. Whoever B. Whatever C. However D. That

迪琬13474186072问: 主语从句的题,17.____ - you nominate will be elected.AA.Who B.Which C.Whomever D.That's 18.____ - book you borrow must be returned within a week.... -
独山县天麻回答:[答案] 17. 感觉更应该选C.不论你提名谁都会当选. 18. 不论你借那本书都要在一周内返还.


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