
作者&投稿:费嘉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初一下学期英语题目 高悬赏问题 要求全部完成 写题号 去速度最快准确率高者~

6,go home
7, last night
8, too late
9, forget the time
10, next time


1.this is our English friend, Amy.
2. Ling Ling dropped her book.
3. When did your father come back?
4. Did you come back yesterday
5. He went to London last week

with up at for in



to, with
for, in


1.we(had )a music (class )yesterday.l liked it very much 注意时态
the t(welfth )month of the year is Dember 十二月是第十二个月而不是第十个

1. is not
2. did do
3. enjoyed themselves
5. What did play


1.had … class
2.learn from
3.thousands of
4.was born

1. seldom
3. twelfth
4. temperature
5. expensive

2. 这题有没有打错呢?貌似有点问题啊~
3. first
4. listening
5. began

一。1,was not;2,did do;3,enjoyed themselves;4,can't;5,what did do;
三。1,had…class;2,learn from;3,thousands of;4,was born;5,silent;
五。1,dangerous;2,doing anything;3,first;4,listening;5,began;

1.Jim is at home(改为否定句)
Jim( is )(not )at home yesterday

2.He (sang an English song)yesterday(对括号部分提问)
what( did )he( do )yesterday

3.They had a good time at the party last night(改为同义句)
they(had )(fun )at the party last night

4.He can swim now(改为否定句)
he (can't )swim when he was 7 years old

5.they(played basketball)on the piayground yesterday afternoon.(对括号部分提问)
( What )( did )they(do )on the playground yesterday afternoon?

1.S(eptember ) is the ninth month of the year
2.can you r( ead ) some of Li Bai's poems?
3.tomorrow is Michael's birthday.I'm going to buy a book for him as a p( resent )
4.you should tell him the t(ruth ),he is an honest man
5.the fish is very d(elicious ).l like it very much
thank you

be born,have … class,happen,learn from,thousands of,silent,breath
1.we(have )a music (class )yesterday.l liked it very much
2.we should ( learn from ) Lei Feng,and prepare to help others all the time
3.every year (thousands of )people get hurt or die in road accidents
4.my father (was born )in the country,but he lives in the city now
5.steve made a (silent ) wish on his birthday , and then he blew out the candles in one breath,    

1.they s( ) watch TV these day,because they're busy preparing for the final exam
2.l don't b(elieve ) you!he is from Yunnan,not Guangxi.l'm sure about it
3.the t(enth )month of the year is Dember
4.Tianjing will be fine and the high t(emperature ) will stay above 0 ℃
5.“E( )”is annther way of saying "dear"

1.what will you do when you are in _danger___(dangerous)
l'll call 110
2.he was there for a long time come____(do sometime)
3.we all know work must come_first___(one)
4.thanks for_listening__(listen) to my talk
5.l_began__(begin) to study English two years ago

一 1:is not 2:did he 3:were happy 4:cannot 5:what did do
二 1:September 2:read 3:present 4:truth 5:delicious
三 1:had class 2:learn from 3:thousands of 4:was born 5:silent
四:1:seldom或者shouldnot 2:believe 3:twelfth 4:temperature 5:?
五:1:danger 2:to spend sometime 3:firstly 4:listening 5:had begun or began
以上是我的理解 ,不是标准答案,可以参考看看哈!!!

1.Jim is at home(改为否定句)
Jim( )( )at home yesterday

2.He (sang an English song)yesterday(对括号部分提问)
what( )he( )yesterday

3.They had a good time at the party last night(改为同义句)
they( )( )at the party last night

4.He can swim now(改为否定句)
he ( )swim when he was 7 years old

5.they(played basketball)on the piayground yesterday afternoon.(对括号部分提问)
( )( )they( )on the playground yesterday afternoon?

1.S( ) is the ninth month of the year
2.can you r( ) some of Li Bai's poems?
3.tomorrow is Michael's birthday.I'm going to buy a book for him as a p( )
4.you should tell him the t( ),he is an honest man
5.the fish is very d( ).l like it very much
thank you

be born,have … class,happen,learn from,thousands of,silent,breath
1.we( )a musci ( )yesterday.l liked it very much
2.we should ( ) Lei Feng,and prepare to help others all the time
3.every year ( )people get hurt or die in road accidents
4.my father ( )in the country,but he lives in the city now
5.steve made a ( ) wish on his birthday , and then he blew out the candles in one breath,    

1.they s( ) watch TV these day,because they're busy preparing for the final exam
2.l don't b( ) you!he is from Yunnan,not Guangxi.l'm sure about it
3.the t( )month of the year is Dember
4.Tianjing will be fine and the high t( ) will stay above 0 ℃
5.“E( )”is annther way of saying "dear"

1.what will you do when you are in ____(dangerous)
l'll call 110
2.he was there for a long time come____(do sometime)
3.we all know work must come____(one)
4.thanks for___(listen) to my talk
5.l___(begin) to study English two years ago

1. is not
2. did do
3. enjoyed themselves
5. What did play


1.had … class
2.learn from
3.thousands of
4.was born

1. seldom
3. twelfth
4. temperature
5. expensive

2. 这题有没有打错呢?貌似有点问题啊~
3. first
4. listening
5. began

1.Jim is at home(改为否定句)
Jim( is)( not )at home yesterday

2.He (sang an English song)yesterday(对括号部分提问)
what( did)he(sing )yesterday

3.They had a good time at the party last night(改为同义句)
they( were )(happy )at the party last night

4.He can swim now(改为否定句)
he ( can't)swim when he was 7 years old

5.they(played basketball)on the piayground yesterday afternoon.(对括号部分提问)
( what )( did )they(play )on the playground yesterday afternoon?

1.S( eptember ) is the ninth month of the year
2.can you r( ecite ) some of Li Bai's poems?
3.tomorrow is Michael's birthday.I'm going to buy a book for him as a p( resent )
4.you should tell him the t(rue ),he is an honest man
5.the fish is very d( elicious).l like it very much
thank you

be born,have … class,happen,learn from,thousands of,silent,breath
1.we( had )a musci ( silent)yesterday.l liked it very much
2.we should ( learn from) Lei Feng,and prepare to help others all the time
3.every year ( thousands of )people get hurt or die in road accidents
4.my father ( was born )in the country,but he lives in the city now
5.steve made a ( breath ) wish on his birthday , and then he blew out the candles in one breath,    

1.they s( eldom ) watch TV these day,because they're busy preparing for the final exam
2.l don't b( elieve ) you!he is from Yunnan,not Guangxi.l'm sure about it
3.the t(welve )month of the year is December
4.Tianjing will be fine and the high t( emprature ) will stay above 0 ℃
5.“E( xpensive )”is another way of saying "dear"

1.what will you do when you are in __danger__(dangerous)
l'll call 110
2.he was there for a long time come_to do sometime___(do sometime)
3.we all know work must come____(one)
4.thanks for_listening__(listen) to my talk
5.l__began_(begin) to study English two years ago

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固阳县15352028065: 初一下学期英语题目 高悬赏问题 要求全部完成 写题号 去速度最快准确率高者 -
傅秋力弘: 2,伤了自己3,立刻马上4,请走这边5,洗手6,go home7, last night 8, too late9, forget the time10, next time

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傅秋力弘: 句型转换:1How do, 2.don't,or, 3.Why do you,4.Where are you, 5.What animals doeskind of:1.Which kind of film do you like?2.I'm a kind of danger.3.This is a very good kind of sweater.4.I think koala is some kind of lovely.5.I think math is some ...

固阳县15352028065: 几道英语题 高手进!回答快加悬赏 -
傅秋力弘: 1. Do, mean2. is, rain3. along

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