
作者&投稿:牢君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Home Economists are concerned with the empowerment and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and of facilitating the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid, unpaid and voluntary work; and living situations.

Home Economics professionals are advocates for individuals, families and communities.


1 我不会把你当做我的孩子之一的,他们很好
2 我想窗外望去,看着那寒冷的,灰暗的十一月的天,雨正下得很大,花园也没有了绿叶和花
3 因为他们残忍地对待我,我试着尽可能地和他们少说话
4 这三个孩子彼此之前,或者是和他人之间,都不是相处的很好




1. 非常对不起,给您添麻烦了。ご迷惑をおかけいたしまして、申し訳ございません。go me wa ku wo o ka ke i ta si ma si te,mo u si wa ke go za i ma sen.2. 很抱歉,我不知道该怎么说了,因为我的日语水平有限。ごめんなさい。日本语があまり上手ではないものなので、ど...

3、I feel pets are very good, it can narrow the gap between people's feelings, and we can have a small partner!不负责任滴喊句:错了跟我是无关的啊~~~(PIA飞!)

How long have you been single?我对你的国家了解的很少,但是我十分感兴趣。I know little about your country now, but I do have great interest.我很高兴你说我们可以永远做朋友,我希望我们能够保持联系。I'm pretty happy to hear you to say we can be friends forever,and I wish we c...

第五句:我们用中文说的.we speak it in Chinese.第六句:我喜欢他的声音.我喜欢听他唱歌.i like his voice,and i like his song.

医生和病人的对话)Please take the medicine three times a day and you will soon be fine.1.我在第二十中学读书 I study in No.20 middle school.2.我的教室在五楼 My classroom is on the fifth floor.3.我的班级是初一(2)班 My class is Class 2, junior Grade 1.人工翻译 ...

3 You know my beloved star is she, which is not a secret. But you never know how many times I have seen her. Almost 12 times. What's more, I have lots of her autograph albums. And I shaked with her. I will go to Beijing for her vocal concert, which is my second ...

我是一滴水 I am a drop of water 我没有形状和颜色 i have no shape or colour 我来自大海 i come from the ocean 我总是和其他的水一起去各种地方 i always go to all kinds of places with other waters 比如长江和黄河 like the yellow river and yangzi river ...

你真的是越来越帅了! you are becoming more and more handsome.这真是要多差有多差! it would not be worse.我只是想告诉你,没有最差只有更差! i do wnana tell you, no could be worse.你真是丢人到家了! you are really disgraced.你真是太没出息(起子)了,简直就是饿死鬼投胎...

also determination.Don't crumble when faced with stress, for we are the most beatiful when we face the obstacles with a open mind and dance together with the strong wind.毕竟华文转换为英文意思上可能对不准,但我已经尽力了!这些句子都很诗意化 (:特别是第二句,翻译过来有点怪。

Tous mes voeux de bonheur!再附上一句法国大作家蒙田的一句关于友情的话:Si l'on me presse de dire pourquoi je l'aimais, je sens que cela ne peut s'exprimer qu'en répondant: parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi.意思是:如果有人非要问我为何对他有好感(喜欢,...

本溪市15595523797: 帮我用英文翻译几句话 -
钟宇复方: 1.这是我的节日 This is my holiday 2.我可以放假 I can leave 3.我可以玩不用上课 We will hold a get-together at the school, students work together to do games, along with performances.

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句话 -
钟宇复方: 1. elephents not only kind ,but also wise,2. Maria is a very kind girl.3. my new teacher is very kind to me.

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句话 -
钟宇复方: 如果忘记一个人真的那么难,那我就偏要试一试 If forgets a person really that difficult, then I bent on having to try 我不相信,你说的永远 I did not believe that you said forever

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句英语简单的话
钟宇复方: 1 I like to do STH. But I don't like... 2 I like... But I hate... 3 I had... I didn't have... 4 I cannot...

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句英语成中文 -
钟宇复方: Today, I am really happy, very excited mood, it can not find any words to describe the happiness. Me like a happy bird, in the happy times going in the home

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句话,用英文
钟宇复方: Ask for help from school, read some storybook or listen some music live with smile, keep a good mood

本溪市15595523797: 请用英语帮我翻译几句话 -
钟宇复方: 1他们通常不能为考试做充分的准备 They always can not do enough preparation for the exams.2他请求我和他一起回家(这句用过去式) He asked me to go home with him. 3这片叶子像刀一样锋利 This piece of leaf is as sharp as a knife.

本溪市15595523797: 帮我用英语翻译几句话,谢谢!
钟宇复方: 1.Will pass ~ regarding future ~ I anything to be unable to determine that, the only determination will be I likes you. 2.If loves you is wrong, I rather never to. 3.Because believes quite happily. 4.They said that, each looks up to the happy person, all is looking up to happiness.

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句 -
钟宇复方: 1 Hello, may I ask you want to find which?2 Wait a moment, please.3 You're welcome/It is my pleasure.4 Will make phone to who?公司前台文员常用电话英语口语 1. 接电话时不可以简单地回答“Hello”,而应报上自己的公司或所属单位的名称....

本溪市15595523797: 帮我翻译几句话,急急急!!! -
钟宇复方: Respectable ** : Hello, my housing problem has been solved, please do not worry, and we have been in training yesterday. * The President and I will now follow * Miss learning Japanese, the use of time is one hour a day. Professional technology we...

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