
作者&投稿:辛洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello, good morning (or good afternoon) everyone. Today it's our group's turn to share with you on 'celebrity'. First of all, I'd like to say that this is neither a show, nor a talk to just kill some time; rather, it's an opportunity for us all to enhance our English communication abilities. Having been lived and studied in China, we seldom have opporunities to learn and communicate all in English, so we hope that all of us could be brave enough to speak in English loud. We don't want to just "learn English" to only deal with written tests and problem-solving, but not forget why we want to learn the language for the first place.

A: Excuse me, why are you late? What's your name?
B: My name is Mike, Sir/Miss*(1). You can't forget me just because I've been absent for four classes.*(2)
A: All right, Mike. Why were you absent for four classes?
B: The programming contest I participated in required me and seven other students in the same field*(3) to work in a workshop*(4) for twenty-seven days (consecutively). *(5)
A: That doesn't mean you can be absent without the knowledge of a teacher.*(6)

*(1) 男老师用Sir,女老师用Miss。英语中跟老师交谈时不会称对方为teacher——很多人都犯这个错误。
*(2) 瘦瘦的肉包子用户说得没错。为了好好表达出原句中的“就”,在because前加个just会比较好。
*(4) “机房”一词一时找不出什么好的意译……网上辞书都是译成equipment room、engine room、machine room、generator room之类的词。因为B参加的是个编程比赛,所以个人认为以上的翻译全部都不太合适。
*(5) 括号中的consecutively可要可不要。但为了原句中“连续”的关系还是放进去了。个人认为不要会比较自然和不啰嗦。
*(6) 英文中好像没有能清晰直接地代替“请假”的单词,因此有点麻烦……
翻译后的整句话语法和文法虽然都没问题,但因为跟原中文句子的意思有点偏差,所以我觉得还是不够完美——That doesn't mean you can be absent without the knowledge of a teacher. 直接翻译成中文后是:“这不代表你可以在老师不知情的情况下缺席。”
也可以译成:That doesn't excuse you from not notifying a teacher who's not aware of this. ——“这并不代表你可以不事先通知不知情的老师。”/"这并不能为你没事先向不知情的老师请假作借口。"——暂时想不出更自然的翻译了。
当然,肉包子用户的 It doesn't mean that you are allowed to be absent without the permission of teachers who don't know about *it*. 也可以(it 换成 this 更好)。但这样一来句子长度就比原句多出许多,而且有点不自然和啰嗦的感觉——这并不是翻译者的问题,怪也只能怪“请假”没有好的代替词。


Life can be a collection of scenery, and scenery can also be a collection of life in return.


life can be collection scenery ,scenic collection of life can also be scenes of life,ladscape closely follow

collection名词,加定语要后跟of ,要不就用动词形式collect sth.

scenic collection of life 语法上没有问题,但是与原意相差甚远,后半句,语义很凌乱。记住一个句子中只能有一个动词,再有想要表达动词的意思,就要用动词的变体,现在分词或过去分词,要不就用从句,另一个相对独立的句子。

It can collect the scenery, scenery can life such as collection



我觉得你的翻译不太对,感觉说的很绕。你可以说,you can collect the scenery in you life, and you can collect life in your scenery as well.

Life can be collection of landscape, so do the landscape .

(1) <人生 life 可以 may 收藏
风景scenery,风景scenery也可以may also收藏 preserve 人生life>
(2) "Life may be described as a collection of sceneries. Sceneries may also be a collection of lives."

It can collect the scenery, scenery can life such as collection

It can collect the scenery, scenery can life such as collection

2. Space exploration can be used for crop breeding.

Life can be a collection of scenery, and scenery can also be a collection of life in return.仅供参考 life can be collection scenery ,scenic collection of life can also be scenes of life,ladscape closely follow collection名词,加定语要后跟of ,要不就用动词形式collect sth.scenic co...

I am fraid you have to pay all the fee before two month that you come to china. About your proposal that you can pay USD 1,000 first and pay the rest after you arrive Nanjing,

Hoped that you will soon be restored to health! I have received 250 dollars which you on 25th send. Because of yours peculiar circumstance, you may after arriving at Beijing the spare money 500 dollars, pays us with the cash way Beijing's colleague. Please understand before you ...

I heard that ...我听说...之类的..邀请别人 would you like to go get a drink?要去喝一杯吗?Let me buy you (lunch\/dinner\/a cup of coffee)and we can continue chatting...让我请你吃(XX)吧,再继续聊吧...Why dont we finish this over(lunch\/dinner), my treat..我们边吃边...

1. Success depends on persistence, on never giving up.The last speech Churchill made in his life was on the graduation ceremony of an university. It might have been the simplest speech ever made in the history of speech making. During the speech, which was expected to be 20 ...

成长中的高手 怎么翻译英语
growing master-hand 高手 [gāo shǒu]基本翻译 past master master-hand ace 网络释义 高手:High hand|master hand|hot shot 解密高手:Cracker|Mr Cracker 围棋高手:Dariush

did strict provision to the form of nourishment label form.Food processing business enterprise have to by rule creation but give up the design of reason, thus raise production cost consumedly.Secondly the FDA ruled a strict usage condition to the expression terminology in the label.

求英语高手 把下面的日志翻译成,地道的英语表达。
Something deep in the memory not drain away as time went on, I don't know whether it is good, because there are Something seems to be forgotten is better. !"(from a friend - untitled)When sad, always enjoy the dim moonlight gentle elicits the monologue of friendship, real ...

productive. Ethics is also important as it is the motivation based on ideas of right and wrong as well as logic and rhetoric.第三的我不知道应该怎么翻译你的句子,我自己大概写了差不多相同的。毕竟中文和英文不能直接翻译,会很奇怪的…… 有些字英文说法不同的 求采纳,写了很久……...

王益区19187833236: 请英语高手翻译成地道英文:“人生可以收藏风景,风景也可以收藏人生” -
耿侨速碧: Life can be a collection of scenery, and scenery can also be a collection of life in return.仅供参考life can be collection scenery ,sc...

王益区19187833236: 把 人生 翻译成英语怎么说? -
耿侨速碧: life

王益区19187833236: 英语翻译人生就像一张有去无回的单程车票,它没有彩排,每一刻都是现场直播,把握每一次的演出,便是最好的珍惜.高手翻译成英文. -
耿侨速碧:[答案] Life is a one-way ticket without turning back.It is all-time live show without rehearsals.To hold tight every performance is to cherish it.

王益区19187833236: 求翻译英语!“人生为棋,我愿为卒,行动虽慢,可谁曾见我后退一步.” -
耿侨速碧: life can be teated as playing chess .I would rather be a soldler, although moved slowly,there is nobody who seen me...

耿侨速碧: 人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你想得到什么.

王益区19187833236: “人生如此坚苦,只要努力,一切皆有可能”用英语怎么翻? -
耿侨速碧: Life is so hard,【 If you work hard,nothing is impossible! 】或【noting is impossible if you make great efforts 】

王益区19187833236: 英语高手帮忙翻译成英文 -
耿侨速碧: Today I lost myself on my life journey.相信这个可以比楼上两位的更确切一些吧,大家取长补短吧.

王益区19187833236: 求英语高手,翻译一小段话成地道英语,急用,不能有错啊 -
耿侨速碧: 首先请原谅我无法为你亲手戴上这枚戒指,First please forgive me to be unable to put on this ring personally for you, 虽然它也并不昂贵,although it is not also expensive, 但我坚信, 将来的某一天, but I believe that the future one day, 我将会亲手为你戴上婚戒,让你成为我的女人. I will put on the marriage abstention personally for you, so that you can become my woman.

王益区19187833236: 请英语高手翻译个句子,不是只要意思对,要地道一点深刻一点,非常感谢! -
耿侨速碧: 把情景翻译成 sight 或者 scenes...都是因为你们在翻译的时候首先考虑的是 情景这个字在中英文字典里是啥,然后你们只能选择 sight or scene..这种翻译方法,就是Chinglish Just a hint: 老外有个很简单的词形容某个重要情景,那就是 "moment".你会问,字典上说的是时刻的意思啊,不是情景.那我只能说,老外的英文是假的,国内的中英文字典才是真的..还有,fragile 不是用来形容情感的,它只能形容物品脆弱,比如玻璃,形容感情脆弱的无助的,是vulnerable Anyways...

王益区19187833236: 请英语高手翻译
耿侨速碧: 高三毕业的学姐敬上: I'm a middle/high school student, I have always been working hard. Because I feel that the more knowledge I get the better,so I study hard. And the harder I study, I will get more progress, our contry will be stronger. When we grow up, we can do a lot of things for our country. 希望对你又帮助哦 呵呵O(∩_∩)O

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