
作者&投稿:聂习 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 慧眼识珠 a good eye knows the right pearl 报恩 to repay someone 爱恨情仇的交缠 mingled feelings 歌颂亲情 to praise the love of one's family 表白 ( 即男女之间的爱意的表白 ) to confess one's feelings 诽闻 rumours your friend may asked me to help. but thats all i can do 2007-06-10 18:44:13 补充: 慧眼识珠 a good eye knows the right pearl报恩 to repay someone爱恨情仇的交缠 mingled feelings歌颂亲情 to praise the love of one's family表白 ( 即男女之间的爱意的表白 ) to confess one's feelings诽闻 rumours
参考: myself
o markets
Insight knows pearls One skein of jars surging forward Make lots of money every day Fall on evil days Skeins of jar scalp hands Murder for one's money Pay a debt of gratitude Destiny drifts along in metropolis of 5 kilometers in Shanghai Shanghai of metropolis of 5 kilometers The love hates the feeling enemy's to hand in and ining Extol the kindred Extremely strong can see ing Explaination (Namely the explaination of the love beeen men and women ) Ke son Chance it Junior sister apprentice of the fellow disciple Slander and *** ell
参考: Dr.eye
慧眼识珠 风起云涌的股坛 日进斗金 落魄潦倒 股坛操盘手 谋财害命 报恩 上海十里洋场中命运的浮沉 十里洋场的上海 爱恨情仇的交缠 歌颂亲情 极强的可看性 表白 ( 即男女之间的爱意的表白 ) 蚵仔面 豁出去 同门师妹 诽闻 1The mental perception knows the bead. 2Blustery stock world. 3Thriving business. 4Falls the soul to be disappointed. 5The stock world holds the plate. 6Murdering for money. 7Repaying a debt of gratitude. 8In Shanghai ten miles foreign settlements destiny vicissitude. 9Ten mile foreign settlement Shanghai. 10Likes hating the rival in love being plicated. 11Eulogy dear ones. 12Greatly strengthened worth-seeing vindicating 13he whelp surface. 14Readying for any sacrifice. 15Biconditional gate female apprentice. 16Slanders heard
Insight knows pearls One skein of jars surging forward Make lots of money every day Fall on evil days Skeins of jar scalp hands Murder for one's money Pay a debt of gratitude Destiny drifts along in metropolis of 5 kilometers in Shanghai Shanghai of metropolis of 5 kilometers The love hates the feeling enemy's to hand in and ining Extol the kindred Extremely strong can see ing Explain it Ke son Chance it Junior sister apprentice of the fellow disciple Slander and *** ell
参考: Dr.eye

请用英文回答以下问题 文法要对喔 五十分 要符合问题
一、1、harmonious family atmosphere和谐的家庭氛围 2、good communication良好的沟通 3、mutual understanding相互理解 4、sharing happiness and sorrow共享喜乐 5、the same goal共同的奋斗目标 6、regular family activities定期家庭活动 7、good ability of dealing with quarrels and divergences具有良好的...

英文分词构句 | 文法、句型、用法与例句解析
下面教学什么是英文的分词构句。英文分词构句:文法、句型、用法、例句 首先,先理解一下什么是分词构句,英文的分词构句是指:将一个子句的主词去掉之后,再用分词开头的方式来简化句型。英文里面的分词有两个,分别是现在分词(Ving)跟过去分词(p.p.)。也就是说,分词构句基本上就是以Ving或...

而worked后面先系main clause. every time系conjunction 第3个唔洗答啦~ 我都系用我对英文既感觉黎答 所以如果有错请修正! Hope it helps! ;) ps.你写得出一个咁长既句子 除左累赘左d之外 基本上冇乜grammatical mistake 所以你英文其实都唔差啦!参考: 自己 发问者: 该句有英语语法错误 宜改...

英文文法问题-come from Hong Kong
Kong.ORI e from Hong Kong and I am Peter.更理想的表达可能是:Hello this is Peter I'm from Hong Kong.会是比较口语化和生活化的英语。This is also good ... I am Peter from Hong Kong.参考: Me 错 留左连接词 正确是 Hello I am Peter and i e from Hong Kong 参考: me ...

问题一:如何将王佳的英文名字正确拼写 Jocelyn 问题二:王佳灿的英文名字应如何书写 您好, "王佳灿" 的英文名翻译与拼音相同为: Wang, Jiacan (英文文法中,当姓氏在名字前会以逗号做区别) 一般介绍自我是先说名 "佳灿" 再说姓氏 "王" : Jiacan Wang (名字写在姓氏前则无需逗号) 想自己...

英国剧作家,诗人 Ben Johnson(1572—1637)1636年在其所著《外国人用英文文法》(English Grammar Made for the Benefit of All Strangers) 一书中这样写道:“R is the dog’s letter, and hurreth in the sound; the tongue striking the inner palate, with a trembling about the teeth.”在莎翁的《罗密欧...

中英互相翻译的软件不要网上的要好点的 语法不要老错的.

英文文法(i make you xxxxxxxxxxxx)
1. 以上三个句子全部都错 都不正确 因为句子的第一个字母要大写 而且句尾也要用到句号. 既然你要问文法 我就挑剔一点罗. 保持良好学习态度与习惯很重要. 2. I make you feel happy. (O) 我让(使)你感觉到快乐. 这句英文是正确的. make(让; 使)是一个使役动词 后面可以接原形动词feel(...

Netspeak 线上超好用英文写作辞典,英文语句文法纠正工具!
…」使用最频繁的英文单字。唯一特别的是,「…」可能会有两个单字以上,比方说可能会找到walk around in、walk a mile in…等等。也就是说「?」只会找到一个单字,而「…」会找到一个以上,甚至好几个以上。Netspeak, 英文句子, 英文写作, 英文写作工具, 英文文法, 英文线上工具, 英文翻译 ...

英文文法 - 解说
可用past tense 句子的文法是可以的 但如果是学生写 老师一定改你。 英文在不同的地区或国家都有其惯用的方法 唔同的人有唔同的习惯写法 好难去界定。在商业社会 这种英文是常见的。因为外国人就算本土的英国人或英联邦国家的人的英文同我们用的也有出入 只求明白 内容清楚便可接受过关 但如果你要求...

龙游县13796212713: 英语翻译请大家帮我把中文翻译成英文吧!一定要文法正确(最好不要用翻译机)(O):Good afternoon,Madam.May I help you?(A):Yes.I leFt my at your store ... -
类审阿莫:[答案] O):Good afternoon,Madam.May I help you?早晨!女士!有甚麽我可以帮你的?(A):Yes.I left my sports shirt at your store when I was here this morning.好的!今天早上我遗下了我的运动衫在你的店里.I'm in urgent ne...

龙游县13796212713: 急!!高分,帮忙翻译英文几个短句,很简单.初中水平.用网络翻译也行.只要文法正确.语句通顺就行. -
类审阿莫: 1. Which occupation do you think requires a lot of creativity?(我相信这道题,你的答案是作家writers,对吧) 原因是:Firstly, writers need to write about many things that do not happen in real life. For example, in J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter”...

龙游县13796212713: 翻译句子,在线等. -
类审阿莫: 1、Traveling is a very good activity.When tired and free,you can go out for a walk.Just admire the beautiful scenery,breathe some fresh air,make some friends,relax yourself and so on,which are good at your health. 2、The preparation should ...

龙游县13796212713: 请用英语翻译下列句子: -
类审阿莫: 1 humor can let you use relaxed attitude towards learning.2 humor is good for people's health.3 for a good state of mind can make people broad-minded.

龙游县13796212713: 请把下列句子翻译英文,语法和单词一定要正确.
类审阿莫: 1, I look on a fashion designer as one of my dreams. 2, You might think I'm the same as inattentive as the fishing cat. 3, but I think we should go to the pursuit of what we want to in youth, not care about the result, but happy to appreciate the ...

龙游县13796212713: 麻烦帮我翻译一下英语句子.中文译英文. 语法要正确,不要机器翻译的.要人工的. 谢谢
类审阿莫: what I did in college is to take part in the community ,and to share the same in terests.this is my first year of college life.

龙游县13796212713: 请帮我翻译一下以下的句子,汉译英!要符合英语语法,不要用翻译工具, -
类审阿莫: 1. The dream, I think it is just as movie The old boy says, dream is the same with classic that will never fade with time , instead...

龙游县13796212713: 英语翻译请帮我修正以下句子文法 附上中文 好让你们了解我想表达什麽when i register this new semester Fall 2013 ,i pay register fee online.but,i don't know ... -
类审阿莫:[答案] 在您原文的基础上修改如下,不明白可继续提问:When I registered this new semester in Fall 2013,I have paid the register fee online,but I don't know why I have paid $30 dollars twice.I remembered clearly ...

龙游县13796212713: 请问以下英文的文法正确吗? The capital of Russian is in Moscow -
类审阿莫: 把in去掉就对了哦 英文只要说什么是什么就可以了 例如首都是莫斯科就可以了 不用说首都是在莫斯科,这样像中式说法哦

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