
作者&投稿:褒宜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法西红柿切薄瓣。大小要均匀,厚度要一致。 鸡蛋打散,加入少许盐、少许糖、少许凉白开水。再另外一只碗中,放入少许淀粉,倒入2勺鸡汤,拌匀,再加入少许的盐和糖继续拌匀。 炒锅中加入葱油。葱油可以事先备好放在罐中。用葱油做此道菜,既能保证菜中有淡淡的葱香,又可以保证看不到葱末。葱油9成热时倒入蛋液,炒至金黄出锅。 锅中再倒入少许葱油,倒入西红柿瓣,10秒内无需翻炒。然后倒入半炒勺清水,轻轻翻炒。这样可以保证西红柿瓣不脱皮,不影响美观。 2分钟后放入炒好的鸡蛋,轻轻翻炒。再倒入已经勾好的鸡汤薄芡,翻炒30秒后出锅。 Scrambled egg with tomato approach
•tomatoes cut thin flap. The size of uniform thickness, uniform.
•eggs, add a little salt, a little sugar, a little cool white boiling water. In a bowl, add a little starch, add 2 spoon of chicken soup, mix well, then add a little salt and sugar to mix.
•wok add scallion. Onion can be prepared on the tank. With Scallion does this dish, which can not only ensure the dish a little onion flavor, and can guarantee not to see green onion. 9 into the hot oil into the egg, fried until golden pot.
•pot and then pour a little oil, tomatoes into valve, 10 seconds without frying. Pour half wok of water, gently stir fry. It can guarantee the tomatoes valve not desquamate, does not affect appearance.
• 2 minutes into the fried egg, lightly stir fry. Then pour has a good hook thin thicken soup, stir fry for 30 seconds after the pan.

Name of the dish] Stir-fried tomato with egg [Ingredients] Tomato (1), eggs (4), cooking oil (2 tablespoons), salt to taste (注:味精叫作 monosodium glutamate (msg) 但老外是不吃的) [How to] 1. Wash and dice the tomato. 2. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add salt. Beat the eggs until they are well-mixed. 3. Heat oil in a frying pan. 4. Stir-fry the tomato until they are cooked. 5. Pour in the egg mixture. Stir a few times. Cook for another 2 minutes. 6. Dish is ready to be served.



1、First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish


2、And then, remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut them into pieces


3、Next , break up eggs,stir and make  it  mixed evenly


4、After that ,put some oil into the pan ,pour the egg mixture after oil heating-up


5、Later,stir-fry and cut into small pieces by trunerAfter completion,bring it out and wait us back use


6、Now we need deal tomatoes Pour in a little oil and put tomatoes into the pan,cook it


7、When we see tomatoes getting soft ,  change it into a small fire , add proper salts and sugars,continue cooking


8、Last ,mix eggs with tomatoes uniformity ,  turn off the firea delicious dish was finished


First of all, wash the tomatoes and put them in boiling water for a while to remove the skin. Then cut into small squares and set aside.


Prepare the eggs and put them into a bowl. After beating, add a little salt and a little water inside. Add water to make the eggs tender and smooth. Then use chopsticks to stir, bubble can, standby.


prepare scallion, cut into scallion, set aside.pot oil, oil temperature 70% heat, put into the beaten egg liquid, stir fry, do not fry too long, fried old will affect the taste.


Leave some oil in the pot, put in the tomatoes, stir fry over high heat, put a little sugar, can neutralize the sour taste of tomatoes. Stir fry the water out of the tomatoes.before the pot, put in the eggs, stir fry evenly, add some salt, onion can be.



Egg and tomato: 番茄炒蛋,如果要写出来是“炒”,可以这样说:

Stir fried egg and tomato。

Scrambled egg and tomato。


英式英语: /tə'mɑːtəʊ/



Divine status: 像神一样的存在

You can't go wrong with egg and tomato. 




First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish.


And then, remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut them into pieces.


Next , break up eggs,stir and make  it  mixed evenly.


After that ,put some oil into the pan ,pour the egg mixture after oil heating-up.


Later,stir-fry and cut into small pieces by truner.

After completion,bring it out and wait us back use. 


Now we need deal tomatoes .Pour in a little oil and put tomatoes into the pan,cook it.


When we see tomatoes getting soft,change it into a small fire , add proper salts and sugars,continue cooking.


Last ,mix eggs with tomatoes uniformity ,  turn off the fire.a delicious dish was finished . 


Enjoy your  food now .

first of all, prepare four tomatos and three
eggs, pour oil into the pan while stirring
the eggs until they are mixed up, when oil
heats up and put the egg liquid into the pan.
when eggs are finished, put it into the bowl,
then add some oil into the pan and put tomatos
into the pan and fry it until tomatos become
jam and put the egg cake into the pan and mix
up with tomato juice.for 2 minutes, the
dish is finished.

请注意。。 满意回答给出的答案 其实可以不用用 过去式 并且 西红柿的复数要加es tomatoes 还有马铃薯复数的o后边 都应加es

火爆腰花译成Sautéed pig kidney。还有一些菜名遵循以形状、口感为主、原料为辅的翻译原则,家常菜脆皮鸡的标准英文名就是Crispy chicken。5、麻婆豆腐Mapo tofu 在中餐菜品中,很多是以人名、地名为主命名,这种特点也被保留了下来。例如麻婆豆腐翻译为Mapo tofu、北京炸酱面则为Noodles with soy bean ...

请注意。。 满意回答给出的答案 其实可以不用用 过去式 并且 西红柿的复数要加es tomatoes 还有马铃薯复数的o后边 都应加es望采纳!

请注意。。满意回答给出的答案 其实可以不用用 过去式 并且 西红柿的复数要加es tomatoes 还有马铃薯复数的o后边 都应加es

西红柿炒鸡蛋的英文是:stir-fried tomatoes and eggs,也可以说stir-fried tomato and egg。记住要加上stir-fried哦,是“炒”的意思。至于后面的2个名词是单数还是复数,建议保持一致就可以了,并无严格要求 :)



番茄炒蛋的英文是fried eggs with tomatoes或者Scrambled-eggs-with-tomatoes。例句:How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes Scrambled egg with tomato is a home-cooked food, it both delicious and easy to do.怎样做西红柿炒鸡蛋西红柿炒鸡蛋是一道家常菜,它既美味可口又容易易做。Scrambled egg...

2.入洋葱碎中小火慢慢煸透,煸香。将煸炒的完全透明的洋葱碎捞出不要,只留葱油 这是这道菜最后是否鲜香的关键步骤之一哦,要耐心 3.鸡蛋磕出,用力搅打,直到停下来发现蛋液面全部布满泡泡,足够蓬松才可 西红柿炒鸡蛋其中一个关键就是但是否软嫩有弹性,所以打发鸡蛋的时候要多费些力气哦~~4....



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梁蚂赫泰:[答案] Name of the dish] Stir-fried tomato with egg [Ingredients] Tomato (1), eggs (4), cooking oil (2 tablespoons), salt to taste (注:味精叫作 monosodium glutamate (msg) 但老外是不吃的) [How to] 1. Wash a...

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梁蚂赫泰:[答案] First,put a bit oil to stir fly those eggs. Second,when you see those eggs form into piece.Take out from the pan,but make sure not over cook it. Third,add a bit oil and slight stir fly tomatoes as well. Last,add eggs into the pan and add a bit salt,let's stir fly all ...

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梁蚂赫泰:[答案] 西红柿炒鸡蛋英文菜谱: The tomato fries the egg Raw material:Egg 3,Tomato 150 grams,Vegetable oil 4 soupspoon,Salt,monosodium glutamate respectively right amount,Sugar 1 soupspoon.Manufacture process:After 1st,burns the tomato cleaning ...

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梁蚂赫泰:[答案] [Name of the dish] Stir-fried tomato with egg[Ingredients] Tomato (1),eggs (4),cooking oil (2 tablespoons),salt to taste (注:味精叫作 monosodium glutamate (msg) 但老外是不吃的)[How to] 1.Wash and di...

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梁蚂赫泰:[答案] Ingredient:3 eggs,150 grams of tomatoes,4 soup-spoons of vegetable oil,some salt and monosodium glutamate,1 soup-spoon of sugarHow to make:1.clean the tomatoes and boil them with boiled water,peel off...

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