
作者&投稿:彭沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

保持良好的心情的英文:Keep a good mood

mood 读法 英 [muːd]     美 [muːd]    

n. 心情;情绪;气氛


1、He's in one of his moods today.

2、The movie accurately reflects the mood of the time.


1、angry mood 生气

2、bad mood 心情不好

3、festive mood 节日气氛

4、indicative mood 陈述语气

5、resentful mood 痛恨的心情




2、feeling还有“同情,体谅”“激情 ”“感情”等意思。作“感情”解时常用复数,往往指与理智相对而言的“情感”或“情绪”。



1、increase the feeling 增强感情

2、lose feeling 失去知觉

3、relieve one's feeling 发泄感情,泄愤

4、show great feeling 深表同情

5、show no feeling 毫不同情

“保持良好的心情”的英文:Keep a good mood mood 读法:英 [mu:d] 美 [mud]作名词意思是:心情;语气;气氛;心境 good 读法:英 [gʊd] 美 [gʊd]1、作形容词意思是:好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的 2、作名词意思是:好处,利益;善良;善行;好人 3、作副词意思是:...

Keep a good mood 1、读音:英 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd] 美 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd]2、释义:保持好心情。3、语法:直接源自古英语的mod,意为心,心情,精神,勇气。keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继...

保持良好的心情的英文:Keep a good mood mood 读法 英 [muːd]     美 [muːd]n. 心情;情绪;气氛 例句 1、He's in one of his moods today.他今天闹情绪了。2、The movie accurately reflects the mood of the time.电影真实地反映了当时的气氛。短语 1、angry mood生气 ...

keep a good mood

keep in a good mood

所以用一副良好的心态,去做好人生的每一个选择,并为此付出一辈子的行动。Therefore, we maintain a good attitude will not only make their work more smooth, but also for their interpersonal relationships are very helpful oh.因此我们保持良好的心态不仅会使得自己的工作事业更加的顺风顺水,而且...

俗话说,“开心就是健康。保持轻松愉快的心情比吃良药更能解除病痛”,我相信尽量保持良好的心情在我们的生活是很重要的。First, keeping a good mood is a good for dealing with interpersonal relationships.All of us need friends and we all like to make friends with those who have a high ...

英语作文话题 保持好的心情,另带翻译
Keep a good mood What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance,but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life.As man in the modern age,our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way.A ...

保持好心情的建议 英语作文 80字
1.When you get up,you should think of a happy thing like singing a song etc.2.Always think about helping others.Helping others is a good thing and it can make you happy.3.Be patient when you meet some difficult things.4,When you feel sad,you can listen to some music,...

Lastly, engage in regular exercise. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that can effectively alleviate mild depression and anxiety.Translation:保持良好的心情对我们来说至关重要。它有助于学习,使生活更加愉快。然而,如何保持这样的心情是个问题。我相信有几个关键...

温泉县18932225379: 保持好心情用英语怎么说. -
濯康丹奥: keep a good mood

温泉县18932225379: 保持心情用英文翻译下!!...
濯康丹奥: keep in good mood.

温泉县18932225379: 为了提高上课听课效率我们必须保持良好的心情 用英语翻译 -
濯康丹奥:[答案] In order to improve the efficiency of class lectures we have to maintain a good mood

温泉县18932225379: 我会天天保持好心情用英语怎么说 -
濯康丹奥: I will be in a good mood every day.

温泉县18932225379: 帮忙用英语翻译过来1.忘却烦恼和忧愁2.保持良好的心情,对生活保持积极的太度3.易交友4.生命更长久
濯康丹奥: 1. Forget worry and sad 2. Maintain good mood, to keep life positive too degrees 3. Make friend 4. Life longerOK了 希望能帮到你...

温泉县18932225379: 不仅要保持每晚9小时的充足睡眠,而且要保持好心情用英语怎么说 -
濯康丹奥:[答案] We should not only have 9 hours of sleep every night,but also keep a good mood.

温泉县18932225379: 我每天试着保持一个良好的心态.英文怎么说? -
濯康丹奥:[答案] I try to keep a good state of mind every day. 快点采纳哟,不明还要以追问的,

温泉县18932225379: Y我每天试着保持一个良好的心态.英文怎么说? -
濯康丹奥:[答案] I try to keep a good state of mind every day. 快点采纳哟,不明还要以追问的,

温泉县18932225379: 保持一个良好的心态.做自己喜欢的事情. 求英文翻译. -
濯康丹奥: 您好,翻译为 Keep a good of. .mind do myself like things 希望帮助你

温泉县18932225379: 帮助人们保持良好的心态 用英语怎么说
濯康丹奥: Help people maintain good state of mind.

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