
作者&投稿:博峡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. mood
2. (n) ones heart and mind
3. frame of mind

Relative explainations:

1. 我现在心情很好。
I'm in a good mood.
2. 我昨天心情很愉快。
I was in a jovial mood yesterday.
3. 她有着快活的心情。
She has a playful mood.
4. 她太累了,没有心情跳舞。
She's too tired and in no mood for dancing.
5. 我没心情和你聊天。
I am in no mood for chatting with you.
6. 我没有心情工作。
I am not in the vein for work.
7. 她那抑郁的心情一会儿就过去了。
Her feeling of depression was transient.
8. 我今天的心情不好。
I'm feeling blue today.

Keep a good mood
1、读音:英 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd] 美 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd]
4、例句:To be a healthy person, you should keep a good mood. 想成为一个健康的人,你应该保持良好的心情。

同根词组:keep silence
1、读音:英 [kiːp ˈsaɪləns] 美 [kiːp ˈsaɪləns]
4、例句:She could no longer compel her mother's heart to keep silence. 她这做母亲的再也忍不住要说几声了。

keep a good mood

Keep in a good mood.

可以这样翻译;keep a merry mood

Be happy!

Maintain a good attitude

Keep happy

Keep a good mood 1、读音:英 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd] 美 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd]2、释义:保持好心情。3、语法:直接源自古英语的mod,意为心,心情,精神,勇气。keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继...

keep in a good mood

keep a good mood

保持良好心态的英文 1.maintain good mentality 2.keep a good state of mind 3.maintain a good attitude 4.keep a good mood keep a good mood例句 1. Please keep a good mood, regular exercises and a proper diet will contribute to good health.记住好心情 、 有规律锻炼和恰当饮...

Keep a good (relaxed) mood.

do not remember the others mistakes .Fifth,do something for others and help the people in trobles and you will always feel good.怎样保持一个好心情?保持一个好心情对我们来说是非常重要的,这可以帮助我们学习和生活得更容易。但是怎样去保持一个好心情呢?首先,要常常微笑,微笑可以令我们...

怎样保持好心情 英语作文70
to keep a good mood.First,always smile,smile can help us happy.Second,do not get angry so easily.Third,do your best to forget the wrong thing you did.Forth,do something for others and help the people in trobles and you will always feel good.很荣幸为你解答,满意请采纳!

英语作文话题 保持好的心情,另带翻译
a kiss of a child,a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable.Bat a rough word from a stranger,a false product bought from the store,or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink.A good mood makes one happy,...

how to have a good mood 英语作文
We can do a great deal of things to stay in a good mood.But the most important thing is to begin right now.中文:如何保持一个好心情 每个人在不同的情况下有不同的心情。保持一个好心情对我们的生活很好。当我们感到快乐时,效率会比以前更快。首先,我们应该为我们的生活安排。然后我们...

know the way that how to feel happy we should think about the things we like,do things we want to do when we are in trouble ,we shouldn't be so worry that we cannot do anything else.be happy,then you can live in a happy life.everyone around you may feel happy too ...

平谷区17334818445: 保持好心情用英语怎么说. -
鄘桑伤湿: keep a good mood

平谷区17334818445: 保持一个好心情怎么说保持一个好心情英语怎么说?我英语作文,就差这句了. -
鄘桑伤湿:[答案] Keep a good (relaxed) mood.

平谷区17334818445: 保持天天好心情 英语怎么说? -
鄘桑伤湿:[答案] Keep a good mood everyday .

平谷区17334818445: 我会天天保持好心情用英语怎么说 -
鄘桑伤湿: I will be in a good mood every day.

平谷区17334818445: 每天都要保持好心情(翻译成英文) -
鄘桑伤湿:[答案] We should keep a good mood every day.

平谷区17334818445: 英语翻译1.早上起床先喝两大杯温水.2.保持好心情 -
鄘桑伤湿:[答案] Drink two glasses of warm water when you get up. keep yourself in good mood.

平谷区17334818445: 翻译每天保持好心情 -
鄘桑伤湿: 每天保持好心情 Happy every day.或者 Keep a good mood every day.或者 Be in a good mood every day.

平谷区17334818445: 保持好心情,微笑常留脸上.翻译成英语. -
鄘桑伤湿: Keep good mood and maintain constant smile (on your face).

平谷区17334818445: 英语翻译我们为什么要保持一个好心情呢?因为好心情能够促进人们工作和学习,提高人们的生活质量.有利于人们身心健康.保持好心情应该要保持幽默感,... -
鄘桑伤湿:[答案] Why should us keep a good mood?Because it can enhance our working and studying, improve the quality of our lives.Give us a healthy body. To keep a good mood needs a sense of humor.Having a widespread interests and hobbies.Be nice to people ...

平谷区17334818445: Y我每天试着保持一个良好的心态.英文怎么说? -
鄘桑伤湿:[答案] I try to keep a good state of mind every day. 快点采纳哟,不明还要以追问的,

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