汉译英(使用括号中的词)。 1.我爷爷没去过美国,我爸爸也没去过。(have been to )2.他和我都不...

作者&投稿:周柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我爸爸喜欢打网球,因为他觉得这对他的健康有好处。(good for)用括号里的单词翻译成英文。~

my father likes playing tennis because he think it's good for his healthy 不知对不对


显然 自然

1.我爷爷没去过美国,我爸爸也没去过。(have been to )
虞其君翻译:My grandpa hasn't been to America. Neither has my father.
2.他和我都不是老师。(neither...nor )
虞其君翻译:Neither he nor I am not a student. (就近原则)
虞其君翻译:The best way to learn English well is to speak as often as possible.
虞其君翻译:Do you think it is interesting to do the guessing game?

1,My grandfather has not been to America,neither has my father .
2,Neither he nor I am a teacher.
3.The best way to learn English is speaking as much as possible.
4.Do you think that it's fun to making guesses?

My grandpa haven't been to the United States, my father also haven't been
Neither he nor I am a teacher。
The best way to learn English well, is as far as possible is often said。
Do you think guessing game interesting

1,my grandfather has not been to America,neither has my father .
2,Neither he nor I am a teacher.


汉译英(使用括号中的词)。 1.我爷爷没去过美国,我爸爸也没去过。(h...
1.我爷爷没去过美国,我爸爸也没去过。(have been to )虞其君翻译:My grandpa hasn't been to America. Neither has my father.2.他和我都不是老师。(neither...nor )虞其君翻译:Neither he nor I am not a student. (就近原则)3.学好英语的最好方法,就是尽可能常说。(as...

50.For reseachers, money and equipment are vital to them.

急!中译英 中文中的括号的内容用如何的形式翻译出来?
英文中用括号里的内容作解释的情况也有,但用从句的方式更普遍。你这话可以改为:the application of business intelligence and the unified portal system which includes the management cockpit, the migration of new query system and the migration of historical monitoring system....

或 【It is harmful to humans to kill wild animals in large number 】屋子里所有的东西都不见了,只留下一张床和几张椅子(gone)【Everything in the room were gone, leaving only a bed and a few chairs】为了不让肥沃的土壤被雨水带走,我们不得不种植足够的树(carry away)【In or...

汉译英 加上括号中的短语 加急 当老师叫她的名字时 她不知道该怎么办...
When the teacher called her name , she was at a loss .祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

7.电子邮件同电话一样,在日常交流中起着重要作用。(as well as)Emails play a great important role in daily communication as well as telephones.8.学生们向老师解释玛丽缺课的原因是她换了感冒。(reason)The students explain Mary's absent reason that she is having a cold to her ...

1.He looked at the bag,as if it is beyond his comprehension.2.How can the team win the game in the face of so many difficulties?3.Since the opening of his business two years ago,it is at his best at the beginning of this year....

Our monitor is regarded the best student in our class.2.现代科学技术的发展使我们的社会发生了巨大变化。(bring about)The development of modern technology brings about a great change in our society.3.如果不练习说英语,你就学不好英语。(without)You cannot speak English well without ...

-> My grandfather began to operate a computer in his age of over 70.2、上海给我留下了极好的印象(make in)-> Shanghai has made a terrific impression in me.3、学生们积极参加了这次的讨论(take part in)-> The students took active part in this discussion.4、他为什么上课迟到没...

中译英 要用括号里的单词
2.The one without any great aim will achieve nothing.3.It is universally held that bus drivers should be responsible for the safety of passengers.4.I am so willing to tell you something more about this case, but I don't verily have any spare time.5.The citizens give a ...

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英,要用到括号里面的词1 我有两本字典,一本厚,一本薄.(one,the other)2 她穿着她的新衣服,就是那件红的.(wear,one)3 你看那边那些怎么样?... -
敞妮复方:[答案] 1.I have two dictionaries,one is thick and the other is thin.2.She is wearing her new clothes,it is that red one.3.How about those ones over there?4.Whose house should we have the party at?What about ...

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英(使用括号中的词). 1.我爷爷没去过美国,我爸爸也没去过.(have been to )2.他和我都不... -
敞妮复方: 1.我爷爷没去过美国,我爸爸也没去过.(have been to ) 虞其君翻译:My grandpa hasn't been to America. Neither has my father.2.他和我都不是老师.(neither...nor ) 虞其君翻译:Neither he nor I am not a student. (就近原则)3.学好英语的最好...

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英 把下面4句话翻译成英语,用上括号里的词我7点以前无法离开办公室(get away from)蔬菜正在涨价(go up)有许多工作等着我去做(remain)他们... -
敞妮复方:[答案] 我7点以前无法离开办公室(get away from) I can't get away from the office before 7 o'clock. 蔬菜正在涨价(go up) The price of vegetables is going up. 有许多工作等着我去做(remain) There are many works remain that waiting for me. 他们住在5...

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英.用到括号里的短语. -
敞妮复方: Is it pleasant to have friends come from distance?You must pay back the money to me without fail at 10 tomorrow morning. Everyone knows he is very special.He is free to come and go.

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英,用到括号里的词语 -
敞妮复方: 1.他同意这个周末把ps3借给我(agree) He agrees to lend the ps3 to me at this weekend. 2.她独力养家(all by oneself) She raise family all by herself. 3.公共场所禁止吸烟(allow) The smoking is not allowed in public. 4.我一到上海,就马上...

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英 用括号里的词
敞妮复方: 可以是 1) Last Sunday, it took me the whole afternoon to finish my homework. 2) I told him my opinion about him right away. 3) This town is well-known for the its old stone bridges.4) There is newly-wed couple living opposite the street. 5) I will call as soon as he comes back.

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英 用括号里的单词
敞妮复方: 1.I would like to invite you and your wife to have a dinner over the night of Saturday. 2. Does seven o'clock sound good? 3. I want to invite some of my friends to attend the evening dinner to celebrate my birthday. 4. I have to check it, but I feel it is pretty sure.

晋城市18081044241: 英语翻译.(中文翻译成英语,用括号内的词) -
敞妮复方: 你好,很高兴为你解答. 保证正确率~! 【翻译】: 1.我极想知道他去过哪些地方 I am dying to know the places he has been to. 2.库存的鸡蛋全部卖完了 The eggs in stock have been sold out. 3.在走红之前,他大约在20部影片中露过面 He had ...

晋城市18081044241: 汉译英(用括号中的单词)
敞妮复方: 1. My parents used to live South America, I often go there from Europe by air in holiday. 2. I regreted not to set out early. 3. I regret that I can't help you. 4. We can learn a lot from the past experience. 5. The travel which we rode camels was a pleasant experience. 祝你学习进步!

晋城市18081044241: 英语翻译尽量用上括号里的词1.我从没有让你做出这样的牺牲 (sacrifice)2.人人要学会克服自己的缺点 (overcome)3.它坚持自己是无辜的,并要求我相信... -
敞妮复方:[答案] 1.我从没有让你做出这样的牺牲 (sacrifice) i've never asked for your sacrifice like that. 2.人人要学会克服自己的缺点 (overcome) Everyone should learn how to overcome their own shorts. 3.它坚持自己是无辜的,并要求我相信他 (insist) He ...

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