
作者&投稿:重殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Many brands of athletic clothes and sneakers adopt the most advanced designs.2. There are various ways for the amusement park, you can take freeway bus, hotel's car or shuttle.3. The early American settlers had to make everything by hand, from cloth to cream.4. If you want to work for tourism, it is helpful if you are a translator of any foreigh language.5. I find I can learn much when I get close to the scene of reality life.6. Portion of my theme park is modellde after the ancientrty China.

1。 I have two dictionaries, one is thick and the other is thin.
2. She is wearing her new clothes, it is that red one.
3. How about those ones over there?
4. Whose house should we have the party at? What about mine?
5. The tiger looks scary.
6. Uncle Tom traveled miles and miles to visit his relatives.
7. Why can't we do anything more interesting?
8. Do you mind if I smoke?

1.He looked at the bag,as if it is beyond his comprehension.
2.How can the team win the game in the face of so many difficulties?
3.Since the opening of his business two years ago,it is at his best at the beginning of this year.

1.He looked at the bag,as if it is something (that is)beyond his comprehension.
2.How can the team win the game in the face of so many difficulties?
3.Since the starting of his business /his business started two years ago,it is at his best at the beginning of this year.


翻译句子 并用到括号里的短语 汉译英
4.尽管这是一个短暂的假期,但我们都玩得很高兴。Though it was a very short holiday, we had a very good time.5.虽然她不高兴,但也没说什么。Although she was not happy,she said nothing.6.无论这个问题有多难,我们都必须尽快解决它。However difficult the problem is ,we must solve ...

Topic ;How to be a good student Hello,everybody,I'm gald to be here.Today I will talk sbout how to be a good student.First of all, today you feel happy? (PS. good something to say That's very well, vice versa) in a good mood to learn is very important, so we ...

事实上,很多参与者并不知道这项活动的详细规则(uninformed)In fact, many participants don't know the uninformed rules of the event.根据指示,志愿者被分成了两支救援队 According to the instructions, the volunteers were assigned to two rescue teams 专家认为需要五年的时间才能显著改善空气...

你知道英语里有几个特殊的词,只有有时候人们在讨论女人的时候会用到的。3.Amy knew that sheneeded a firm parent,but it often seemed easier to avoid a fight than to standup to her in public.艾美(Amy)知道他需要一个坚定地父母,但是有时候躲避一场斗争会比在公共场所勇敢面对她看起来更...

3.今年我们有这么多的工作要做,我们不得不取消假期了。(do without)【We have so many work to do this year, we have to do without the vacation.】4.他不给学生一个发言的机会。(deny)【He denied the chance of students in making speech.】5.日语和汉语的语法在许多方面是不同的。(...


汉译英 五句话 用上括号里的词语
1.She tried her best to leave a good impression to every one she met with.2.Teachers should try their best to treat all the students equally.3.He had foreseen that this project will be delayed because of a heavy rain.4.The manager left her lots of problems to solve.5.No ...

1、我祖父在70多岁时开始操作计算机(in one's of)-> My grandfather began to operate a computer in his age of over 70.2、上海给我留下了极好的印象(make in)-> Shanghai has made a terrific impression in me.3、学生们积极参加了这次的讨论(take part in)-> The students took ...

冬天容易发生火灾(be liable to) \/ “ 翻译成英文但必须用到括号的
It is liable to catch fire in Winter 求采纳啊~

晋安区17626687646: 汉译英,要用到括号里面的词1 我有两本字典,一本厚,一本薄.(one,the other)2 她穿着她的新衣服,就是那件红的.(wear,one)3 你看那边那些怎么样?... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] 1.I have two dictionaries,one is thick and the other is thin.2.She is wearing her new clothes,it is that red one.3.How about those ones over there?4.Whose house should we have the party at?What about ...

晋安区17626687646: 汉译英、用到括号里的词1.春天他的花园里有种类繁多的花.(a variety of)2.他没有看她,转身上了楼.(without)3.政府为孩子们提供了良好的为教育.(... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] in spring he plants a variety of flowers in the garden. he turn arond and go to the upstairs without seeing her the government provides good education for the children these blankets can protect the children from cold all the things you do wii contribute to ...

晋安区17626687646: 急求!中文翻译成英文句子,要用到括号中的词!约翰的妈妈称她儿子为天才.(describe...as)思维始终先于事实.(prior to)他完成了工作,但损害了健康.... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] John's mom describes her son as genius. Thoughts/Minds are prior to facts.He finished the job at the expense of health.Contradiction couldn't be trueYour mistake struck us.

晋安区17626687646: 汉译英,用到括号里的词语 -
藤凭盐酸: 1.他同意这个周末把ps3借给我(agree) He agrees to lend the ps3 to me at this weekend. 2.她独力养家(all by oneself) She raise family all by herself. 3.公共场所禁止吸烟(allow) The smoking is not allowed in public. 4.我一到上海,就马上...

晋安区17626687646: 一起搞定中译英(一定要用到括号里的词或者提示)1·尽管他年轻又缺乏经验,他在面试中仍表现得不错.(despite)2·老师祝贺我在演讲比赛中取得好... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] 1.Despite his young and locks of experience,he still good in the interview. 2.The teacher congratulated me on getting a good mark in my speech,Iwas still happy. 3.They managed to scramble from the sinking ship at bict. 4.She is interested in English ...

晋安区17626687646: 英语翻译翻译句子:必须用到括号里的词1.每个学生都应该独立完成家庭作业(on one's own)2.擦完窗户,我们去扫地.(v - ing)3.记得千万别泄漏这项计划.... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] 翻译句子:必须用到括号里的词 1.每个学生都应该独立完成家庭作业(on one's own)each student should finish his homework on his own. 2.擦完窗户,我们去扫地.(v-ing)after cleaning the windows, we began to cleaning the floor. 3.记得千万别泄...

晋安区17626687646: 英语翻译要用到括号里的词语1.去年冬天几乎没有鸟幸存下来(SURVIVE)2.那个人比他姐姐多活了三年(SURVIVE)3.小组其余的人都在教室(THE ... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] Few birds survived the winter last year.The man survived for three years after his sister died.The rest of the team are still in the classroom.Even if be invited,he will not go.Be careful when pass th...

晋安区17626687646: 急求!中文翻译成英文句子,要用到括号中的词! -
藤凭盐酸: 1. John's mom describes her son as genius.2. Thoughts/Minds are prior to facts.3. He finished the job at the expense of health.4. Contradiction couldn't be true5. Your mistake struck us.

晋安区17626687646: 英语翻译需要用到括号中的词,1.我不认识这辆车的主人(belong to)2.约翰提到的几个人,他对他们评价不高(think highly of)3.她给了我们食物和衣服,没... -
藤凭盐酸:[答案] 1.我不认识这辆车的主人(belong to)I don't whom this car belongs to.2.约翰提到的几个人,他对他们评价不高(think highly of)John talked about several people,which I didn't think highly of .3.她给了我们...

晋安区17626687646: 中文句子翻译成英语句子,必需用到括号中的词 -
藤凭盐酸: we often smile with joyness she often speaks with heavy accent similarly,Professor Green can not bear laziness similary,they don't want to rely on others

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