
作者&投稿:本雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先Monday首字母大写,i don't 改成 i didn't,forget改成forgot,speed is 改成was,low改成slow,我认为就这些吧

I agree 100 percent.
Different things need to be delt with different ways.
I see a boy fall into the river.
Many people fear that all things be denied.
It is more important to calm down and come up with how to help the boy in danger.

第二行:that->who, days->days'
第四行我感觉optimistic、brave、industrious、intelligent and knowledgeable,
第六行take care,my good friend!


上面的错别字就不说了,正确原文如下,如有不足,还望指教!1With the development of the world, people have to enrich themselves endlessly by lifelong

帮忙看看这些英语短文该怎么修改一下 有加分哦~!
1. First I like the Chinese medicine profession .Second,my father is a Doctor of C >change to : Firstly,...Secondly,...2. Under the influence of his,> c t: influence by him 3. If I had the chance to study in this university.> CT: if i have the chance...4...

帮忙修改一下英语短文《My mother's day》
with后直接接名词). Finally, she goes home at five o’clock. She marks the student’s(改为students’。应是“学生们”(即student复数)的作业) homework at home and she always(在前面增加is,因为tired是形容词,) tired everyday.(应当every day。因为everyday是“日常的”,而每天...

Editor,Hello!I'm a student ,i have some questions to talk with you. I find some students have eyesights problems .But we all are know that students have to study hard,so they must read many books frequently.But they read under a very bright sunshine or at night if there ...

帮忙修改此篇英语小短文!在线等,谢谢!Sunday,November 28, 2010...
Sunday,November 28, 2010 sunny Today,I had a great time. I made strawberry fruit salad at home. Do you want to know how to make strawberry fruit salad?Let me tell you .First, to wash some strawberries . Then cut them into small pieces. Put the strawberries into the ...

(1)As soon as Lilly returned home from the shop ,she began to make meat pies.When the telephone rang, she felt her hands were very sticky.niarly five minutes in talking to Luss.After that,she looked at the mess she found that her fingers were covered with pastry.(2)i ...

New Year's”与后面“during the Spring Festival”重复 由于本人能力有限,以上仅供您参考,进行自主检查与修改。如有错误,敬请您指出并海涵!总之,这是一篇很成功的英语说明文(有些夹叙夹议的色彩),希望您在以后的写作中注意一些特殊的书面要求与书面习惯。祝愿您在英语学习中取得更高的成绩!

语法错误比较多。My hometown is a very beautiful place which is a very quiet and small town.Its name is hai feng, an ancient city that retained many historical things.Many great men have been born here.In my hometown, there are a lot of special snacks and many tourist ...

首先,由于要求是给校刊写文章,个人建议写得客观一些,比如开头改为“It was Teachers' Day yesterday. To celebrate the day, all the students in our class prepared a surprise for our English teacher, Mrs.Li.”(如果坚持自己的开头方式,则需要做以下修改)our english teacher可以优化成who ...

麻烦谁来帮我修改下这篇短文 谢谢了 英语高人速来啊
不劳无获 (这篇文章,可能要换种译法,未尝苦果,则无收获)我10岁时,遇到了一件可怕的事情,因为那一刻我就在生死之间。我出生在沿海城市,这个城市的人们非常喜欢在海里游泳,而我通常晚饭后就到海滩上去,这已经成了我的习惯。事情当天,天气恶劣,海上刮着大风。而我对自己的游泳技术过于自信,...

我所能做的就是写成这样了,我是个高中生 英语还算是不错的 。看了你这篇文章以后呢 我想说几点建议 言语可能有些不恰当 请见谅 首先 楼主你的英语就有些Chinglish 虽然我的也是 但是你的程度更深一些 英语的语法和中文的语法还是有不小的差异的 要多加注意啊 还有一些时态之类的地方一定要小心 ...

郁南县13021024273: 英语在线纠错 小短文急求修改,先谢谢.live in a small town in the southern of China. The town just like a beautiful village, so i like it very much. since there many ... -
钞谢甘霖:[答案] I live in a small town in southern China.The town is just like a beautiful village.I like it very much.There are many agricultural markets around so I can eat a lot of fresh fruits and vagetables.Ther...

郁南县13021024273: 帮我修改一下下这篇英语文章,帮我修改一下,看看有什么句子不够好的,帮我改改,越多越好.谢谢了!we made an activity survey last week.we asked all ... -
钞谢甘霖:[答案] We carried out an activity survey last week. We asked all students in Class 12, Grade 8. And we drew a chart using the survey results. In our chart, most students watch TV everyday. Some students watch TV twice a week. And others watch it four times a ...

郁南县13021024273: 请英语高手帮我修改一篇文章~感激不尽我有一篇文章需要修改,我还想多作几句~可是我想不到了.感激不尽.请尽量赐教Now many students go to school in a ... -
钞谢甘霖:[答案] Nowadays many students go to school hastily (in a hurry比较适合口语) and they have no time for breakfast.Perhaps some ... 主要修改了一些句子,让你这段短文读起来顺点!如果要加东西的话,可以考虑调查!比如: Some students want to maintain ...

郁南县13021024273: 几篇英语小短文,希望英语好的能帮忙检查一下语法上的错误修改一下,可以适当增添发挥一些.谢谢!1、I have a pen pal. His name ie Carl. He comes from ... -
钞谢甘霖:[答案] 第5行she always looks after some patients.(look加s)倒数第6行I saw a yellow pants(see过去式saw)倒数第7行There was a big sale.(is变was)She asked me try them on (ask加ed)My mother bought them for me(b...

郁南县13021024273: 跪求大神帮忙改英语作文,改的比较正规,如有中式英语请帮忙修改,谢谢!We Are a NormalMember of the Big Family of Nature Better, what a powerful word... -
钞谢甘霖:[答案] We are all members of the big family of nature. Better-off, what a beautiful word! Today, there are so many changes in our lives. Lights, cars, computers and smart phones……These inventions brought great convenience to our lives, and made our lives ...

郁南县13021024273: 英语作文求修改..谢谢了 -
钞谢甘霖: 1.As we all know that in the childhood is the footstep of human's life这句...

郁南县13021024273: (2)求此英语短文改错翻译及解析请翻译 和 解析 谢谢 If we are(1were) to collect all the water which rains on our houses, roads and pavements instead(2of)letting... -
钞谢甘霖:[答案] 1,是虚拟语气,主句用一般现代时,if从句要用一般过去时,表示对现在情况的假设 2,instead of 意思为代替,而不是 3, actual是形容词,不能修饰副词 4, we need to do 是定语从句,先行词是不定代词all,定语从句用that引导 5,谓语动词是不能做...

郁南县13021024273: 帮我改下英语短文改错,谢谢 -
钞谢甘霖: Education in China has changed a lot in the last 65 years (ago删去) and my grandfather's school days were very different from me

郁南县13021024273: 帮我把这篇英语短文改错改一下,谢谢了 -
钞谢甘霖: 第二行 stay后加in,includes-including 第三行 the-a, informations-information 第四行 that-when, meet-met 第五行 totally-total 第六行 去掉it, going-goes 第七行 until-before

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