
作者&投稿:泊敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1,The high-speed trains created by our country can travel at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour.
2, It will be safer, cozier and roomier with a larger capacity to hold passengers.
3, In terms of land occupation, it takes up only half of what is taken by highway.
4,Besides, it is environmentally friendly.
5, Not only is it energy-saving, it also produces less noise.

Solitude is disliked by everyone, just when compared with disappointment and self-indulgment as well as arrogance and willfulness after the alteration of passion and indifference, it can provide people with more down-to-earth peace of mind.
No more excessive dependence and imprecation, cause even your shadow will not part with you in darkness, a man , in his journey interrupted by frequent stops, develops self-awareness of warmth and coldness as well as self-reliance from the begining to the end.
I don't know what I am looking for , just like don't know what is waiting for me.

No one likes loneliness. But, loneliness may make one feel more peaceful, compared with anxiety following disappointment, indulgence, and alternation between cold and warmth.
Too much dependence and expectation is not necessary, as even your shadow will leave you in the darkness.
Being alone, you go on and pause. You know your own happiness and pain. You always remain self sufficient. I don't know what I'm waiting for, just like I don't know what is waiting for me.

Nobody ikes to be alone, but compared to disappointment,casualness and blow hot and cold, loneliness is more steady.
It won't be helpful if you dependent and pray much, for even your shadow will leave you in the dark.
A man should live on his own and be self - sufficient.
I don't know what I'm waiting for, just like I don't know what is waiting for me.

【求人工翻译】中译英 日常口语短句
1.The thing which made me the saddest I met.我遇见过的最令我伤心的事情:其实它不是一个句子 which后面的是对the thing的修饰 既是同位语。2.Take it easy.或Look before you leap.不要冲动行事,既是三思而行,慢慢来。3.pay attention to...集中注意力做某事。比较初级用法。4.That'...

用于具体事物时表示某一“建造物,建筑物”,还可表示建筑物的“结构”,引申用于文学中可表示短语、句子等的“结构”,即“造句法”。 construction用于正式文体中还可表示“解释,意思”,常与介词on〔upon〕连用。 construction在句中有时可用作定语修饰其他名词。 四、短语搭配 construction management 施工管理 put a...

takes me one hour to make my phone full of power.8、毫无疑问今天实验中的动物受到很好的照顾 译文:There is no doubt that the animals have received very good treatment in today's experiment.这都是我自己翻译的,没有用很难的单词跟句型,高一的童鞋应该能看得懂 O(∩_∩)O~...

in the countryside. Yet they are also dirtier. We think that the air in the countryside is fresher than that in the cities. Can you tell me? Do you live in the city or in the countryside?我把其中的几句话合并了一下,否则有点累赘。那个空气新鲜的前后重复了,不知楼主何意?

1、新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。The newly made bridge collapsed,an engineer and tow local authorities have been indicted in the court of it.2、他工作了一天,午饭都没动。He has been working the whole without breakfast.3、经常性的体育运动使学生身体强壮...

我们正要找你们呢,正好你们都在。I‘m about to looking for you, you're all right here.明天下午没课,咱们一起去逛街吧。There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?好的,这是好主意,OK, it's a good idea 不过,还是让我们先看一下天气预告...

newspaper and print papers etc.3.Preserving the forests has enormous influence on reducing natural disasters like floods and droughts, avoiding decreasing biodiversity or preventing the spices from dying out, refreshing the air and so on.以上都是我自己翻译的,希望对你能有所帮助。

【求人工翻译】短句 中译英
与市镇相比,农村显得非常安静 2 这次离开后,你还会再回来吗 Will you come back after leaving \/ departure?3 前几次 last few times 4 对于…来说 可以说成 as for sb,as to sb,都有对于谁来说的意思。有时候句子中直接for sb,to sb 也可以翻译成对于谁来说 ——As to me, Holland...

1.something one decides to do or stop doing.一些人会决定去做或者停下来不做的事情。(这句话说的就是一种开始或者停止放弃的习惯行为。)2.a person who reads books,magazines,etc.一位经常阅读书籍报刊杂志等等材料的人。(reads是一般时,说明此人具有阅读的习惯。下文会说这样的人具有什么...

用英语翻译句子 1、我不习惯在大庭广众之下被表扬 2、我愿意工作而不...
1、我不习惯在大庭广众之下被表扬 I'm not used to praise on me in public.2、我愿意工作而不是闲着 I am willing to work rather than idle 3、与其说这是谈话,不如说是演讲 Instead of a conversation, (it's) better to say it is a speech.4、文章虽然很长,但是很有趣 The ...

雷州市18255666024: 求人工翻译一段话 急 -
泊孙利欣: today, I remembered my beautiful school, living and interessting teaching, and what I gained and happiness for three years. I thank my teachers for their teaching and my parents for their supporting, of course incluing my classmates' help. I wish my ...

雷州市18255666024: 人工翻译英语句子 -
泊孙利欣: 1. 根据英国最新的家庭生活调查,许多人同时会兼顾两者(具体两者指什么需要通过上下文来理解).2. 鲍勃认为在他成为舞蹈团的一员之后他的问题就解决了.

雷州市18255666024: 翻译句子【人工翻译】 -
泊孙利欣: 草总是另一面更绿.(类似于老婆总是别人的好) 样样通,样样松.

雷州市18255666024: 人工翻译段落,一些英语句子翻译
泊孙利欣: Ramadan.. Ramadan. 斋戒月..斋戒月 a blissed month that we don't want to end or pass. 一个被祝福着的月分, 我们爱不惜手 Ramadan.. Ramadan. 斋戒月..斋戒月 a generous month that we wait every year. 每年一度的仁慈之月 a chance that came in Ramadan so we open new page with merciful Allah. 斋戒月是我们向阿拉真主祈求再施慈悲之月 fasting and worshipping day and night.

雷州市18255666024: 人工翻译句子;并找出每句中短语 -
泊孙利欣: 1,很多年前,人们就梦想着能够飞翔.他们看着鸟,十分羡慕它飞翔的能力.look at sb/sth 看某人或某事2 现今,距离第一架飞机诞生已经过去了100年By now 到目前为止3 怀特兄弟是双胞胎 威尔伯在1912年4月3日写到:“当我们还是孩子的...

雷州市18255666024: 翻译句子 人工翻译
泊孙利欣: We want to send the samples, but the UPS China division says that thsy haven't received your last deliver fee. So please let your local UPS send an email to prove that you've paid them and forward the mail to me.

雷州市18255666024: 求人工翻译几个句子.
泊孙利欣: No matter how to cry also can not escape the disease, Even if you want to go back to the past, Time does not turn the clock back I'll up and live, Everyone has always been kind to me really very grateful

雷州市18255666024: 人工翻译一段话,翻译成英文 -
泊孙利欣: Good morning! The goods I sent to you are absolutely correct and it accords with the description in my shop completely. Giving you some wallets for free next time I referred is to solve the tangles soon, which is the usually way for us to solve problems....

雷州市18255666024: 人工翻译几句话!(英译汉)好的加分哦 -
泊孙利欣: 1.something one decides to do or stop doing.一些人会决定去做或者停下来不做的事情.(这句话说的就是一种开始或者停止放弃的习惯行为.)2.a person who reads books,magazines,etc.一位经常阅读书籍报刊杂志等等材料的人.(reads是一...

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