
作者&投稿:楚钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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I‘m about to looking for you, you're all right here.

There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?
OK, it's a good idea

However, let's see the weather forecast first.

We are about to look for you. It's great that you are all here. Since there won't be any classes for us tomorrow afternoon/Since we're not going to have any classes tomorrow afternoon, let's go to do some window shopping. Great, a very good idea. But, let's check the weather for tomorrow before we make any decisions.

We are looking for you too, luckily you all are here, tomorrow afternoon we don't have class, lets go shopping together.

okay, this is a great idea, but, i think we should check for the weather forecast first.



We are looking for you too, you are right, no class tomorrow afternoon, we go shopping together.

Ok,that‘s a good idea ,but let's take a look at the weather forecast it.

We are looking for you. It's great that you are all here. As there won't be any classes for us tomorrow afternoon. let's go out to do some shopping. Great, a good idea. But, let's check the weather for tomorrow before we make any decisions.

We are looking for you.It's great that you are all here. Since won't have any classes tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together. ok, it's a good idea. However, let's see the weather forecast first.

1.My direct supervisor is a typical workaholic who works 10 hours a day all year round.2.The headmaster lays much emphasis on extracurricular activities.He thinks that extracurricular activities are benificial to cultivate the students' interests in the world out of the classroom.3.He...


帮忙翻译一些句子!! 急!!
1) During the way to the school, Ping Li saw an old lady that got hit by the car and the car drives away.2) Ping Li walked forward and saw the injured on her left leg, it's blooding non-stoply.3)He remembers first aid knowledge that learned from school, he pulls out...

1 Last Sunday afternoon,someone drowned beside City Park,we pulled him out and saved him.2 We helped him to implement first aid and called an ambulance.3 He has no danger when he was sent into the hospital.4 His parents expressed specil thanks to us and the doctor said we ...

帮用英语翻译下这几个句子,十分感谢!!! 1.如果一个人被蛇咬了,你知道怎...
1. If a person is bitten by a snake, do you know how to first aid?2. He suddenly fell ill yesterday and was taken to the hospital at once.3. I can accomplish something in this world.4. He again and again to read the poem, until he can recite.5. We are in a ...

如果你背叛了我,我不会杀你,我会为你祈祷,祈祷你长命百岁的活着,千万别死,至少别死在我前面.我要你看着我好,活生生的体会你失去了什么?失去我,你会后悔一辈子!!!If you beary me. I won't kill you. I would like to pary for you. I pary is that you can live to a ripe age and...

这是一组骂人的句子.要是真的让我翻译了不影响你的情绪,那我就翻译了!왜 말이 없니 ---怎么不说话?야이 시발 걸레같은 씹창년아 ---你这个臭娘们!보&...

江河日下:[解释]江河的水一天天地向下流。比喻情况一天天地坏下去。兵不血刃:【解释】兵:武器;刃:刀剑等的锋利部分。兵器上没有沾上血。形容未经战斗就轻易取得了胜利。平易近人:[解释] 对人和蔼可亲,没有架子,使人容易接近。也指文字浅显,容易了解。脱颖而出:[解释] 颖:尖子。锥...


帮忙翻译一些句子!! 急!!
Li Ping in goes to school on the road saw is knocked down to an old woman by an automobile, the automobile swaggers away Li Ping to go forward, to discover the old person left leg is injured, the blood stream continues remembers the first aid knowledge which goes to school ...

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 英语句子翻译,急求!高悬赏!要人工翻译! -
长沙黎小牛: 我们正要找你们呢,正好你们都在.I'm about to looking for you, you're all right here.明天下午没课,咱们一起去逛街吧.There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?好的,这是好主意,OK, it's a good idea 不过,还是让我们先看一下天气预告吧.However, let's see the weather forecast first.

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 把下列句子翻译成英语,.要正确率高.急.要人工翻译,不要电脑翻译.他可能在家我可能去埃及橙汁可能是甜的那个句子可能是难的 -
长沙黎小牛:[答案] 他可能在家:He might be at home 我可能去埃及:I may go to Egypt 橙汁可能是甜的:Orange juice may be sweet 那个句子可能是难的:The sentence may be difficult 望采纳

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 求英语句子翻译.【英译中】 在线等英语高手 纯人工.就算是用翻译器翻译,也要句子通顺啊.= =、1、He thinks the happiest of his life were the college days in ... -
长沙黎小牛:[答案] 1.他认为在英国乡村的那段大学生活是他一生中最幸福的日子. 2.他是多么地渴望长大,以至于小时候有很多要去担心的事情... 健康在人的幸福生活中发挥着重要的作用. 4.他之所以能保持乐观,是由于在他年老之时依然可以做运动. 纯人工哦.

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 翻译英语句子,有悬赏!!急~!!! -
长沙黎小牛: 1. I want to teach you some regarding the different person about the New Year's Day blessing language. 2. Blessing language said which to teacher

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 翻译一段英语文字(人工翻译{不要机器翻译})可以提高悬赏!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!!
长沙黎小牛: 这是一个有一定年代的故事了,一位父亲因为他三岁的女儿浪费了一卷金色包装纸惩罚了她.因为生活拮据,当看到女儿要包装一个放在圣诞树下的盒子时,他异常恼火. 然而,第二天早晨小女孩把自己做的礼物给了爸爸说,“爸爸,这是给你...

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 10句英语句子~请求高手人工翻译! -
长沙黎小牛: 1. In 1980 she embarked on a teaching post. 2. The scenery reminded her of her hometown. 3. After about 10 minutes, I do not see the bridge on the. 4. Yesterday, shopping, I saw a crowd of thieves. 5. He was left to those sweeping broken glass. ...

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 一.翻译下列句子(翻译成英语) 英语题.急急.要正确率高的.要人工翻译,不要电脑翻译!明早就要交 -
长沙黎小牛: 1,Maybe he will go on holiday. 2, Maybe they are playing basketball all the time. 3,Maybe Alice have been busy. 4, Maybe he is at home. 5, Maybe John just went to cinema. 6,I may go to Eygpt. 7, Maybe orange juice is sweet. 改同义句:1, Maybe...

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 紧急求英语高手帮忙翻译句子!回答满意追加悬赏!大概初三~高一生的?
长沙黎小牛: Hello everyone, this is my class report: The January in this year is very important and ... 还望对你有帮助! 感谢您对我们的支持! 由古今中外团队翻译!Translated by "古今...

石柱土家族自治县15861594722: 翻译句子,懂英语的来,要纯人工翻译,保证对,在线等.... -
长沙黎小牛: The criminal ratio is high in the cities.The street is too dark for walking.The traffic often jams here.There are quite some traffic accidents her...

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