
作者&投稿:莫疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The school attendance system as an example, introduces the VB used in the dynamic approach and unloading control to solve the software quantity controls the use of uncertainty, and can not solve problems of dynamic unloading control in the combobox click event, the software is more flexible, more concise interface

Accounting work is an important part of enterprise management, follow the traditionalmanual accounting accounting work accounts methods have been far from meeting theneeds of modern production and management, in order to improve the quality andefficiency of the accounting work to achieve a computerized accounting the inevitable trend of the development of modern accounting. Implementation and dissemination ofcomputerized accounting not only improve the efficiency and quality of the accounting treatment of accounting information, but also changed its accounting processes and the accounting treatment under the traditional manual accounting not only change the traditional accounting data processing means, and accounting theory and accounting alsohad a revolutionary impact on the real thing. This includes asking about the contents ofseveral parts: an elaborate computerized accounting concept, development, and a detailed analysis of computerized accounting with the traditional manual accounting links with distinction; 2-depth analysis of computerized accounting of accounting theory andtraditional accounting impact of the work; 3 on this basis, analyzes the impact ofcomputerized accounting audit; Finally, from a practical way of accounting work, summed up the problem facing computerized accounting.

Medium and small sized companies now have become an important component and the most vigorous economically increasing point in our country's socialist market economy, playing an increasingly important role in meeting our needs for diversification of development, innovation of technologies and possibility of offering more jobs. While with the deep-going development of the market economy, some unadapted factors to the market economy have popped up, among which the most important factor is that a demium or small sized company lacks an incentive system that can stimulate, attract and appeal to its staff to be loyal to the company. As for the incentive system used in the management of a company, it exactly means stimulating the motivation of the staff, using all kinds of effective ways to motivate the initiative and creativity of its employees to encourage them to finish their tasks thus achieving the organization's goal. So,by making some analysis of the current situation of the incentive systems of the medium and small sized companies in our country, this passage has moved forward a few steps to discuss how to effectively establish an incentive system.


人类的翻译活动源源流长,它深深根植于语言所处的文化之中。The mankind's translation activity flows constantly long, it is deeply the root plant in the language the place of culture in.中西翻译传统由于涉及到不同的语言文化、翻译材料和思想体系,因此彼此之间必然存在着许多不同的差异。The ...

my name is ...i am 20 years old, tody i am so excited to being here join the maritime recruit interview. although i was born in a peasant family i have never changed my wish to becoming a sailor. i like ocean very much since i was a little boy and feel so good of ...

1.像平常一样,他在开始洗漱前,将收音机调至早晨七点的新闻联播。Before he started to wash,he turned the radio to"Morning News"as usual.2.队员们抽签决定谁先上场。By drawing lots,the team members decided who would enter the stage first.3.在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,...

而且里面还有一张光盘 Librarian: Can I have your library card, please?请问我能用下你的借书卡么?Amy: Yes, Here you are.好的,给你 Librarian: Please bring back the book in two weeks'time.请在两周内把书还回来.Amy: Yes, we will.好的,我们会的 Amy: Look, Mum. We can use ...

高手帮忙翻译一下。。。 谢谢啦
If someone eats and dresses up well,Do you think that he is happy?8.他刚进公司就取得非凡成绩,使得所有的员工对他都刮目相看 He achieved great results on entering the company,which made all the staff treat him with increased respect 楼上的是机器翻译的~有不会的可以再问我 ...

海豚浪漫港湾 欢迎你 Dolphin romantic harbour welcome you 亲爱的 my sweetheart 你是我的天使 you are my angel 我们一起飞吧 let's fly together 心心相印 心与心缀 发型圣地 heart to heart (对不起。不懂心与心缀 发型圣地 的意思。所以没翻)抚摸着天空 触摸着星星 to caress the sky and...

你这中文也太罗嗦了。其实报价的话可以简单一点。Other forwarders usually charge RMB 2300 for a 20' container under FOB terms without entering Yangshan port. The add-on is around RMB 500 for entering Yangshan port. But with Kang Jie Kong (the nominated forwarder), we will be charged...

2,请问你如何度过周末? what do u offen do during the weekend?A 去酒吧 go clubing B 参加聚会 go to parties C 回家看父母 still with parents D 去逛街 go shopping E 约会 personal appointment F 去图书馆或者美术观 go to librarys or arts G 看电影 go moving H 看球赛,演唱会...

请高手帮忙 翻译一下

wish to know about the Reactor Grade Niobium sheet. Any break-through?(这里应该是个问号)我还想知道关于铌化学反应的标度表。有什么突破性进展么?(翻译得很辛苦,专业名词太多了。我尽量翻译得中文化但不失去原文的含义。还有啊,这是你们的商业机密吧?不要再发到这样的地方了哦,呵呵)...

新乡县15573833588: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段论文摘要(汉译英)比较急!!!万分感激!!! -
锁帖可尔: Abstract:In an increasingly competitive global environment,the integrated leadership of business leaders is crucial for the survival and development of the business organisation.This article gives an in-depth analysis of the situations both ...

新乡县15573833588: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下面英文摘要 -
锁帖可尔: 里面有手工..Hydraulic cylinder of the hydraulic system is the implementation of components, and hydraulic motors, are to be hydraulic mechanical energy into the energy conversion devices, collectively referred to as liquid motive. Hydraulic cylinders ...

新乡县15573833588: 请英语高手将以下一段摘要翻译成英文,我不要用在线翻译工具直接翻译的,希望大家真的能帮帮我,谢谢. -
锁帖可尔: Chemistry is a compulsory course that all students have to learn in high school. It's a subject that undertakes the task of improving scientific attainments of high school students', meanwhile, it links the preceding and following fundamental education...

新乡县15573833588: 请英文高手帮助翻译一下一段摘要,非常感谢!随着经济的发展,各国之间的竞争日益激烈,各国为了加强自身的竞争实力,在科技、军事、教育等各个方面... -
锁帖可尔:[答案] With the development of economy,the increasingly fierce competition between countries,countries in order to strengthen their competitive strength,in science and technology,military,education and other aspects are taken for their own development of the...

新乡县15573833588: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一段200字左右的摘要本文主要研究了瓦格纳对财政贡献极大的瓦格纳定律,也就是瓦格纳法则.瓦格纳定律的核心思想是,随着经济... -
锁帖可尔:[答案] 非常抱歉,其中有一句我读的不太懂,所以可能会出一些问题,我用括号标注出了这句.如果您能给我重发一句更明确的,我可以继续翻译.望采纳.This essay mainly researches Wagner's law, which is also called Wagner rule, that makes a great ...

新乡县15573833588: 急求高手帮忙用英文翻译一段摘要!!! -
锁帖可尔: in 2007 most receives the global attention the matter nothing be...

新乡县15573833588: 有哪位高手能帮忙把下面这段英文摘要翻译成中文,紧急!!!谢绝利用网络在线翻译工具! -
锁帖可尔: 本章关注的是政治领域的旅游危机,并开始简要某些方面的关系政治和旅游业,包括政府的作用在旅游决策这些方面产生影响的旅游危机,政府可能会作者危机中除了关键角色的管理和解决.形式的政治不稳定,然后确定其能力,以促成旅游业的危机,讨论了利用各种插图来自世界各地的.可能的对策,以困难的情况下最终审查,但这个产业是表明,几乎没有控制权不利的政治力量.接吻研究,并在该章描述的政治环境在缅甸玛,导致要求对旅游业的抵制,和也门在旅游安全受到威胁,挑战政府的权威.在不同的情况旅游业危机代表发起的政治有全行业的情况旅游业危机代表发起的政治有全行业的影响.

新乡县15573833588: 请英语好的各位帮忙翻译下这段论文的摘要 -
锁帖可尔: Wetlands enjoy "kidney of the globe" and the "cradle of life" in reputation. In recent years, with the economic development and the intensific...

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