
作者&投稿:赵言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Honorific leadership:
How do you do!Thanking you very much can read me to recommend a book in 100 favours.
I am , graduating from Xian to concern foreign affairs the tour occupation school.
During the period of school, I use oneself's diligence with dependable, with lent own perseverance and sweat to walk through enrichment, abundant colorful campus life.Now, I will soon graduate, facing new life choice and challenge, my confidence is hundred percent.I can request strictly in everyone's noodles oneself, request to progress actively.
I am good at a communication, behaving sincere, the affinity is very good, working actively actively earnest, can bear suffering dependably.
Though you feel perhaps the request of[with] knowledge and your company that I learn still includes a certain margin, I believe passing open mind effort and 锐 idea is enterprising, can make up the shortage of oneself quickly, erupting special features of flicking oneself.I hope to become a member of the honour of your company from the bottom of the heart, and fly to do and should have for development and 腾 of your company of contribution.
"Give me a satge, send you one set good play" this is my commitment, is also my decision, believe your Bole's insight, believing my real strenght, appreciating the consideration that you seek job to me from the bottom of the heart, waiting and seeing good tidings!
Wish the business of your company finally make rapid progress!
This with the result that
Recommend a person:piece dollar

Please let me know whether you have mailed the sample. If you have please give us the tracking #; if you haven't please arrange shipping as soon as possible, since it will be needed here during our meeting early March. Thanks!

*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

2,请问你如何度过周末? what do u offen do during the weekend?
A 去酒吧 go clubing
B 参加聚会 go to parties
C 回家看父母 still with parents
D 去逛街 go shopping
E 约会 personal appointment
F 去图书馆或者美术观 go to librarys or arts
G 看电影 go moving
H 看球赛,演唱会或者演出 sports march or other performance
I 运动 sports
J 上网聊天 Interent chatting
K 去兼职 part-time jobs
L 其他 others

2,请问你如何度过周末? How do you spend your weekends?
A 去酒吧 go to the bear bar
B 参加聚会 have a party
C 回家看父母 go back to see your parents
D 去逛街 shopping
E 约会 have a date
F 去图书馆或者美术观 go to the library or art gallery
G 看电影 go to the cinema
H 看球赛,演唱会或者演出 watch the ball game, or singing perform
I 运动 sports
J 上网聊天 chatting in the web
K 去兼职 have a part-time job
L 其他 others

How did you spend your weekend?
A 去酒吧
go to the bar
B 参加聚会
go a party/come to a party
C 回家看父母
visit parents
D 去逛街
wander the street/stroll the street
E 约会
F 去图书馆或者美术观
go to the library/picture gallery
G 看电影
watch film
H 看球赛,演唱会或者演出
watch a ball game/vocal concert/show/performance
I 运动
J 上网聊天
chat on the internet
K 去兼职
find a part-time job
L 其他

2,how do you want to pass the weekend?
A go to the bar
B attend the meeting
C go home to see your parents
D window-shops
E appointment
F go to the library or the fine arts view
G watche the movie
H watche the sports match,Concert or performance
I movement
J chat on line
K hold concurrent jobs
L others

2, Could you tell me how you spend your weekend?
A Go to the bar
B Participate in the party
C Come back home to see parents
D go shopping
E Date
F Go to the library or fine arts view
G See the film
H Watch the ball match, the concert or performing
I Sports
J Chat in Net surfing
K Hold a part-time job
L Others

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2,请问你如何度过周末? what do u offen do during the weekend?A 去酒吧 go clubing B 参加聚会 go to parties C 回家看父母 still with parents D 去逛街 go shopping E 约会 personal appointment F 去图书馆或者美术观 go to librarys or arts G 看电影 go moving H 看球赛,演唱会...

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To conclude, proverbs have a long history, and are the combination of people’s wisdom. It is one of the most ancient and valuable language expressions among different peoples to densify various and complicated contents in a high concentrated form. It goes through long period of ...

凤庆县17890523986: 请一个英文高手帮忙翻译成英语句子!很急!今天,是我最糟糕的一天.因为,我没有见到我最想见的人.买给他的礼物,还在我手上,没有送出去.糟糕的一天.... -
吕振麦角:[答案] today was the worst day.because i didn't see the person i mostly wanted to see.The gift bought him is still in my hand.

凤庆县17890523986: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面这句话我在以后将每天想你,永远的祝福你,希望你不要忘记我. -
吕振麦角:[答案] I'll miss u everyday from now on and bless you forever. Hope you will never forget me.

凤庆县17890523986: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一句日常用语对不起,您能容我解释一下这件事情吗? -
吕振麦角:[答案] Excuse me.I was wondering if i can explain this to you. 这是语气最委婉的一种了

凤庆县17890523986: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话 -
吕振麦角: Freedom belongs to you, but I'll be by your side forever.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

凤庆县17890523986: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了!! -
吕振麦角: 楼上的不要用翻译机器人应付人吧.这应该是一份做外贸的公司的条款单,我比较熟悉一些.1、不可分拆装运(装船),并请严格遵守贵方在报价单中提供的交货期.2、部分订单:请说明购买方是否有权购买部分货品.3、建议交货期:在接...

凤庆县17890523986: 请各位英语高手们帮忙翻译一下这几句话!(中译英) -
吕振麦角: do our promises can really go the entire life? i think it can't so we can say "i love you" now but please do not say"i love you for ever" can you really do that? that's too difficult young of us, can promises go for ever?字典上给出的一个关于海誓山盟的翻译是a solemn pledge of love译为一个对爱情隆重的承诺.但是一般来说海誓山盟直接用promise(誓言)就可以了

凤庆县17890523986: 请英语高手来帮忙翻译一下,...
吕振麦角: 1.Be care the high temperature,please don't put your hand into the air outlet 2.Save on paper 3.Please take care of your property by yourself

凤庆县17890523986: 请英文高手帮忙翻译一下 -
吕振麦角: I'm interested in the house you offered. When will you be available? I wanna fix a time to visit the house myself.

凤庆县17890523986: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,万分感激 -
吕振麦角: 正确翻译如下:This question is very simple, the company sent me to study in UK, only two months of time. You should know my career, I'm a costume designer so I have to keep study, and work very hard. Recently, I'm very tired, because of the time ...

凤庆县17890523986: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下'
吕振麦角: 'Torch cloud in bad weather burning, the torch through the symbol of the ancient Silk Road trade in the West; passing through five continents, visiting the Olympic flame had been to no place to friendship and peace to the world'

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