
作者&投稿:舟常 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

city varieties 全称应该是(city varieties music hall)城市多样化音乐厅
the headrow 是街道的名字,leeds 英国的一个城市 利兹
10月10日到11日,仅此1晚在多样化音乐厅,伴随着Barry Cryer 、Duggle Brown 以及6个舞者Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Dural and the Tony Harrison Triod,带来的古典音乐的无限乐趣。 再次欢笑在那些有趣老笑话,倾听与你最喜欢的歌曲吧。


It was time to get up, Ribit was still in bed. Mom came in and ask him to get up, Ribit refuse to go, he don't want to go to the kindergarten. So his mom asked, "Is that because you're afraid of the vaccination today?" Ribit was surprised,"Mom, how did you know?" She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Ribit. It won't hurt at all, it will be just like a mosquito bite."
Ribit agreed to go to the kindergarten with his mother, and at the front of the school, they saw Ribit's friend Piggy refuse to go in. Ribit stepped in with his head held high. Moments later, he came out, walk to Piggy and said, "It didn't hurt at all, it was like bitten by a mosquitoes. I am a man, I am not afraid of this kind of pain."
Piggy heard this and went in for her vaccination too. When she finished, they looked at each other and laughed together happily.




The pony lives in the green grass bacterium bacterium very beautiful brook side with his mother.In addition to the mother leads river to send the time of food for the village of river opposite shore, he always follows behind nearby closely at the mother.He leads of very happy, the time passed by by leap and bound.One day, the mother calls the pony to say nearby:"Pony, you have already grown up, can work for mother.You sent to the village inside of river opposite shore to this bag food to go today."The pony promised very happily.His wore a food to arrive at a brook side by leap and bound.But there is no bridge on river, oneself can drip pass by.Can not know again river water have much deep?Hesitant medium of once the pony raise head, seeing just at not the distance eat the cow uncle of grass.The pony ran hurriedly to inquire about in the past:"The uncle of the cow, do you know that water in the river isn't deeply deep?"The cow uncle starts to stand his that high and big body to say with smile:"Not deep, not deep.Just arrive my calf."The pony runs to return to river bank to prepare once dripping river goes to happily.He just on exceeding a leg heard a voice say suddenly:"Pony, the pony doesn't descend to go to, this river can deeply."The pony bends over to look below, is an originally small squirrel.The small squirrel raises her beautiful tail, circle eyes of the circle, say very in earnest:"One of my colleague drops carelessly the first 2 day into the inside of the river, river water walk his book."Pony a listenned to have no idea.The cow uncle says river water shallow, the small squirrel says river water deeply, how can this do?Have to return to ask a mother.Mother Ma3 sees pony low from afar head the 驮 wear a food and came back.Wishing him must be meet a difficulty, faced to ask in the past

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克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州18477222287: 请帮我把这段对话用英语翻成一个小故事,不用太复杂,越快越好.谢谢大家了. -
点录角鲨: last sunday .Mr Williams went to see Jimmy.when he get to jimmy's home .he found jimmy was in bed.And then he asked what jimmy happend.The Mrs william said jimmy was ill .and the hecall the doctor's telephone number at 09754.The the doctor ...

克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州18477222287: 请英语高手把这段故事翻译成英文
点录角鲨: Once upon a time there was a rich man he was very rich, but every day doing nothing. So he came up with a game of death. There are 10 individuals, no one in the 10 plates, 1-10 within a pump pumping a pumped one's will have to pay the price of ...

克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州18477222287: 哪位英语高手可以耐心帮我把这个故事翻译成英语啊?感激不尽.急用… -
点录角鲨: the day he proposed her, he said only three words: please trust me!the day she gave birth to their first daughter, he said: thank you!the day their daugher married, he hugged her: i'm with you!the day he received her critical condition list, he said to her ...

克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州18477222287: 我有一篇希望之星的英语小故事,请大家帮我改一改,The story goes that two friends were walking through the desert.During some point of the journey they ... -
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点录角鲨: My father is a big person.He has a short hair and big eye. He's house is very beatiful.He is fishing on the sea. Ha-ha,he is has a big fish! I like my father.He is very happy!

克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州18477222287: 帮忙编写一段英语小故事!急,急,急.帮忙编写一段英语小故事,要求要用5个被动语态.高一水平!很急!写得好的,有加分! -
点录角鲨:[答案] one car come, one car go, two car peng peng, one man die.

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点录角鲨: 少儿英语小故事--猴子捞月(中英文对照) One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿. He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” “噢!我的天...

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点录角鲨: I once read a story in which an elderly man imparted the essence of life to his children and grandchildren. He said, "there are two wolves hidden in everyone's bottom of heart, with one representing haughtiness, greed, inferiority, lie, self-conceit, ...

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