
作者&投稿:江纨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
宫崎骏 龙猫 的英文介绍,不要翻译器翻译的。~

My Neighbor TOTORO(1998)
Logo: this strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan.
Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother.
Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is in habited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro).
They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.
The film is full of fairy tale colour and the warmth of family, the success of the audience into a fantastic fairy tale world, it is a rare and excellent work.

影片获得1988年 《电影旬报》 十佳电影的榜首



Bomei walks with pride and dignity. His temperament and action are healthy. The Bomei is an extroverted, very clever and lively dog,which makes it not only a very good companion dog,but also a very good competitive-game dogs. The Bomei has a lot of hair which is like a hairball , and also a bit like barking. the reason why they are named as Fox dogs is that they look very like the Fox .

Pomeranian, one of excellent partner and competitive racing dog of all kinds, is featured with extrovert, smart and active tributes as well as with elegant and graceful walking manner. It loves barking a little bit but its gestures are totally positive. The dog’s hair largely looks like a lots fur balls. Its formal name is fox dog because its face is much the same as a fox.

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2000 - present director, Edward Changchun Institute of renewable technologies The 1991 total, enterprises directly under the central government organs. Study: Europe to participate in the introduction of the "slaughter waste of renewable," "aerobic wastewater pollution, physical pollution," "...

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 急需!!!英语高手翻译博美犬的介绍,不要用翻译器翻译 -
拱差银丹: Bomei walks with pride and dignity. His temperament and action are healthy. The Bomei is an extroverted, very clever and lively dog,which makes it not only a very good companion dog,but also a very good competitive-game dogs. The Bomei has a ...

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 一篇描写博美狗狗的英语作文 -
拱差银丹: the dog l like the dogs very much. They are very interesting and lovely. They like to eat sausages. Because they are delicious. the dogs always are people's best friend. It can help people to catch bad people and look after people's children or house. How useful the dogs are!

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 博美犬的英文怎么说啊? -
拱差银丹: 中文名: 博美犬 俗名别名: 松鼠狗 英文名: Pomeranian 博美犬属尖嘴犬系品种, 祖先为北极的雪橇犬, 因此, 该犬与荷兰毛狮犬和挪威糜缇关系密切. 据此犬的最初记载, 此犬来自波兰及德国沿海交界地的博美拉尼亚地区. 当时, 这些犬被使用于看守羊群博美犬专业网:http://www.hadleigh.cn/

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 博美犬的英文名叫什么? -
拱差银丹: Canis lupus familiaris 博美是一种紧凑、短背、活跃的玩赏犬,学名哈多利系博美犬(俗称英系博美犬),是德国狐狸犬的一种,原产德国.它拥有柔软、浓密的底毛和粗硬的皮毛.尾根位置很高,长有浓密饰毛的尾巴卷放在背上.它具有警惕...

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 我家里养着一条博美狗,用英语怎么说 -
拱差银丹: 我知道哦,博美犬的英语是Pomeranian,请好好对待您的狗狗哦!最后祝可爱的狗狗健康漂亮.

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 英语翻译求英语高手翻译 请不要发来英语在线翻译的内容 -
拱差银丹:[答案] 我国老字号企业国际化战略研究,要看怎么断句:如果是 战略研究,就是Strategic Study on the Internationalization of China Time-Honored Brands;如果是 国际化战略,就是Study on the Internationalization Strateg...

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 请英语作文高手帮我翻译一下,急需!谢了!翻译: 在支持的这一项里面,认为可以缓解交通压力的占60%人.由此看来,这种方法确实可以缓解交通压力.还... -
拱差银丹:[答案] In support of this one there that can ease the traffic pressure accounted for 60% of the people.Seen in this light,this method can indeed alleviate the traffic pressure.Another 30% of people think tha...

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 急需英语高手翻译
拱差银丹: 1. A motorcycle speeded along, and it turned over with the driver at the turning corner. Fortunately, not a passer-by got harm. 2. The driver went into stupor on the spot, bleeding badly. 3. I called the 120 at once. I did the first aids of artificial ...

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 英语作文 写《狗》的 英语高手进 -
拱差银丹: There is a dog in my house.It has a long tail and big ears.The fur color of my dog is white. It is so cute that just like a plush toy. I love my pretty dog.

张家川回族自治县18445202701: 来个英语高手帮忙翻译下短语,谢谢了! 急需!1、和...有共同之处 2、与...一样 3、把...分开 4、对某人有影响5、与...不同 6、两个,一对 -
拱差银丹:[答案] in common the same as separate from have an influence on sb have an effect on sb be different from a couple of

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