英语高手们帮帮改一下 急!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:扈东 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Zoom is healthy;he is in the fit.
zip is gloomy;she is feeling BLUE.
I am exited;l am seeing RED.
The students in Class 1 are very very sad;they are in a black mood.

1,today(Today) is sunday(Sunday) .the(The) weather is warm .
2,the(The) students are very bored.
3,there(There) are(is) a football match between class 1 and class 2. (两个class要大写)
4,the(The) game is wonderful.
5, At last,class 1 wom(won) the game.
6, the(The) students in class 2 feels sad.
括号里的是改正的, 所有的class要改成Class

Chenjie is catching butterfly.She is very exited.
Amy is playing line-jumping and she feels very tired. John and Zhangpeng are playing chess. John loses, so he is angry. Mike is alone and bored.

The Tao Yuanming poetry ancient times in the poetry history held the unique status in China, but was by no means problem-free to the ceramic poem artistic value's understanding, but passed through very long period of time, only then gradually is understood by the people and accepts, even appreciated, Tao Shi the literature status beginning is been established. This article tries when discusses is the Tao Yuanming poetry literature status establishment process, the Southern Dynasty, the ceramic poem value has not obtained the full understanding; To Tang, just now reveres Tao Xuetao; Song Dynasty, the ceramic poem lofty status can be established truly. Hereafter, in the history of literature has continued to ceramic poem this kind of localization, causes Tao Shi to have huge and the profound influence in the descendant, becomes the immortal Chinese culture.

Hello, every one. I am a student in Wen Hai Middle School. My name is VV, and you (加can) also call me Mandy. I am not a clever girl, so I can’t speak English very well. At school, my favorite subject is Math. Many people thank改为(think) it’s too difficult, bat(改为but) I don’t thank(改为think) so,(.) I think it’s so(改为very) easy and interesting.(建议重复用同一个词,可以换成其他词语)
I like dolphins very much, because they are very clever. And I like bees too, because they are very selfless. So I’d want to be a Candidate, I’d like to present a copy of my power to all purpose.

The (2008) Olympic Games it’s(will be) held in Beijing, it’s Chinese’s dream, on August 8th in 2008(删了) it was achieved at last.

“One world, One dream.” We hold and close congenital dream, it sails to the Olympic Games.


1.every one改为 everyone
2.and you also call me Mandy.you后面加can,你也可以叫我Mandy.
3.Many people thank it’s too difficult.thank改为think
4.bat I don’t thank so.bat改为but
5.So I’d want to be a Candidate.I'd want to改为I want to或I'd like to
6.I’d like to present a copy of my power to all purpose.
7.The Olympic Games it’s held in Beijing,
中国的奥运会只有一场,所以这里Game去掉s,而且奥运还没开始,所以应该说will be held in Beijing.
8.it’s Chinese’s dream, on August 8th in 2008, it was achieved at last. 梦想成真,dream come true.所以最后一句改为it comes true at last.
9.We hold and close congenital dream,不知道你这句话要表达什么意思.

you also call me Mandy.->you can also call me Mandy.

so I can’t speak English very well 这句不要用so(没那么明显的因果关系呀,学英语别泄气),用and.

bat I don’t thank so->but I don’t think so注意拼写.

So I’d want to be a Candidate->So I want to be a candidate. would like to do sth=want to do sth.
没有would want to do.

I’d like to present a copy of my power to all purpose.(这句话意思很模糊,得重新思考)

The Olympic Games it’s held in Beijing 中it's->is.

it’s Chinese’s dream. it's后加the

it was achieved at last->we got the right to hold it at last

Hello, every one. I am a student in Wen Hai Middle School. My name is VVan hui, and you also call me "Mandy". I am not a clever girl, so I can’t speak English very well. At school, my favorite subject is Maths. Many people thank it’s too.difficult, bat I don’t thank so, I think it’s so easy and interesting.
I like dolphins very much, because they are very clever. And I like bees too, because they are very selfless. So I’d want to be a Candidate, I’d like to present a copy of my power to all purpose.
The Olympic Games it’s held in Beijing, it’s Chinese’s dream, on August 8th in 2008, it was achieved at last.
“One world, One dream.” We hold and close congenital dream, it sails to the Olympic Games.

Maths 要有"s" 句点

Many people thank 改为 Many people think
bat I don’t thank so 改为 but I don’t think so

So I’d want to be a Candidate 改为So I want to be a Candidate(不必那么费事和委婉)

The Olympic Games it’s held改为 The Olympic Games will hold(不能用被动语态 奥运会还没举行)


英语高手们帮帮改一下 急!!!
Hello, every one. I am a student in Wen Hai Middle School. My name is VV, and you (加can) also call me Mandy. I am not a clever girl, so I can’t speak English very well. At school, my favorite subject is Math. Many people thank改为(think) it’s too difficult, ...


\/\/主要有以下几处错误,改后运行正确 include<stdio.h> main(){ int a[4],b[5],j1[4],b1[9],c=0,i,j,p=0,q=0,p1,q1;\/*a存放4位数,b存放5位数,j1存放交集,b1存放并集,p、q是j1和b1中不确定的位数,p1和q1是交集和并集中确定下来的最后数的个数*\/ printf("输入a:");for(i...

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方兴未艾:方:正在;兴:起始,兴起;艾:停止,完结。事物正在发展,还没有停止。多形容革命形势新生事物正在蓬勃发展。 大放厥词 : 厥:其,他的;词:文辞,言辞,或作“辞”。原指铺张词藻或畅所欲言。现用来指大发议论(今多含贬义)。 不绝如缕:绝:断;缕:细线。多形容局面危急或声音...


语文题 我要疯了!高手们帮忙啊啊啊啊啊!!!
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临沂市13467778115: 英语高手帮帮我!!!急..(改错题) -
上雯理舒: far-much goes-went loosely-lost why-that 这个不晓得 that-when ago-before(said拼错了)

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上雯理舒:[答案] It was time for supper. The Bakers was sitting 1:( 第二个was改为were ) at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny 2:( waiting 后加for ) to return back from work .It was late. The parents 3:(return 改为come ) are worried about her. At last Jenny ...

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上雯理舒: She is of medium build, she has short black straight hair. She has the round face. Very pretty, she likes story-telling, I think it very interesting!

临沂市13467778115: 请高手帮忙修改英语作文,急!A letter to my parentsDear Mom and Dad,Thank you so much for bringing me up.I know how hard you've worked during the ... -
上雯理舒:[答案] you help me when I was in trouble.前后时态不一 I was moving because you've did so much for me in this 15 years.It was moving You become old person and I become a great girl.加an and改成while But I know today.I know it. Now I'm standing here ...

临沂市13467778115: 急!英语高手帮忙看看这几句话有错吗?可以帮忙修改一下嘛... -
上雯理舒: She often surprised us by coming up with/ completing different DIY projects. In the past two years, I have gradually come to realize that she is not only extraordinarily talented, but also honest, responsible and kind-hearted. She has shown a great ...

临沂市13467778115: 英语高手们,帮忙改一下错误吧~ -
上雯理舒: A.我们要先准备几块大的巧克力和做巧克力的模子,同时再准备一个小的金属碗和一个大碗.B.把从超市买来的巧克力切成规则小块.C.把它们放入金属碗中,浸泡在热水中,使其溶化.D.待巧克力融化之后,把盛有巧克力的碗放到常温下搅拌E. 等巧克力变冷之后,把它灌入准备好的模具中F.把巧克力放进冰箱冷却.20分钟之后,取出巧克力,然后包装但是我觉得这个做的过程又错误把应该是把融化的巧克力放入模子种冷却吧不清楚

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上雯理舒: 1.shanking his→shaking their2.talk comebody→talk to somebody3.didn't→doesn't4.(此题或许正确,不然in→at)5.a→an6.shake→shook7.an→and(可以考虑换为but)8.angry→an...

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上雯理舒:[答案] The person that i admire the most in our class is our monitor.Our monitor is a tall girl with long hair,and wears a pair of glasses.She is an excellent leader in our class.She helps teachers manage th...

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