英语 改错(初一) 本人急需!!!求求大家帮个忙!!! 答对一道题就能得两分!!!高手们帮帮我啊!!!

作者&投稿:禤定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2.规律为1减去2的n次方分之一 答案为256分之255


1、My mother is an office worker.(应该把a变成an,因为后面是原音)
2、There is a river in front of my house.(不应该加the,去掉就好了)
3、.I like living in the quitely street.(应该在quite后面加ly,表示安静的,是形容词来修饰街道。)
4、Which is the best way to Wangcheng Park?(把a改成了thebest了)
6、Which is the way to Wangcheng Park?(in改成on)
7、Is this a work at the school?(in改成at,因为学校是一个比较小的地点,所以用at,凭的是直觉。。。。)
8、Who are you waiting for here?(wait for 等待 动词短语 如此句加个for就ok了,其他不变)
9、Paul is a captainoal of our school basketball team.(加oal凭的是直觉。。。。)
11、没错(因为都说了否定的意思了,说以any,如果没有,却想要得到的就算是疑问句也要用some例如:l am very hurgy ,mother~!ls there some food in the fridge?
13、Why do you play with dogs all day?
14、Can you write a report for students' vacations?(with改成for)、
15、I have to go to a piano lesson at the Childrens' Palace(ok了,终于打完了~

1.My mother is an office worker.
2.There is a river in front of my house.
3.I like living in quite street.
4.Which is the way to Wangcheng Park?
6.You shuold work hard in the daytime and sleep at night.
8.Who are you waiting for here?
12.The old man had no sons and no daughters.
13.Why do you play with dogs all day?
14.Can you write a report about students' vacations?
15I have to go to a piano lesson at the Childrens' Palace.

My mother is an office worker.
There is a river in front of my house.

1 a 改为an 2 去掉the 3quite 改为 quiet 4 a改为the 5 across后加the 6去掉the 7 这是学校的一个工作么? 8 here前加for 9 a改为the 10 goodlooking 11any 改为some 12 son and daughter 13 去掉the 14 with 改为 on 15 去掉go to 仅供参考

1. a 改 an
2. 去掉the
3. quite 改 quiet
4. a 改 the
5. Go 改 Going
6. a 改 the
7. 不改的话 好像不通啊
8. waiting后加for
9. a改the
11.any 改some
12. no,,,and 改 neither...nor
14. with 改 about
15. 去掉have 或者 去掉go to

1.My mother is an office worker.(元音音素前用an)

2.There is a river in front of my house.(固定短语,在······的前面)
3.I like living on the quite street.
4.What is the way to Wangcheng Park?
5.Go across Fifth Avenue,come to join us.
6.You should work hard in the day and sleep at night.(在白天in the day,在夜晚at night)
7.Is this a work of the school?这是教育事业吗?
8.Who are you waiting for here?
9.Paul is the captain of our school basketball team.
10.Gina is a good-looking girl.
11.He doesn't do any reading after class.(肯定句用some,否定句用any)
12.The old man has no sons or daughters.(or用于否定句中连接两个并列成分)

13.Why do you play with dogs all day?

14.Can you write a report of students' vacations?

15.I have a piano lesson at the Childrens' Palace.


沙河口区18744406886: 初一英语病句改错~急需~ -
茶贪力复: 第一句friend该复数friends,one of后加复数.第二句how改为what,感叹句中what修饰名词.第三句is改为does.第四句were改was,第三人称单数.第五句is改为was,过去时.

沙河口区18744406886: 帮忙!初一英语改错题... -
茶贪力复: 1.Do you want to go shopping 是正确的,运用了Want to do sth.的句型.2.应该为Please tell him not to be late for school 3.They went to the beach last month.因为last month是“上个月”的意思,应该用过去时态,把“go”改为“went”

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茶贪力复: 第一行 第二个father改father's第二行 longer改long第三行 去掉from on改in第四行 some改any times改time she改he第五行 speaking改speak第六行 and改but第七行 with改on

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茶贪力复: on-at was去掉 sursprsing-surprised 正确 of去掉 get-getting same前+the quick+ly have-had returned-returning

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茶贪力复:[答案] One day,I was cooking in the kitchen 《 when 》the telephone rang.I went to answer immediately.《 It 》 was my close friend,Lisa.When we were talking on 《 the 》phone,the fire alarm 《 was 》sounded.I ran back to the kitchen.The room《 was 》 full ...

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茶贪力复: A terrible storm took place in a summer night. The wind was very strong and many trees brought down. It was already evelven o'clock. Li Ming had gone to night school and was not back and his parents were very anxious. Half an hour later the wind ...

沙河口区18744406886: 5个英语改错题 急需答案!!!
茶贪力复: 1 no matter - Whatever 2 not handing - not to hand 3 has- is 4 for-of 5 A - One

沙河口区18744406886: 急需一篇英语改错文的答案,在线等,高手速度,急急急急. -
茶贪力复: 1.don't-doesn't2.dangerously--dangerous3.the前加to4.tooth--teeth5.addict--addicted6.but--and7.对8.it去掉9.exercises --exercise

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