
作者&投稿:曾史 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The secret of happiness
First of all, have an aim and pursue a dream.
Keep smiling.
Learn to share your joys and your sorrows.
Be ready to help others and learn where to seek help when you are in need.
Keep a young heart forever.
Learn to get along with all kinds of people.
Keep your sense of humor under any circumstances.
Don’t panic no matter what.
Learn to forgive other people including your enemy.
Make some closed /bosom friends.

Learn to understand group cooperation from which you find enjoyment.
Learn to cooperate with your colleagues and enjoy what you do
Love your loved ones and enjoy your family life
Have high self-esteem
Learn to respect the less fortunated
You may fool around /indulge yourself once a while but never infringe upon the rights of other people.
Do what you love. If you can’t, love what you do.

Be strong and be brave.
Money is not everything. Don’t indulge yourself in it.

Hello, welcome to our company. My name is xxx. It is my responsibility to show you around. You've all worked very hard. Please follow me. This way, please. May I introduce a few members of our company to you, this is the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Liu, this is our General Manager, Mr. Ma, and this is Mr. Shi, our manager. Please take a seat. Have some water. Help yourselves. If there is anything you want/need, feel free to call me.

土耳其国王美丽的宠妃养了一只凡湖猫(Turkey Van)。国王爱着宠妃的同时,也喜爱着这只猫。渐渐地,妃子却觉得这只猫在与自己争宠。于是下令全城捕杀所有的凡湖猫。成千上万只凡湖猫遭到围剿,最终被逼到凡湖边。这时,一只勇敢的猫跳进水里,几经沉浮,居然学会了游泳。其他的猫也照样跳进水里,努力划水,学会了游泳。国王知道此事后,为凡湖猫的勇敢与智慧所感动,立刻下令停止捕杀,确立凡湖猫为保护动物,且将凡湖猫立为国宝。
Turkish king beautiful pet concubine have a cat who lake (Turkey Van). The king love dandle concubine, but also love the cat. Gradually, princess but feel the cat with his dispute bestows favor on. Then ordered the killing of all the city all lake cat. Tens of thousands of only every lake cat was encirclement, was eventually forced to all the lake. At this time, a brave cat jumped into the water, after several ups and downs, incredibly learned to swim. So also the other cats jumped into the water, and strive to stroke, learned to swim. The king knew that this matter, for whoever lake the cat's courage and wisdom touched, immediately ordered to stop killing, establish all lake cat for the protection of animals, and all the lake cat set up as a national treasure.
So, every lake cat became the world's only the cat will be useful.

The king of Turkey beautiful concubine keeps a Lake Van Cat ( Turkey Van ). The king loved the concubine at the same time, also love the cat. Gradually, Princess felt the cat with his love. He ordered the killing of all Lake Van cat. Only tens of thousands of Lake Van Cat hounded, driven up to where the lake. At this time, a brave cat jumped into the water, after many ups and downs, I learned how to swim. Other cats also jumped into the water, trying to pull, to learn how to swim. The king knew about it, for every lake cat braveness and wisdom are moved, immediately ordered to stop killing, establishment of Lake Van Cat for animal protection, and Lake Van Cat set for a national treasure.So, where Lake cat became the world's only useful cat.
这个吧 - - - - - - - 希望采纳

Turkish king beautiful pet concubine have a cat who lake (Turkey Van). The king love dandle concubine, but also love the cat. Gradually, princess but feel the cat with his dispute bestows favor on. Then ordered the killing of all the city all lake cat. Tens of thousands of only every lake cat was encirclement, was eventually forced to all the lake. At this time, a brave cat jumped into the water, after several ups and downs, incredibly learned to swim. So also the other cats jumped into the water, and strive to stroke, learned to swim. The king knew that this matter, for whoever lake the cat's courage and wisdom touched, immediately ordered to stop killing, establish all lake cat for the protection of animals, and all the lake cat set up as a national treasure.
So, every lake cat became the world's only the cat will be useful.

The king of Turkey beautiful concubine keeps a Lake Van Cat ( Turkey Van ). The king loved the concubine at the same time, also love the cat. Gradually, Princess felt the cat with his love. He ordered the killing of all Lake Van cat. Only tens of thousands of Lake Van Cat hounded, driven up to where the lake. At this time, a brave cat jumped into the water, after many ups and downs, I learned how to swim. Other cats also jumped into the water, trying to pull, to learn how to swim. The king knew about it, for every lake cat braveness and wisdom are moved, immediately ordered to stop killing, establishment of Lake Van Cat for animal protection, and Lake Van Cat set for a national treasure.
So, where Lake cat became the world's only useful cat.

Turkish king beautiful pet concubine have a cat Turkey Van. The king love dandle concubine, but also love the cat. Gradually, princess but feel the cat with his dispute bestows favor on. Then ordered the killing of all the city all lake cat. Tens of thousands of only every lake cat was encirclement, was eventually forced to all the lake. At this time, a brave cat jumped into the water, after several ups and downs, incredibly learned to swim. So also the other cats jumped into the water, and strive to stroke, learned to swim. The king knew that this matter, for whoever lake the cat's courage and wisdom touched, immediately ordered to stop killing, establish all lake cat for the protection of animals, and all the cat set up as a national treasure.
So, every lake cat became the world's only the cat will be useful.

and Mrs. Hu. Though I have never been to Hawaii, I know that place and I like it. Because I usually draw Chinese painting, I really like the customs of Hawaii. For my part, going to Hawaii in 2011 maybe is the most exciting thing if I have time.不是翻译机器翻的~...

In addition, samples of the matter, each and every one color display stand empty, we are ready to send within a week, and it's free.If full display, needs 3 weeks at least, need to pay.或 Moreover, the sample matter, each section of each color adds the spatial ...

When I saw you for the first time, a kind of sense occured to me.I believe that I fell in love with you at the first sight .So lively and lovely you are! It's my great pleasure if I have the honor to make you,a great beauty, be my girlfriend....

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土耳其国王美丽的宠妃养了一只凡湖猫(Turkey Van)。国王爱着宠妃的同时,也喜爱着这只猫。渐渐地,妃子却觉得这只猫在与自己争宠。于是下令全城捕杀所有的凡湖猫。成千上万只凡湖猫遭到围剿,最终被逼到凡湖边。这时,一只勇敢的猫跳进水里,几经沉浮,居然学会了游泳。其他的猫也照样跳进水里,...

帮忙翻译一小段话!谢谢 快!
The Chinese Spring Festival is near, Beijing has become a jolly city full of festive spirits. Many places have hung up red lanterns at their entrance as a sign of "good luck", people have started letting off firecrackers and fireworks. Although you're not in China right now, I...

services during the tour, please tell us so that we can improve our services in future.Again thank you for backing our work. I look foward to seeing you next time genuinely.ok, good luck to you all, C U 没有完全按照你的原话翻译,但是还是符合口语表达情境的,希望你能满意 ...

英语I come from China, I want to tell your friends, I am glad to know you.日语私は中国から、私はあなたのお友达と言ってほしい、私はあなたを知ってうれしく思います。法语Je viens de la Chine, je tiens à dire à vos amis, je suis heureux de vous connaître.俄...

Today is the second day I went to Jiuzhaigou. It is today, I started the first taste of the United States and Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou Valley is a place of clear water, which forms a lake of varying size, we then asked them to Lake. We can see the blue of Lake, beautiful ...

作为大家的心理委员,我也可以比较轻松。So I also feel comfortable and relaxed to be your mental health representative.只是干一些给你们发搞笑的短信之类的事。So all I need to do is to send you some funny short messages.但是呢,这里我也想给各位班干部提出个建议,希望班干部为我们可爱的...

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮助我用英语翻译下列一段话,很急用.在15分钟之内我喜欢收集邮票,因为它带给我无穷的快乐,我更喜欢了解邮票的历史,因为这样丰富了我的业... -
谈侄安达:[答案] i like collecting stamps,because it brings me infinite interesting. i prefer learning about the history of stamps,(这个不会)

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙用英文翻译一段话: -
谈侄安达: In addition, samples of the matter, each and every one color display stand empty, we are ready to send within a week, and it's free. If full display, needs 3 weeks at least, need to pay.或 Moreover, the sample matter, each section of each color adds ...

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙用英语翻译一个句子:一日三餐对于我们很重要,现在,我就告诉你我的三餐吃什么. -
谈侄安达:[答案] It,s important for us to eat three meals a day,now,let me tell you what to eat.

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙翻译几个句子,,很急,,拜托!!!
谈侄安达: 1小街的两旁是耸立的梧桐树,密密的,形成一片和谐而宁静的笼罩2夏季,他俩一起在茂盛的树冠下散步.深夜,星星会从树叶的缝隙里探出小脸,向他们微笑. 秋日,两人手拉着手,从厚厚的落叶上踩过,一边齐声唱着歌谣.脚踩落叶发出的清脆的响声为他们的歌做伴奏.

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙翻译一句话 -
谈侄安达: nowadays, our study becomes more and more tense, i think doing some sports exericise during the short break is a good choice.

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙把一段话翻译成英语 -
谈侄安达: For paying less import tarrif, we hope you could provide a lower price but it will not reduce your profit, because I will pay you USD 10000 at first, and then remit the balance to your account directly, or ask carrier to deliver the balance to you. How's your...

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙翻译一段话
谈侄安达: (1) of national development and production, and encouraged the infrastructure construction, operating solely or joint venture cooperation projects, enterprise income tax revenue generated from the enterprise income tax year, according to the local ...

禹王台区18783842730: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英语,我认为最重要的是合理地安排时间.每个人每天都只有二十四个小时,我们必须珍惜他们,同时合理地利用他们... -
谈侄安达:[答案] I think that the most important thing is that budget one's time rationally. Everybody has 24 hours only every day, we must treasure them, utilize them rationally at the same time. First. Choice of the order. Want thing that do and want thing that make have ...

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙翻译一个句子 -
谈侄安达: 在非洲某些地方,该团体利用体育运动这种方式来赢得社区对国民健康运动的支持.

禹王台区18783842730: 请大家帮忙翻译一句话阿~我喜欢你,我想你也知道.我一直不知道应该怎样告诉你我的感情.即使你不喜欢我,也希望我们能当好朋友.]翻译成英文阿 谢谢大家了 -
谈侄安达:[答案] I love you,I think you know that.Me has been not know how to tell you my feelings.Even if you do not like me,we can also hope that when the good friends

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