
作者&投稿:允沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

50 First dates is a great romantic comedy because its both a light-hearted funny romance and a serious story about love. Serious movies often seem overwhelming, or too much to deal with when we need some R& R. Yet light goofy movies can seem like a waste of time. This movie was both entertaining and fulfilling, the best of both worlds. For anyone with a disability or flaw that makes dating life hard (and who doesn't have one of those?) this movie is an uplifting tale of how people can come together and learn to cope. But don't think about the serious stuff too much! You'll ruin all the slapstick comedy that trademarks an Adam Sandler film.

50 First Dates! Who would not love being able to wake up everyday to a clean slate. Every kiss would be a "first kiss". If you screwed up one day it will not matter because as soon as you go to sleep, that day is erased. Drew Berrymore and Adam Sandler work very well together. Adam Sandler is trying to get Drew Berrymore to go out with her. Of course Drew has short term mermory loss. Adam tries several times and does some silly things to get Drew to notice him. Drew has several people who are very protective of her. Her dad, brother and the cooks at the diner think Adam want to date Drew for one reason only. However, as the story line unfolds, you can tell that Adam really wants what is best for Drew. They all go the the therapist to see if anything can be done about the memory loss. Everyday her dad and brother wash the same outfit, get the same newspaper and the same pineapple as on the day Drew lost her memory. When things get tough, Drew paints some beautiful pictures. In the end, Adam and Drew get married, have a child and sail out in the ocean

Another Adam Sandler movie. Another Chick Flick. Another romantic comedy. Another film that Rob Schneider appears in. All in all, another Spectacular Waste Of Time.

50 FIRST DATES is almost as painful as the brain injury it makes fun of.

Henry (Sandler) is a marine biologist at a SeaWorld in Hawaii. (If you can conceptualize Adam Sandler as a marine biologist, the rest of the outlandish and offensive concepts in the movie should just clack into place.) He's a philanderer, bedding women on vacation in Hawaii and forgetting them the next day.

I see an ironic twist coming like a wrecking ball shaped like stupid.

Henry falls for Lucy (Drew Barrymore, her lisping out of control from overdosing on coquettishness). Little does he know she suffers from short-term memory dysfunction - when she goes to sleep every night, her memory wipes clean. She retains memories up to the point of the accident that caused her condition.

So when Lucy sees Henry the next day, she doesn't know him. Who can blame her? Don't we all try to wipe Adam Sandler out of our minds daily? So begins Henry's odious quest to make Lucy remember him. Again. And again. And again. It's GROUNDHOG DAY for retards, i.e. Adam Sandler fans.

Written unthinkingly by George Wing (his first movie) and directed adequately by Peter Segal, the premise of 50 FIRST DATES is a lecher's wet dream, a sick exploitation. It is not even tragicomic - it is flatly simply a tragedy. You can sophomorically pass it off like a GILLIGAN'S ISLAND episode, but the reality is that this woman has BRAIN DAMAGE! Movie about a disabled, fecund chick and the genetically-dysfunctional, horny philanderer trying to screw her. What makes anyone think (audience and movie characters alike) that Henry has "changed" since we met him as a slut? What has come to light is his pathological eccentricity in pursuing this woman whom he has no possibility of having a future with.

If he was sincerely trying to cure her brain problem, we might excuse his randy "courting" - but he's simply trying to get into her pants - on the pretense of "noble love." He wants Lucy to regain her memory to remember HIM, not to improve her quality of life (even though we know that in his warped head, he is considering her memories of him as that very improvement).

Then there is the tragedy that is Sean Astin: from starring roles in three of the most renowned films in moviedom (Peter Jackson's stunning LORD OF THE RINGS series), here he slips backwards, downwards, almost too comfortably into the filth from whence he came - his Z-character niche - as Lucy's lisping, ambiguously-masculine brother, Doug. The mesh belly shirt doesn't help. Or maybe it helps too much.

Doubt that Henry would be so intent on pursuing Lucy if she looked like Sean Astin in the belly shirt.

And Rob Schneider. At least Sandler tries for cred - with reputable roles in SPANGLISH, REIGN OVER ME, PUNCH DRUNK LOVE - but Schneider (playing Henry's idiot friend here - no surprise) has never chosen one redeeming role in his sloppy-seconds career. A one-trick pony with two broken legs.

Blake Clark plays Lucy's father. Dan Aykroyd slaps down a cameo as Lucy's doctor.

Henry's major breakthrough in bedding Lucy is creating a video, which Lucy must watch every morning, outlining her life from her accident to that point in time, including the bilious parts about her falling for Henry.

He gets his wish, gaming it so badass one day (one of the many days he has nothing better to do with his life) that he scores third base. Of course, no one questions the morals or gullibility of a woman who would watch a video, be convinced she is the victim of a memory-loss accident and then fall for the guy on the video who is telling her that she loves him.

Henry eventually sails off to "find his dream" but realizes Lucy retains some shred of him in her memory, so - talk about "dreamkiller" - he returns to port, to find that Lucy has been made Art Director of a Spastic Institute (is the movie trying to be ironic?), surrounding herself with her drawings of Henry, not understanding why an image of this ugly guy who looks like Adam Sandler is in her mind.

But how does she remember she is an Art Director every day? How does she perform her administrative job with no memories of the previous day? What's this Post-It on my desk? Where did I put my file of symposium attendees? Are the audience as stupid as we think they are to fall for this?

The movie's message is noxious and disturbing. There is no badness in Henry - he is not exploiting her or taking advantage of her - it is the opposite: his innocence in wanting to "love" her is a genetic mutation, and that's the disturbing part, because the movie tells us his behavior is laudable. But there is no evolutionary reason for Henry to try this hard with Lucy when he already has the game to impregnate hundreds of other females. The psychology of growing closer to your partner is linked with "shared experiences." Lucy is never going to share any experiences with Henry, except those of a stranger within a 24-hour period. And even her day-to-day relationship with him is predicated on the fact that every single day she must believe she has lost her memory in the first place.

What does it say about Henry that he also must re-acclimatize himself with her confusion every morning? What kind of a sick person would get off on doing this every single day?

Now comes the easy part. Forget this movie.


Another Adam Sandler movie. Another Chick Flick. Another romantic comedy. Another film that Rob Schneider appears in. All in all, another Spectacular Waste Of Time.50 FIRST DATES is almost as painful as the brain injury it makes fun of.Henry (Sandler) is a marine biologist at a...

英文姓名:Drew Barrymore 中文姓名:德鲁·巴里摩尔 昵称:D 生日:1975年2月22日 星座: 双鱼座 身高:162厘米 三围:34C-24-34英寸 婚姻: 杰瑞米·托马斯(94.3.20-94.4.28)离异 汤姆·格林(2001.7.7-2002.10.15)离异 主要影片: 2007年 《词曲传情》(又名K歌情人)("Music and Lyrics") 2004年 《初恋50次》(...


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你好!《初恋50次》是美国的一部喜剧电影。主演: 亚当·桑德勒,德鲁·巴里摩尔,罗伯·施奈德 类型: 爱情 , 喜剧 片长: 99 分钟 上映时间: 2004年2月13日

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青浦区13453488464: 求初恋50次英文影评,越长越好,急急急 -
斗审畅泽: Another Adam Sandler movie. Another Chick Flick. Another romantic comedy. Another film that Rob Schneider appears in. All in all, another Spectacular Waste Of Time. 50 FIRST DATES is almost as painful as the brain injury it makes fun of. Henry...

青浦区13453488464: 写一篇《初恋50次》的观后感,英文的,原创,不要太短、 -
斗审畅泽: Do not casually write something for a long time, and just watching a movie "50 First Dates." Friends recommended to me a long time there has been no opportunity to look at. Today, finally were answered, and quickly moved to write it down, put ...

青浦区13453488464: <初恋50次>的 英文观后感
斗审畅泽: 50 First Dates! Who would not love being able to wake up everyday to a clean slate. Every kiss would be a "first kiss". If you screwed up one day it will not matter because as soon as you go to sleep, that day is erased. Drew Berrymore and Adam ...

青浦区13453488464: 初恋50次(观后感)英文的,短点的. -
斗审畅泽: 50 First dates is a great romantic comedy because its both a light-hearted funny romance and a serious story about love. Serious movies often seem overwhelming, or too much to deal with when we need some R& R. Yet light goofy movies can ...

青浦区13453488464: 初恋50次(观后感)英文的,短点的. -
斗审畅泽:[答案] 50 First dates is a great romantic comedy because its both a light-hearted funny romance and a serious story about love.Serious movies often seem overwhelming,or too much to deal with when we need som...

青浦区13453488464: 50次初恋 英文影评 -
斗审畅泽: This is what you call a 'feel-good' film Author: EvilNeverDies from United Kingdom The basic storyline of 50 First Dates: Henry Roth lives in Hawaii and spend his time wooing women who are visiting the island, simply because there is little chance of ...

青浦区13453488464: 电影《初恋五十次》读后感英文版 -
斗审畅泽: What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year? Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her ...

青浦区13453488464: 英语作文,电影《初恋50次》观后感,谢谢 -
斗审畅泽: RearWindow《后窗》L.B.Jefferies,aphotographerworkingatamagazine,brokehisleftlegsixweekago,sohehastostayathistwo-roomapartmentdaysanddays.Thereasonofthisaccidentisthathestoodinthemiddleoftheracingtrackfortakingwonderfulphotos....

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斗审畅泽: very good! It's delicious! It depand yourself! Believling yourself!

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斗审畅泽: 很久没有为一部电影写影评了,这部讲初恋的《怦然心动》的电影,真的给人一种怦然心动的感觉. 如果你仔细看,你会发现这个电影是从男孩和女孩两个角度在讲述.比如说一开始的女孩坐在家门口看着邻居家搬来,并主动去帮忙搬东西,...

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