
作者&投稿:茶勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In April 18, 2012, XXX and XXX to A company for site investigation and interviews, to understand the business situation of the company. A company is located in the German XXX XXX XXX street, the legal representative of the company XX, aged about 45years old, the actual control of the company, business of A company in recent 30 years. The company's main business for bags, hand box, handbag, wholesale and retail trade business. XXX and XXX on the field were investigated, some area of 1000 square meters warehouse on two floors of a total of 2000square meters, a variety of handbags, luggage placed orderly, inventory adequate. According to the company responsible for the XX introduction, company mainly engaged in various types of luggage international trade wholesale business, with the domestic XX company in Zhejiang, Shandong XX companies have long-term and stable relations of cooperation. The company estimated from domestic imports 1000 tons equivalent goods, wholesale sales to various regions in Europe, customers in most European Union nations, downstream customers high up to 50-60, therefore the company cash flow is larger. According to the company to import a container, each container 3-5$100000tons, the company annual sales revenue of up to $20000000 or more. At the same time consideration based on their own, the company about 1 /4transaction to take the cash clearing the way to further optimize the financial index.
Through the survey on the spot and the actual controller interviews, we think, XX company for many years engaged in the wholesale and retail business, trade in the context of real, domestic partners stability, financial structure and cash flow is more reasonable, and the responsible persons of the company engaged in perennial package box industry has a certain quality of business and management knowledge, the company's overall good fundamentals


1, warehouse daily work the whole things, coordinating warehouse and each department of work;
2, formulate and revise the warehouse save work instructions to send and receive and management system, and constantly improve the warehouse management process and standards;
3, formulate warehouse monthly and quarterly work plan. And monthly summary and analysis department work last month, led supervise staff target;
4, distribution, coordination between the daily work of the warehouse, to enable the team daily work can highly efficient and accurate, orderly complete;
5, to warehouse personnel work instruction, business knowledge training, and monthly to warehouse personnel to conduct the performance assessment;
6, raw materials storehouse, the rationalization of finished product storehouse layout and management, be responsible for making the storehouse of other position, identification, fire prevention, planning
Guard against theft, moisture-proof and the accuracy of the material management standards;
7, the warehouse, to accept the dispatch area on the site supervision and management, 5 S implementation status, the visual management of the execution situation in hand
Do inspection records;
8, organization warehouse cycle count and ensure that the card, accounts, things consistently;
9 and cooperate with the company of the finance department monthly, quarterly, interim and annual inventory and ensure that the financial accounting and warehouse forms of
Consistency. For the company whole drop inventory and cost reduction, and provide accurate, efficient inventory data;
10, supervision and treatment bad material and dull material;
11 and cooperate with the purchasing department and logistics supplier assessment of the arrival of the plan in time, accuracy rate;
12, company of third party warehouse management. To execute not regular site, selective examination and regular physical inventory. To ensure the safety of the properties of the company;
13, accept and finish the other tasks assigned by superior.
1, warehouse personnel on site management. Reasonable organization personnel structure;
2, warehouse in 5 S management and daily inventory;
3, according to provide container planner (Europe, North America, South Korea) in the forecast, reasonable arrangement of human timely and accurate unloading
Check and receive materials;
4, inventory control card deduct, sending and receiving material documents filled out and system entry, out-going of audit work;
5, warehouse daily check and related data statistics confirm;
6, and superior good communication, promote solution of the problems and corrective and preventive;
7, organization on their personnel training, motivation and daily management work, team work efficiency significantly;
8, is responsible for receiving the business process optimization and group management measures to improve;
9, responsible for the materials department material plan to offer accurate, in time of original material inventory data 。


1, storehouse whole routine, coordinate with warehouse and various functional departments;
2, formulation and revision of the warehouse transceivers work instruction and management system, and constantly improve the warehouse management processes and standards;
3, develop warehouse monthly and quarterly work plan. Last month and monthly summary and analysis of work condition, lead and supervise the staff to complete the task;
In 4, distribution, coordination between warehouse monitor daily work, so that the team can be efficient, accurate, in order to complete;
In 5, the warehouse staff work guidance, business knowledge training, and monthly to warehouse personnel performance appraisal;
6, raw material warehouse, finished products warehouse rationalization layout and management, responsible for each bin, identification, planning other positions of fire,
Anti theft, moisture and material accuracy management standard;
In 7, the warehouse, shipping and receiving areas of on-site supervision and management, the implementation of 5S status, visual management implementation and
Check record;
In 8, the organization warehouse cycle work, ensure that the card, account, material consistent;
9, with the company financial department monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual inventory work, ensure financial accounting and warehouse physical
Consistency. For the whole company, reduce inventory cost reduction to provide accurate, efficient inventory data;
10, supervise the handling of bad material and obsolete;
In 11, with purchasing department and logistics planning assessment supplier's timely arrival rate, accuracy rate;
In 12, the corporation's third party warehouse management . Implementation of aperiodic spot checks and regular check to ensure that the company property safety;
13, accept and finish the other task assigned by the superior.
In 1, the warehouse personnel on-site management . A reasonable organization structure;
In 2, the warehouse 5S management and daily cycle count;
In 3, according to the plan to provide a container ( Europe, North America, South Korea ) into the factory trailer, rational arrangement of human timely and accurate discharge
Check and receive material;
4, inventory control card deduction, send and receive materials documents complete and system input, shipping and other work of the audit;
5, check the warehouse daily report and related statistical data confirmation;
6, with a good communication and coordination, promote the problem solving and corrective and preventive;
In 7, the organization belongs to the day-to-day management and training, motivation to work, team work efficiency significantly;
8, responsible for receiving a group of business process optimization and perfect management measures;
9, be responsible for material material planning to provide accurate, timely raw material inventory data


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陈没缸藿香: 蒽、翻译如下: 1, warehouse daily work the whole things, coordinating warehouse and each department of work; 2, formulate and revise the warehouse save work instructions to send and receive and management system, and constantly improve ...

禄丰县17863638467: 哪位高手帮忙把以下工作经历翻译成英文?感谢(在线翻译就不要来了,在线翻译语法混乱,没法用!) -
陈没缸藿香: 1、公司人力资源信息化的整体规划和项目推进;对人力资源整体流程的掌握和梳理有很丰富的经验.In 1, the company human resources informatization overall planning and project promotion; the overall human resource flow control and comb ...

禄丰县17863638467: 急求工作经验英文翻译,多谢!!!
陈没缸藿香: Responsibilities: 1.For client companies develop their products to potential markets, planning activities of the client company and product launches online research activities, maintenance platform database, direct the collation and distribution of ...

禄丰县17863638467: 求助:英语达人,能不能帮我把软件工程师简历中的项目经验翻译成英文的!急急急!不胜感激 -
陈没缸藿香: 先发两条.请验收. 项目经验: Project Experience 1. XX服装企业分销网络系统 1. Distribution Network System for **Clothing Enterprise  项目介绍:该系统实现了服装企业对服装分销流程的信息化支持,系统的主要功能模块有:分销商库存...

禄丰县17863638467: 烦请达人把下列工作描述翻译成英文,感激不尽 -
陈没缸藿香: 1, grasp of the media public relations company exports;...

禄丰县17863638467: 汉译英:我有在西餐厅工作两年的经验.
陈没缸藿香: I have some, of working knowledge l in the western.

禄丰县17863638467: 出纳员英文简历里的工作经验怎么翻译呢? -
陈没缸藿香: Work experience:1, cash, bank journal of the registration and management;2 daily payment to the bank's accounts and affairs;3, the statistics and the payment...

禄丰县17863638467: 找一个英语翻译的高手,我是从事通讯行业的十年工作经验,翻译成英语! -
陈没缸藿香: I have 10 years' working experience in the communication industry

禄丰县17863638467: 请帮忙翻译一下以下中文,翻译成英文谢谢!工作技能:1,能熟练操
陈没缸藿香: Veryyyy hard..... Congratulations for the answer..

禄丰县17863638467: 请帮忙翻译成英文:丰富的工作经验使我对职场行为有着深刻的理解.可以意译,内容一致即可~感谢各位高人! -
陈没缸藿香: Rich work experience make me on workplace behavior has a profound understanding.

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