
作者&投稿:曲容 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 are learning 2 study 3 Do you know 4 hear 5 forget 6 see 7 remember 8 do 9 understand 10 talk 11 forget 12 hear 13 are reading 14 are writing 15 are using

Lesson 261. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (d)

Lesson 26 The best art critics




with a critical eye:以批评的眼光、以挑剔的眼光。

critically: adv.批评地

She looked at the picture critically for a moment.

criticize: v.批评

criticism: n.批评

2. I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.

Art 在这里泛指“艺术”, 那些专门从事艺术工作的人我们就称之为artist.


draw的意思是“to make a picture of something with a pencil or pen”,可以看出draw是用笔来作画。而paint是“make a picture using paint”,paint做名词就是油漆、涂料、颜料。所以,paint是用刷子用颜料作画。

3. Many people pretend that they understand modern art.

Pretend: v.假装

Pretend我们最常用的就是pretend that和pretend to do sth.这两种结构了。其中更属pretend that最为常用。that后面跟上一个从句,that本身可以省略。课文中的句子可以写成:

Many people pretend they understand modern art.

4. They always tell you what a picture is ‘about’.


This is a book about China.

What are you talking about?


5. They are just pretty patterns.


Pretty 在这里作形容词,意思为“好看的,漂亮的”,如:pretty girl.

Pattern 这个词可以解释为图案、式样等等。

6.We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.

in the same way表示“就象、与...同样地,用...同样的方式”等意思。that后面只能跟从句,而不能跟名词;另外,that有时可以由as来代替。

I did the job in the same way that(as) you showed me.



Would you draw the curtains for me, please?


Material 作名词可用来泛指各类材料,也可用来类比指人,比如:

He’s a good soldier, but not really officer material.


7. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.



I can't appreciate your paintings.

Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.


I appreciate your helping me.

或是 I appreciate your help.







Would you like anything else to drink?


这句话我们常简短的说为:anything else?这在口语中非常实用和普遍。

I am afraid I can't help you. You'll have to ask someone else.




I've said I'm sorry.What else can I say?


Who else did you see?


8. They notice more.


I didn't notice.


Did you notice her?



e.g. There were lots of notices on the notice-board.


还有一个经常会用到的与notice有关的习惯用语就是until further notice(在另行通知之前),如:

This office will close at 5 o'clock until further notice.


9.My sister is only seven,but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.

Whether是一个连接词,表示“是否”,带有较强的选择的意义,常与or或or not 连用。

e.g. We can’t decide whether we go to his place or stay here.


e.g. Can you tell me whether or not the train has left?


10. but isn't it upside down?

upside down作为副词词组需要我们记住的有两种意思:


You've hung the picture upside down.


My little boy always makes the room upside down.


我们还可以说turn sth upside down

e.g. The thieves had turned the house upside down looking for the papers.


1.critic做名词是指:评论家,和critic有关的词汇:critical:a.批判的、评论的 with a critical eye:以批评的眼光、以挑剔的眼光。critically: adv.批评地 She looked at the picture critically for a moment.criticize: v.批评 criticism: n.批评 2. I am an art student and I paint a lot...

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1.关键句型练习答案 A These things always happen: I paint (1.1); people pretend that they understand (11.1-2);they…tell(1.2);We like (1.4);we like (1.5); I think (1.5); children… appreciate (11.5-6);They notice(1.7);she…tells(1.7);Do you like ...

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1. d 根据课文的头一句和最后一句,只有d.是正确答案,其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合。2. b 根据课文第6-7行I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work 可以推测b.是正确答案,其他3个选择都与事实不符合。3. b a. larger garden 前面没有冠词a,不合乎语法;c. large garden ...

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Lesson 26. 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (d) Lesson 27. 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (c) Lesson 28. 1....

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