新概念英语第二册练习册lesson26的答案 是练习册不是课后练习

作者&投稿:称娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
新概念英语第二册练习册26.的全部答案 注意 是练习册 不是课本~

C1.since 2 so far /up till now 3.yet 4just 5 for 6 Up till now /So far
D.1.Where have you just bought a new house?
2.Have you had trouble ever since you moved in?
3.Have you been able to get your own car into your own garage yet?
4.Have the "No Parking " signs had any effect so far?
5.What have you put over the gate?
6.Have any car owners turned to stone yet?
What time did you go there?
Did you see any children?
How many did you see?
Where were they playing a game?
What were they playing?
Were the people annoyed?
Why weren't they annoyed?
1.While he was in Europe,he visited Italy,Germany,France,The UK and Netherlands.
2.the Amazon is the longest river in South American./
3. the Himayas are in Asia.
4. have you ever crossed the Pacific or the Atlantic?
5.She has always wanted to visit the United Kingdom and see London from a boat on the Thames.
It was a lovely sunny day,so Iwent to the Wayle and hired a rowling boat.The Wayle is our small local river which cuts across the park.I was in my boat when suddenly a ball hit me hard and I nearly fell into the water.I didn't hear anyone shout and I didn't see any children. I just laughed and threw the ball back to the bank.

1.I sat down at a table and ordered a meal.
2.We sat down at the table and my father ordered a meal.
3.I phoned several times but couldn't get an answer.
4.I phoned several times but no one answered.
5.Both my mother and my father teach English.
6.My mother teaches both English and French.
7.I both understand and speak English.
8.Either you or I will go to the airport.
9.He is either alive or dead.
10.Neither my aunt or my uncle speaks English.
1.clearly 2.sadly 3.carefully 4.quickly 5.slowly

Lesson 26
1 are learning
2 study
3 Do you know
4 hear
5 forget
6 see
7 remember
8 do
9 understand
10 talk
11 forget
12 hear
13 are reading
14 are writing
15 are using

B(Possible sentences)
1 I believe that a lot of modern art is good.
2 I look most like my father.
3 I don't understand modern art.
4 I like classical music best.
5 I remember my first day at school very well.
6 I don't know very much about England.

"What are you doing,Max?"the teacher said.
'Pardon,sir?'Max said.
'I asked you what you were doing,'the teacher said.
'I'm looking at my book,sir,'Max answered.
'Are you sure?'the teacher asked.'I think you're looking out of thewindow.What is the next line we're going to read?'
Max looked hard as his book.
'The next line we're going to read,'he said,'is after the last line we have just read.'
'I think you'd better see me after the lesson,'the teacher said.
'Yes,sir.'said Max.


Lesson 26
1 are learning
2 study
3 Do you know
4 hear
5 forget
6 see
7 remember
8 do
9 understand
10 talk
11 forget
12 hear
13 are reading
14 are writing
15 are using

B(Possible sentences)
1 I believe that a lot of modern art is good.
2 I look most like my father.
3 I don't understand modern art.
4 I like classical music best.
5 I remember my first day at school very well.
6 I don't know very much about England.

"What are you doing,Max?"the teacher said.
'Pardon,sir?'Max said.
'I asked you what you were doing,'the teacher said.
'I'm looking at my book,sir,'Max answered.
'Are you sure?'the teacher asked.'I think you're looking out of thewindow.What is the next line we're going to read?'
Max looked hard as his book.
'The next line we're going to read,'he said,'is after the last line we have just read.'
'I think you'd better see me after the lesson,'the teacher said.
'Yes,sir.'said Max.

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