
作者&投稿:豫茗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Yaodu District of Linfen City, Shanxi Province, Xiangyang Road, Wan District Council Room 201 of Building 13

这是在Google上翻译的 http://translate.google.com/translate_t


所属する业界: エレクトロニックの业界系集は成功する
所属する业界: 知能は生产物が企业を売ることを生产することを建筑する

Evaluate it by oneself who evaluates it by oneself: The love is broad, and is adomiration-like, and is serious and austere, and is cheerful, and is honest, and demand knowledge, and improve; and is passionate; the manner: I am undemonstrative and make much of a fact.
The aim: I do not accomplish the best thing and merely accomplish an enthusiast still more.

2,001/12--2003/12 I work, and to experience: The industry to belong to where the sweat of Harbin assumes it technology Ltd.: As for the collection of industry system of the electronic, the technology to succeed engages in the collection of system spot where I succeeded in that an item manages the manager adjusting the law of nature of the test tube.
2,004/03 - 2,005/12: The industry where the eaves technology (Huizhou) corporation of the house of the tower of TCL belongs to: 1.2004/3 to build that the intelligence produces that a product sells a company--OEM I supervise a product in the company product item part between 2004/11 quarters, and to control. Is in charge of を; and 2.2004/11--I supervise a product, and it controls it to handle that I am in charge of sinter south district and can sell 2005 to eaves technology Guangzhou of the house of the tower of TCL between /3 quarters.
3.2005/3--As for 2005, a big client part is formed by a company for the /6 period, and the big client of the transfer sinter east district runs it.
4.2005/6--2005 is transferred for a /12 period and runs a market and the staff whom I work in spring, and is in charge of Jilin area of the north big head of a ward and manages it.
2,005/12--I reach it in now: I purchase it, and Luo Ron group merges the eaves technology (Huizhou) corporation company of the house of the tower of TCL - Luo Ron, and it is continued that I am in charge of Jilin district duties and sells that the whole country in continuous 3 sets the name to the Jilin district and: The fifth person of five years, The seventh person of six years, To give up having two mansions for the present for seven years

I educate a career
Harbin science and technology University Harbin science and technology University computer of 2,002/01 - 2,003/07
A computer specialized course
A core course



An American teacher shortage that left many schools without qualified people running classrooms appears to be ending ……
由于美国(严重)缺乏老师,使到很多学校得聘用不合格(没有受训的)教师任教,似乎是解决了... (缺乏的问题...)
But a majority of schools report a storm in applications from qualified teachers. College that train teachers also are seeing enrollment increases of up to 50 percent.
然而,很多学校却报告 (指出)有很多人去申请教职。师资训练学院也见到有超过百分之50去报读学院

"The cold makes me feel more tired.I am really very tired yesterday, so when I arrived at school I fall asleep at the time the class begun.I feel much better today, having took medicine made me no longer coughed so much.""This weekend, I decide stay at home and have a...

Mark worked for a food company.one day, he was shocked to find that the door was out of order as he was about to leave work after a routine checking of items in the freezer.he tried to open the door without success .he sounded the alarm for help as loud as possible ,bu...

"When see test results, it is not ideal, depressed, lose confidence, and then not study hard.Actually, we should not be so negative, as when he failed the exam, we will find the reason for failure, then continue to work hard. I think the only way to improve learning ...

中文翻英文 英文高手请进来帮帮忙 不要翻译软体 !!
1.我会说是的,她这麼做会让我们松口气(truth set us free),因为至少Sister Helen可以尝试让这个罪犯悔改,和知道自己的过错,这样的态度会比较抚平受害者家人的心灵.在电影的结尾,他终於招共了,我的感受是比他还没招共之前的感受还要好,虽然招共 并不能改变他杀人的事实,但至少让他死的比较有尊严...

Lets harvest 20 crops of strawberries for a pie.harvest 收割 crops 农作物 strawberries 草莓 pie 批 (饼)直译并不很顺,所以应译成: 让我们摘20粒草莓做只批罢。(strawberries pie 草莓批)很高兴能够帮到你,希望对你有助,并望满意,谢谢。

英语高手请进来帮我翻译一下学术性的东西 有关心理学方面的``我们写论 ...
With the increasing development of social psychology and research topics are also increasingly enriched and expanded. From the early community to promote research and development to the study of social lazy; obedience from the research, development and obedience to the anti-independence of ...

完美的生活 完美包括爱,和谐和幸福 是perfect life

About your requirement that I pay by credit card , the financial department told me that the development of China's credit card charging foreign currency is not mature yet, because of the following reasons, our company temporarily not consider opening credit card receipts way, I hope...

【有悬赏】英语翻译高手请进来,帮忙翻译下这段文(The Story of Robinson...

这是爱丽丝在很早以前一个夏日里的梦。Alice dreamt this dream a long time ago during summer.在这梦的奇境里,In this strange dream,白兔戴着白手套,the rabbit\/bunny was wearing white gloves,毛虫吸着烟斗……the caterpillar was smoking from a tobacco pipe...疯了的制帽人和三月兔总是...

平远县17629295757: 英语高手请进来!英文的翻译,在线等. -
素飞诺佳: urge sb. to dribnk2.noble school3.keep idetical with Central Committee of the Party conscientiously4.insist on the Party's main general and specific policies for 100 years(one hundred years)never shake

平远县17629295757: 英语高手请进来,这句话怎么翻译 -
素飞诺佳: 为直接资金——顾客,提供以下分场:为家长服务RDT&E和各项基金,在程序元素,标题,预算活动代码(BAC),并挪用描述符必须填写.为家长服务采购拨款,提供的客户名单超过100万美元,为任何的专项拨款小组较小的客户提供水平.

平远县17629295757: 英文翻译...高手请进来 -
素飞诺佳: 阴郁的天气,候鸟,如一般的心情,准备进入,但不能找到一个合适的地方.我不知道什么是生活中,我领先.家庭,友谊,爱情吗?在我看来,这些只是风味的生活,但尽快之一的主食将是恶心,甚至无味.我不过去,所以说话太多甚至感到...

平远县17629295757: 高手请进来翻译两句英语 -
素飞诺佳: 你就不能让让我吗? You can not let me?左右颠倒About reverse

平远县17629295757: 高手请进来翻译一下 -
素飞诺佳: 1.您好,您拨打的电话已关机. 翻译:Hello, you dial the phone has been shut down.2.对不起,您拨打的电话不再服务区. 翻译:Sorry, you no longer dial telephone service area.1.您好,您拨打的电话已关机.日语翻译:こんにちは、电话番...

平远县17629295757: 高手请进来翻译
素飞诺佳: final wukong

平远县17629295757: 英文翻译 高手请进来
素飞诺佳: 当他们问起什么是我的最爱的时候,我会告诉他们:“是你们.”我不...

平远县17629295757: 英语高手请进来 -
素飞诺佳: do one's level best 意思是“尽力”“竭力”,如果你是要表达这个意思的话,OK啦!A Brief Resume of sb. 那个sb.不可以用简写哦,要写成Somebody, s 要大写,如果是人名的话,也要大些,两个字的名字,如刘玲,就应该是 Liuling,如果是李雨涵,就应该写作Li Yuhan 还有就是我不清楚那个介词of 用的恰不恰当,如果你也不确定的话,就改为 sb's brief resume 吧,这样是肯定对了的 希望可以帮你哦...O(∩_∩)O~

平远县17629295757: 英文高手请进来!帮我把这句话翻译成英文!拜托了!~ -
素飞诺佳: 一定要逗号的话 可以这样: I like rainy days, I like listening to the rain. 或I like rainy days, I like listening to sound of the rain.不要逗号可的话 可以这样: I like listening to the rain in rainy days.

平远县17629295757: 英文高手请进来,有点难的翻译~~~懂汽车的朋友来 -
素飞诺佳: 伊兰特 Elantra 途胜 TUCSON 雅绅特 ACCENT 东风悦达起亚 DYK 嘉华 Carnival 远舰 OPTIMA 东风日产 TIIDA 轩逸 Bluebird Sylphy 骏逸 GENISS 东风标致 PEUGEOT206 PEUGEOT206307 PEUGEOT307 吉利汽车 GEELY 自由舰 GEELY -ncap...

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