【有悬赏】英语翻译高手请进来,帮忙翻译下这段文(The Story of Robinson Crusoe)万谢谢谢!!!

作者&投稿:杨纪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 我出生在约克城,在英格兰,在1632年。我的父亲是一个有财富的人,能够给我一个美好的家园和送我去上学。这是他的希望我应该是一个律师,买我的头开始充满很早就与旅游的想法,我将一无所有,但出海满意。我的父亲给了我强烈反对意见强烈,

1.满意是标准 Satisfaction is the standard 2.标准 standard 3.依法中高效 Legal yet efficient \/ efficiency in legality 4.高效 (highly) efficient \/ (high) efficiency 5.严谨中温情 Prudent yet tender \/ Tenderness in prudency 6.温情 tender \/ tenderness 7.感动是追求 ...

帮我用英语翻译这些句子 (我会高分悬赏 因为比较多)急!!!
1.Did you have a good dinner and a good time?2.Hope that we work hard together.3.Will they be sad when they see you unhappy?4.I was so unpersevered(impatient)ever before that I could do nothing well.或者I was such a person who couldn't insist ever before that I coul...

1.The main purpose of this interview was to test the applicants' oral English.2.Undoubtably, this scandal is an embarrassment to the Labor Party who has been making efforts to win in the general election.3.I asked her many times, but she just refused to respond.4.My doctor ...

18.tell-- told 人工翻译,希望对你有帮助!

after i grow up and think to find a good girl is difficult 担心许多事 some things be worried 但也许正当你没有准备的时候 but maybe you have't ready just 上天却突然赐予你一个好女孩" who favor a good girl for you is a god 参考资料:(参照楼上几位的)...

1. A kind of machine could take itself several million years into the future.2. 故事序述他去到公元802,701年未来世界的一个旅程。3. 到太阳已不再这麼光亮的一个未来时间的经历。人手标准翻译,地道畅顺,希望会满意。

当他在大学任教的时候(这是事实,不能翻译成在读大学的时候。可以参见百科:篮球),他所在的班级被要求发明一项能在漫长冬季消磨时光的新型室内运动。奈史密斯博士创造了一项能在硬木地板上玩的游戏,也正是因为在硬木地板上玩,队员们很容易撞伤和撞倒在地,所以他们的安全是很重要的。Dr Naismith ...

有酸痛感吗? Do you feel ache?手腕外旋 Turn you wrist outward 放到最低 Drop to the lowest 推到最高 Push to the highest 拉伸肌肉 Draw your muscles 抬头挺胸 Raise your head and lift your chest 你可以放松1分钟,You can have a rest for one minute.你可以放松一会,You can have...

Based on our long-term friendship and cooperation, the deep friendship which as well as nearby two establishes, my sales agency is willing to cooperate with you develops the Southeast Asia market, we want to sell ours product Vietnamese, Burmese these countries, not merely only the...

My name is 张强. I come from Beijing, 湖北Province, China. I am eleven years old. I study in Yangguang Primary School in P5(2). My father is a doctor and my mother is a Chinese teacher. They love my very much. My father liks reading books, my mother too. I love ...

邢台县17217579358: 英语翻译,有悬赏~~高手快进!!
钞岸盐酸: 1.my clothes are outdated. 2.I need to earn some money to pay for the summer camp. 3.You should get along well with each other, instead of fighting. 4.Students should take part in outside activities as much as possible. 5.These children found it difficult to plan something for themselves.

邢台县17217579358: 帮忙英语,有悬赏 -
钞岸盐酸: 1 cheap2 reporter3 fresh4 comfortable5 theatre*真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,...

邢台县17217579358: 有悬赏,翻译高手请进 -
钞岸盐酸: In order to meet the Beihai City the rapid development of economic and social needs, and in the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi rise of the first goal, the future development o...

邢台县17217579358: 请英语翻译高手进来赐教啊!帮我翻译一个句子.谢谢了.我高分悬赏. -
钞岸盐酸: Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成.

邢台县17217579358: 高分悬赏英文翻译,再请高手帮忙哈 -
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邢台县17217579358: 高分悬赏英语翻译高手,帮忙翻译一下,在线等 -
钞岸盐酸: Pick to As the 20 th century Chinese literature history important writer, studies Yang jang's literary world is an unavoidable exist. And the momentum and expansion of the "QianXue" compared to people like to say for "钱锺书 lady" studies Yang...

邢台县17217579358: 高悬赏,求翻译~ 拜托各位英语高手啦!帮帮忙,翻译得跟原意差不多就行,明天要演讲的!
钞岸盐酸: 逐字翻译: My hometown is a beautiful small town, its name is Yongchang. Yongchang There are many scenic spots, such as bell tower, the tower of St content and the North Sea wetlands, are worthy of my proud of. Every summer, when the wind ...

邢台县17217579358: 英语高手来帮忙翻译一句话100分悬赏 -
钞岸盐酸: seek the intersection of future and lines(figures) 最好把上下文拿来看下. 按你修改的意思的话.也许用这个比较好吧:search the future of archetecture from the blueprints.

邢台县17217579358: 高分悬赏,请高手帮忙翻译成英语,要求准确,急急! -
钞岸盐酸: 1.咱俩谁跟谁啊 Not a big deal,we're friends.2.怎么是你,怎么老是你? You! You again!3.你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 If you ignore me, I will do that to you too.4.你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上 How dare you! I have to teach you a lesson. ...

邢台县17217579358: 英语高手进来翻译一下 悬赏20分 -
钞岸盐酸: I live in a small family, but I like big family.Because it can make us more friendly. I don't like a dink family, which has no children, and I feel bad. However, If you are in a big or small family ,you can share happiness with each other .I feel very good.

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