
作者&投稿:陟贷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Safeguards the people life and property security relationship to besignificant, must enter one does not pay special attention to thesafety in production and the social order work. Must improve thesafety in production supervising and managing system, the strictsecurity law enforcement, strengthens the safety in productionfacility construction. At the same time, must strengthen to marketsupervising and managing and so on food, drugs, dietetic hygiene,guarantees the people healthy security. Must strengthen thecomprehensive maintenance of public security, continues to advance thesocial order to guard against controls the system construction,legally attacks each kind of illegal and criminal activities,maintains the social stability, safeguards the people to enjoy a goodand prosperous life.

(Part 1)
Wish upon a star
Take a step enter the land
Walk through the air
Take my hand
Wishmaster's will -
Join him the quest for dream
A make-believe
Is all we ever need
Wish upon a star
No matter who you are
The second star to the right
Harbinger's gate
Beyond the boundaries
Blossom ballet
In the great wide somewhere
Wish upon a star
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
The master of the tale-like lore
The way to kingdom I adore
Where the warrior's heart is pure
Where the stories will come true
Wish upon a star
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
The master of the tale-like lore
The way to kingdom I adore
Wish upon a star
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
The master of the tale-like lore
The way to kingdom I adore
那通往我喜爱的王国之路 (重复)
(Part 2)
A cub of the king betrayed by usurper
A girl in the rain swearing to her father's name
Belle the last sight for the dying gruesome
The beauties sleeping awaiting
Deep in a dream
For true love's first kiss
(Part 3)
Bald Mountain Night
Devilheart endures but light
A mad aerial dance
Chernabog's succubi
Black Cauldron born
Gurgi's heart forlorn
Pig-keeper or hero
On a quest of augury
Maleficent's fury
The spindle so luring
Dragon fight, dying night
Dooming might
Apprentice of Yen Sid
Conducting the galaxy
Dreamer on mountaintop
Spellbound masquerade
The Sailor an idol for the six-year-old in me
The Phoenix of White Agony Creek
Enchantress, A mermaid in a tale as old as time
A Dragonslayer, The Awakener
Wish upon a star...
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
The master of the tale-like lore
The way to kingdom I adore
Wish upon a star...
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
Wish upon a star...
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
Wish upon a star...
Believe in will
The realm of the king of fantasy
在幻想国王的领域 (重复)
‘荒山之夜’这首音乐源自于俄罗斯人Mussorgsky 的音诗。我们较熟悉的是后来被改编用于迪士尼的‘Fantasia’。下面提到的山顶指的就是Bald Mountain 的峰顶。
Black Cauldron是5集儿童幻想小说chronicle of prydain的第二集‘大黑壶’,Cauldron born 是将死尸丢进大黑壶里复活的战士,由于是行尸所以打不死。
谷基(Gurgi) 是故事主人翁Taran 的好伙伴,无时无刻都是饥肠辘辘的半人半兽。
Taran是个十几岁小伙子,被赋予看管神谕的猪Hen Wen, 职称是助理猪倌。他一直想证明自己,想成为英雄!
Maleficent 是迪士尼‘睡美人’里的邪恶女巫,由于未被国王邀请而迁怒于其女儿,诅咒她在15周岁时会被纱锭刺死。幸好第12位仙女将诅咒改为昏睡100年。
Dragon Night 是李连杰主演的“龙在天涯”。
Yen Sid 是迪士尼‘Fantasia’中‘巫师的学徒’故事里的老巫师的绰号,是动画剧组以Disney倒过来念起名的。
Spellbound 是紧张大师希契科克的电影“爱德华大夫”。片中主角伪装成大夫,充当神经病院的院长。

Mark worked for a food company.one day, he was shocked to find that the door was out of order as he was about to leave work after a routine checking of items in the freezer.he tried to open the door without success .he sounded the alarm for help as loud as possible ,but also in vain.the thought of staying the night in a place with a minus 20 temperature drove him to despair!
the following day ,Mark was found frozen to death in the freezer by colleagues .what had everyone scratch their heads was how did he die ? the company went without electricity for the whole length of last night .in any event,the situation was not so bad as to kill him,even if no one might have heard the alarm

Ke is a food company employee, this day he checks in the freezer library reserve items, time to work, he opened the door ready to go home, but fear of discovery, the door is broken! It does not really matter how open and how he served by an alarm, and no one responded ... ... thought to be in this place to stay a few degrees below zero 20 night, Mark desperate ... ...
Come to work the next day my colleagues in the freezer Curry found the marks of being frozen, hard to understand is: why he was frozen to death of it? Yesterday's blackout had one night ... ... even if no one heard him to the alarm, still will not be nipped ah.

Mark is a worker/emplyee of a food company. That day, he was checking some stored goods in the cold storage/freezer. At the end of the day, when he was meant to go home, he tried to open the door in order to go home, but was shocked to find, the door was broken! He couldn't open in any way and no matter how many times he rang the alarm, no one answered...imagine spending a night somewhere at a temperature of -20 degrees, he gave up hope/he was in despair...

The next day, when his colleagues came to work, they found Mark frozen stiff in the freezer/cold storage, what they couldn't understand was: how did he freeze to death? There was a power cut all evening yesterday... but even if no one heard his alarm, it shouldn't have resulted in him freezing to death.

Mark is a work of a food company,that day,he was checking the store things in the ice house, when the time to get off work came and he manage to open the door and went home,but to his surprise,the door was bloken!No matter how he tried,it would not open.At the same time,he rang the police ring,but also,just nobody to replay.Considering spending hole night in such cold place which was more than twenty under the lever,Mark lost all hope.

Mark is a staff, on this day in his work items, check the reserves from work time is up, he opened the door ready to go home, but she found, the door is broken! can never, and how he press alarm, and no one responds to ... in the minus 20 places to stay several times a night, mark despair.
The next day to come to work colleagues, were found in the mark Pippin, hard to understand why he is killed? company power outage yesterday night ..... even if nobody hears him to alarm, not been freezing.

1、奖金 dividend,bonus,prize 2、休息日 off day 3、纪念品 souvenir 4、礼物 gift,present 5、最后 at last,lastly 6、祝你 wishing you 7、幸运的是 Luckily 8、户外的 outdoor,open air 9、其他的 else one,other one,the other 10,照片 photo,picture ...

1. Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。2.Where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。3.Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes....

初二英语句子翻译 高手请进来~~~
1.peggy tried to tell him, but she couldn' stop laughing.佩吉试着告诉他,但她自己也忍不住笑了起来.2.jimmy looked down at his feet and saw a black shoe on one foot and a white shoe o the other foot.吉米低下头看自己的脚,发现一只脚穿着黑色的鞋,另一只脚穿着白色的鞋...

You change the sound of my name 你改变了我名字的叫法 A moment of truth that I saw in your face 在你脸上我看到刹那的真实 It hurts inside,它刺痛了我 a moment this vile That you brought alive 在你带来的这短暂片刻 All the roads lead back to you 所有的道路都指引我回到你身边 ...

翻译高手请进来 帮忙一下 急用
楼主不是来学英语的吧,发的问题分都很高啊,看来是真急用,我帮人帮到底!再给你翻译下!译文:你的父母是加拿大以外的永久居民,你全职工作在加拿大企业、加拿大国家公共服务或加拿大省属公共服务部门。请注意,你要遵守你的公民职责 只有:你的永久居民配偶、同居伴侣或父母应遵守他们的居住职责;并 ...

【有悬赏】英语翻译高手请进来,帮忙翻译下这段文(The Story of Robinson...

首先,这段英文不是很符合常用语法规则,而且段落、标点不清,像是短语拼凑而成,无法翻译成连贯通顺的汉语句子。以下为拆分翻译:fortune-telling:算命 the most accurate fortune-telling:最精准的算命 marriage match:姻缘\/婚配 the master of marriage match:月老\/媒人\/大师级姻缘家 found a aadfa....

英语高手请进来 帮忙翻译几句话!谢谢~~有加分!
1. Even those active advocates for natural resources conservation admit, with the increase of human population, which causes the climate changes and the results of large quantity of pests and the migration of their prey, etc., it is for sure that biodiversity on Earth will not ...

1, compared to other dangers, the chance of human suffering shark attack is very small.2, parents may be invited to participate in this year's New Year party.3, the latter two attacks on humans may be more deadly.4, the ball in the principal's head.5, you should avoid ...

高手 请进来 翻译这个句子

梁平县13163888743: 求英语高手,翻译一小段话成地道英语,急用,不能有错啊 -
仁舒辛芳: 首先请原谅我无法为你亲手戴上这枚戒指,First please forgive me to be unable to put on this ring personally for you, 虽然它也并不昂贵,although it is not also expensive, 但我坚信, 将来的某一天, but I believe that the future one day, 我将会亲手为你戴上婚戒,让你成为我的女人. I will put on the marriage abstention personally for you, so that you can become my woman.

梁平县13163888743: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
仁舒辛芳: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

梁平县13163888743: 英语高手请进 翻译一段话(汉译英) 急! -
仁舒辛芳: Until now,I haven't receive any information about the project,...

梁平县13163888743: 英语高手进!麻烦翻译一小段文字!谢谢!翻译成中文 -
仁舒辛芳: stay a kid as long as you can,you are grown up for most of your life, Embrave being young and have fun. 尽可能长时间留在小孩身上,你长大了大部分时间 你的生命, 鼓励年轻人和乐趣.

梁平县13163888743: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
仁舒辛芳: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

梁平县13163888743: 请英文高手帮忙翻译一小段英文!急求!请不要用机器翻译..可加悬赏! -
仁舒辛芳: 本杰明.富兰克林最早提出实行夏时制,即在春夏季节,将时钟往前拨一个小时来延长白天的时间..然而,直到1918年3月31日,此时距富兰克去世已有一个多世纪,这一建议才被国会采纳并实施------因为一战期间需要节约电力.在一战期间,英`德`法等许多其他国家也实行了夏时制.

梁平县13163888743: (高手进)高分求一小段英语翻译!短短短短短急我来自石家庄.石家庄市河北省的省会.它是作为京汉铁路和正太铁路的交汇点由一个小村庄发展起来的.今天... -
仁舒辛芳:[答案] I come from Shijiazhuang. Shijiazhuang City, is the capital of Hebei Province. It is developed from a small countryside and the intersection of Beijing-Hankou Railway and the zhengtai railway . Nower...

梁平县13163888743: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
仁舒辛芳: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

梁平县13163888743: 求助英语专业高手!!人工翻译一小段英文!!帮帮我吧 -
仁舒辛芳: "Technology - a People Business" Although this slogan seemed a bit apart from the original wording, but it elaborated on Nokia's corporate culture not only vividly but incisively. In fact, from product development to human resource management, ...

梁平县13163888743: 请英文高手进来一下,帮忙翻译一些句子~~谢谢了~~急 -
仁舒辛芳: 1. ask Tagore's famous phrase “only then experience hell suffering, can link discovers creates the heaven the strength; For by the finger which has bled, can discuss the time the pinnacle of poetic creation.”English original sentence what? 2. do ...

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