
作者&投稿:骆竿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ I failed in the exam.It is because I didn't prepare for it.
The reason why I failed in the exam is that I didn't prepare for it.
The reason是定语从句先行词,后面是表语从句,这个时候必须是that,不能是because

I failed in the exam.It is because I didn't prepare for it.这是两个句子,前面的exam后面有句号的.The reason why I failed in the exam is that I didn't prepare for it.The reason是定语从句先行词,后面是表语从句,这个时候必须是that,不能是because ...

游泳池今天不开放,因为他们在修理.Why did you move to France?你们为什么搬到法国?Because my father found work in Paris.因为我父亲在巴黎找到了工作.注意:在英语中用了because后,不可再用so.for 是并列连词,用来附带解释说明前一分句的原因或理由,for引导的并列句,一般放在所要说明的句子的后面....

That is why... 那就是...的原因,那就是为什么..., 所以(因此)...; That is because... 那是因为...That is why I came late. 那就是我迟到的原因(所以我就迟到了\/ 那就是我为什么来晚)。That is because my family is poor. 那是因为我家穷。

I failed in the exam. It is because I didn't prepare for it.这是两个句子,前面的exam后面有句号的。The reason why I failed in the exam is that I didn't prepare for it.The reason是定语从句先行词,后面是表语从句,这个时候必须是that,不能是because ...


1. because可以引导原因状语从句,用于说明某个动作或状态发生的原因。2. because用于引导名词从句,相当于that或the fact that,用来引导一个说明性的短语。3. because of是一个短语,意思是“由于”,用来表示某个原因。4. 词语“because”作为连词,有三个基本变化:a. 作为连词,因为它强调直接导致...

because后面不加“as”,because和so都是连词(原因状语引导从句),如果都用就双重连接了,所以不可以同时出现。because 的用法 1. because 表示的原因是必然的因果关系,语气较强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前。2. 通常用来回答 why提出的问题。如:A:Why can’t you do it now?你...

Because 引导句子放前面,后面要加 逗号?
1,要加,2,不能,因为已经生过病了,是过去式。参考:because conj.因为 John didn't attend the meeting because he was ill.约翰没有出席会议, 因为他病了。B-he is tired, he does not want to go with us.因为他太疲劳所以他不想和我们一起去。I criticized him, not because I ...

because of只能引导状语而不能引导表语吗
只是 because of 引导表语时,其主语通常是代词。比如说:That’s because of your priorities.Cecily and Roger divorced, which was because of sex-without-love.That’s largely because of technological change, greater investment and increased skill on the part of the work force.

第一句话对的,that作he didn't turn up 的同位语,句子的主干就是that was because 下面一句的主干就是the reason was that..如果用because就不通了,why...是作the reason的定语

上杭县18715866567: because引导表语从句造句 -
矣俭安内:[答案] I failed in the exam.It is because I didn't prepare for it. 这是两个句子,前面的exam后面有句号的. The reason why I failed in the exam is that I didn't prepare for it. The reason是定语从句先行词,后面是表语从句,这个时候必须是that,不能是because

上杭县18715866567: because加从句造句 -
矣俭安内: I must try my best to do that thing because I want to live the life that I am desired . 我必须尽我最大努力去做那件事因为我想要过上我自己想要的生活.

上杭县18715866567: 表语从句because怎么用 -
矣俭安内: 第一句:that he didn't turn up 是一个主语从句,because引导表语从句 第二句:the reason 后常跟why引导表语从句,that引导表语从句.可以把它当句型来记. The reason why-定语从句 is that-表语从句. 注意:主语是the reason 时,后面的表语从句不用because 引导. that 引导名词性从句时在从句中不做句子成分,没有含义.只起连词的作用. because 引导表语从句时的句型是:This is because-从句. 当why引导名词性从句时要有本身的含义.例如: I don't know why he is late. 希望你满意我的解释.加油!

上杭县18715866567: because引导表语从句与原因状语从句有什么区别 -
矣俭安内:[答案] 我认为没有什么大的区别,就是一个是表语从句,一个是状语从句 比如:That is because I love her. (为什么我...,因为我爱她) I'm late,because I got up late. 如果非要有区别,有这样一点: 状语从句可以用动词分词形式直接表示,表语从句当然就...

上杭县18715866567: because在表语从句中做什么成分 -
矣俭安内: because引导的从句是作表语,because 是一个连接词,不作成分.意思是 “因为..” 如That he didn't come to school was because he was ill then. 他没来上学是因为他当时病了

上杭县18715866567: It is because ... ...是什么句型啊?怎么用啊? -
矣俭安内: 这是because 引导的表语从句,如果后面接从句,那么后面接that,如果接名词或是代词,那么后面接of. because 除用于引导原因状语从句外,还可引出表语从句.如: It is because he is too foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了. It is because you're eating too much. 那是因为你吃得太多了. 而表语从句的定义: 表语从句放在连系动词之后,充当复合句中的表语. 如果还有不明白的可以问

上杭县18715866567: because前面可以加逗号么 -
矣俭安内: 不可以.因为because属于从属连词,连接独立分句和从句. because 读音:英 [bɪˈkɒz] 美 [bɪˈkɔːz]释义:因为. 语法:because还可用来引导让步状语从句,这时,通常用于否定句或疑问句中.because有时还可引导表语从句....

上杭县18715866567: because可以用在一个句子的开头吗 -
矣俭安内: 不可以.Because不能单独一个词放在句首,能这样用的含有“因为”意思的单词是therefore.旧的语法要求,because引领的原因状语从句,不能位于主句之前,但是because of引领的原因状语可以位于句首.because可以放在开头吗1...

上杭县18715866567: 表语从句是什么? -
矣俭安内:[答案] 就是把表语用句子代替! 表语从句用法小结 一、表语从句的定义: 表语从句放在连系动词之后,充当复合句中的表语. 二、表语从句的构成: 关联词+简单句 三、引导表语从句的关联词的种类: 1.可接表语从句的连系动词有be,look,seem,...

上杭县18715866567: because可以引导什么从句 -
矣俭安内: because可以引导 原因状语从句 [用于引导一个名词从句,相当于 that 或 the fact that]…这一事实,…这一点原因,原因是: The reason I am here is because I want to ask for your help. 我之所以到这儿来是想寻求你的帮助.

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