
作者&投稿:暨昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




最近在清凉的晚上,一名女子在我位于Chelsea的公寓门前被杀。她睡在她的车上,当有人 — 显然是试图窃取她的汽车收音机 — 她警觉了,匪徙吃了一惊,用小刀割断了她的喉咙。
被杀女子只比我大几岁,她在报纸上的照片很面熟。不少邻居都见过到往来隔壁的佛寺,所以她是我们其中的一个 — 每天与你擦肩而过的一张脸,虽不认识,但仍然是附近的人。
我没资格说他不对,我坐在客厅里,凶案地点就在我窗前。我睡不著,在喝热牛奶和阅读旅游杂志,对那女人在窗外不寻常的呼叫,我置若妄闻。事实上,我甚至没有想过要起座看看发生了什么事故。多年生活在纽约市把我驯服了 — 你听到的痛楚声没什么大不了,不外是醉汉或流浪者发出的。
凶杀案发生后的翌日早上,我清洗受害人在行人道留下的血迹;当我一边清洗的时候,穿著西装革履的人熙来攘往,小心翼翼地避开地上的血迹,腋下夹著报纸和公文包。但似乎没有人注意或关心我在做什么,没有人询问发生了什么事。他们都把目光转开 — 免得自讨苦吃 — 把心思放在更重要的事上。有人死在这里,不外只是另一桩要归档的事件,这个光怪陆离的地方的另一个现实。


On a cool night recently, a woman was murdered in front of my apartment in Chelsea. She was sleeping in her car when someone — evidently trying to steal her car radio — was surprised by her, and cut her throat with a knife.
The woman killed was only a few years older than I, and her photograph in the papers was familiar. Many neighbours had seen her coming and going from the Buddhist temple next door, and so she was one of us — another daily face you'd pass, unknown but still part of the surroundings.
Here is the story. An upstairs neighbor, wakened by her car horn, watched from his window as the woman walked unsteadily from her car, made her way up the steps of the temple and rattled the doorknob in vain. In the darkness, he could not see her flowing blood, but he could hear her speaking strangely, asking for what sounded like her mother. She was drunk, he thought, and he watched her make her way back to the car and drive away quickly. He went back to sleep. She died a few moments later.
I cannot say I blame him. I was sitting in my living room while the murder took place right in front of my windows. In my sleeplessness, I was drinking hot milk and reading a travel magazine, ignoring the unusual murmurings of the girl outside. In fact, I didn't even think of getting up to see what might be wrong. Years of living in New York City had trained me: The pain you hear is nothing serious. It's only a drunk or a wanderer.
A few hours later, when the police questioned me, I was ashamed to admit what I had heard. Perhaps it wasn't her, but it probably was. If only I'd gone to the window, perhaps I could have done something. The doctor next door says no one could have saved her, but I tell myself I could have held her, or calmed her, or even tried to get a description of the attacker. At least she wouldn't have died so pitifully, ignored by her neighbours because they thought she was a drunk, when in fact, she was looking for help.
The morning after the murder, I washed away the victim's bloodstains that covered the sidewalk; as I did, a stream of people in business clothes walked by, neatly picking their way past the stains, papers and briefcases under their arms. No one seemed to notice or care what I was doing. No one asked what had happened. They turned away their eyes — avoiding the pain — keeping their mind on more important things. That someone died here was just another incident to file away, another fact of this strange place.

understand you have 3 months, what have been harvested for friends and family to understand. At the dawn of chrismas eve, I wish you "happy birthday!" send apple not because at other, because you are my important person.

I want you to learn something. "do not blame your food because you have no appetite." and "what you are you do not see. what you see if your shadow." it you can understand. so please take care of yourself, it you don't treat yourself "if you shed tears when you miss this the sun, you also miss the stars."

when I am afraid, i can only hold together to form a clique, and you do not like it yourselves revealed hesitate to look. please tell my why, i am afraid to lose friends and loneliness. it you feel very ashamed. I allow you the static under heart to come. carefully arranged you in matters of the heart. see you wasting your life will regret. this is not what I imagined." they throw their shadows before them he carry their lantern on their back."

christmas eve, i wish you have a good life, good results.



我希望你能学到一些东西。 “不怪你的食物,因为你自己没有胃口。”和“你是什么,你看不到。如果你的影子你所看到的。”这可以理解。所以请照顾好自己,你是不善待自己,“如果如果你因错过这个流泪的太阳,你也将错过群星。”




当我害怕的时候,我只能抱在一起形成一个圆圈 ,而且你不喜欢。如果你的眼睛表现出犹豫不决的眼神,请告诉我原因。我害怕失去朋友和寂寞。如果你觉得非常惭愧,我准许你静下心来,仔细整理你的心事。看见你正浪费自己的生命,我很后悔。这不是我想看到的。“他们掉丢了自己的阴影在他们用灯照亮回来的路之前。”


纯手打 望采纳





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诺印金普: What I designed is a modernized, multi-functional and simple warehouse that can be built near a dock or a habour. It's intended to be rent to companies that need it. The warehouse can not only store various kinds of goods, but also it can do some ...

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江宁区15392702489: 麻烦各位帮我将此文章翻译成英文 -
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