
作者&投稿:自饱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It tastes great.


My hometown is in Shanghai. I like to eat Nanxiang Cage, a specialty of Shanghai.It tastes like that. You must want to eat it.

Once, my father took me to enjoy Nanxiang small cage.Ten minutes later, a small cage was on the table, still steaming hot air!Its skin is very thin, one by one exquisite, slightly glossy, the filling inside is faint.It can be seen that the filling is also added with onions, a hint of green, very beautiful, let people salivate three feet.Listen to my father, how many "secrets" do you have to eat a small cage?After passing on the secret, I could not wait to pick up my chopsticks, clip a small cage, dip in some vinegar, pour out my mouth, bite a small mouth on the skin gently, and start sucking the soup in it gently. It was very delicious.It's almost enough. I'll put the small cage steamed bun into my mouth at once.It feels wonderful to chew the thin skin and the tough stuffing slowly.After one cage was eaten, I wolfed up the second one, and my stomach seemed never full.Looking at the people around us, each one ate so delicious.
Nanxiang small cage has a long history!Grandpa said that Nanxiang small cage steamed bread was originally called Nanxiang big meat steamed bread, which can be traced back to ten years of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty. Huang Mingxian, the owner of Nihua Xuan snack shop in Nanxiang Town, was the original founder of Nanxiang big meat steamed bread.Huang Mingxian's business was affected by his delicious taste and popularity, so he adopted the method of "filling the steamed bread with thin skin and changing the size from big to small" to improve it into a "Nanxiang small cage" and spread throughout the world.


After hearing my introduction, you must also like to taste Nanxiang small cage for yourself!Friends, Shanghai welcomes you, Nanxiang small cage also welcomes you!

2. 味道好极了

2. It tastes great.


I often hear my father say, "Beijing's rinsed mutton not only tastes good, but also makes you forget to eat it."I thought: If only I could eat it once!So I look forward to it, look forward to it, just when I am disappointed, this day has finally arrived, it appears in the world like a commando in a flash.

这天恰好是星期六,爸爸说:“儿子,晚上咱们去吃一次涮羊肉吧。”听到这惊人的消息,我差点跳了起来。我扑向爸爸大声说:“太好了,太好了!” 傍晚六点钟,我们来到了“京都新轩涮羊肉馆”。我心情十分激动,一直在想这一切是不是真的?一进大堂阵阵香味扑鼻而来,十分诱人,口水在嘴里打转,仿佛再不吃到那美味的羊肉我的口水就要流出来了似的。我们直奔预先定好的包厢。没过多久,一盘盘精美的羊肉就搬到了饭桌上。大家迫不及待、争先恐后地夹起羊肉放进火锅里涮了起来,然后粘上调味汁大吃起来。开始因为吃得太快了,还没品出什么味道,可吃着吃着味道就慢慢地显示出来。细嫩的肉间渗透着羊羔身上所特有的麝味,再粘上甜酸香辣等味的汁,吃起来简直让你难以忘怀。难怪它那么有吸引力,原来奥妙就在于此呀!我越吃越想吃,越吃越想吃,简直就被它迷住了,就像蜜蜂迷恋鲜花,啄木鸟喜欢小虫一样,我贪婪地吃着,竟觉得一片片涮简直太慢了。于是我就把几大片羊肉放进旁边的漏勺里,在火锅里涮了起来。就这样,我今天吃得简直是狼狈不堪,不过,为了吃,我也顾不得那么多了。今天不止我,其他人的吃相也好不到哪里去。不一会儿的功夫桌上的羊肉就不翼而飞,这时大家才觉得肚子撑得快要爆了。

It happened to be Saturday, and my father said, "Son, let's go and have a rinse of mutton at night."Hearing the surprising news, I almost jumped up.I jumped at my father and shouted, "Great, great!"At six o'clock in the evening, we arrived at the "Kyoto Xinxuan Rin Mutton House".I was so excited that I kept wondering if all this was true.As soon as I entered the lobby, there was a burst of fragrance, which was very tempting, and the saliva turned around in my mouth, as if my saliva would come out without eating that delicious lamb.We went straight to the pre-booked box.Before long, a plate of delicate lamb was moved to the table.Everyone rushed to pick up the mutton and put it into the hot pot to rinse, then stick the sauce and eat it.At first, because they eat too fast, they have not tasted anything yet, but the taste of eating slowly shows.The delicate meat is permeated with the peculiar musk of lambs, and then pasted with sweet, sour, spicy and other flavors of juice, which is almost unforgettable to eat.No wonder it's so attractive. That's why it's so mysterious!The more I ate, the more I wanted to eat, the more I simply was fascinated by it, just like bees are fascinated with flowers, woodpeckers like insects, I eat greedily, but feel a piece of rinsing is too slow.So I put a few large pieces of mutton into the spoon next to me and rinsed them in the hot pot.In this way, I eat today is really a mess, but, in order to eat, I can not care so much.Today, not only me, but other people are not eating as well.Soon the mutton on the Kung Fu table disappeared, and then everyone felt that the stomach was bursting.
I really hope people who haven't been here can enjoy this authentic Beijing Rinsing Mutton Store.


味道好极了 从前有一个傻瓜被邀请到朋友的家中吃饭,他的朋友问他这顿饭尝起来怎么样,他却摇了摇头说道:“无味的!” 这个主人(傻瓜的朋友)就拿来了一罐盐,然后给每一道菜都加了一撮盐。 这个愚蠢的人又一次尝了这些菜并说道:“太美味了!你加了什么进去?” “只是一撮盐而已。”主人说。 在回家的路上,这个愚蠢的人一直在想:“当食物尝起来不怎么样的时候,一点盐就会让它变得美味,那如果我加更多的盐,也许会更美味!” 当这个愚蠢的人回到家的时候,他拿出了家里的盐罐子,把家人给他准备的每一道菜都加了盐,心想着:“这次的晚饭一定非常的美味!” 他迅速地吃了一大口食物,那是如此地咸,以至于他全吐了出来。

味道好极了 从前有一个傻瓜被邀请到朋友的家中吃饭,他的朋友问他这顿饭尝起来怎么样,他却摇了摇头说道:“无味的!” 这个主人(傻瓜的朋友)就拿来了一罐盐,然后给每一道菜都加了一撮盐。 这个愚蠢的人又一次尝了这些菜并说道:“太美味了!你加了什么进去?” “只是一撮盐而已。...

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灵石县18272599765: 英语提问味道好极了.翻译It tastes good,It tastes well,It tastes nice,It tastes fine,It tastes wonderful.It tastes fantastic.这是我自己翻译的也不知道哪些是对的哪些... -
狐何欣美:[答案] taste后面要加形容词,well是副词,所以是不可以的.其他的都对.

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狐何欣美: It is delicious. 味道好极了. It is delicious, excellent. 味道不错,好极了. It tastes is great. 味道好极了. That is delicious 味道好极了.

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狐何欣美: The litchi is delicious!

灵石县18272599765: 这食物味道好极了 用英语怎么说? -
狐何欣美:[答案] it is delicious. the food is delicious

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