
作者&投稿:丰冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

每一种创伤,都是一种成熟 Each kind of trauma, all is one kind of mature.
在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想你当初为什么走到这里 You want to give up of that a moment,think of why I come here.
最完美的告别,是不辞而别 The most perfect of farewell, is leave without saying goodbye.
只是想把我们的回忆变成烟圈吐出来,让风把它们瓦解在天空中,永远无法拼凑回来 Just want to get our memories into a hole spit it out, let the wind they collapse in the sky, never come back together
不会再在那个白衣飘飘的年代,乘着风,寻找你的足迹 Won't in that white wavings, with the wind, find your footsteps.

1.B 史密斯先生说中文足够好以至于我们能理解
2.B 我碰巧在电视上知道了这条新闻消息
3.A 这个老年妇女不知道该做什么
4.B 用完整的句子回答下列问题
5.C 妈妈问我我的英语老师是从哪里来的

2.我正盼望得到你的回复 你现在想干什么

1. Experienced the war, the problem has not been resolved, two deep hostility among civilizations is emerging.
2. This action a lasting impact is that it provides us with a unique perspective, we realised that a good environment precious.
3. Firstly, in the face of exaggerated acclaim, we are not proud of the way we can overcome the difficulties and achieve greater success.
4. Gulf Arab reporters, went to welcome the victorious return of the hero. Flowers and applause in the face of a hero Cheong said excitedly own this space journey.
5. Exposure to the mountains, he was surprised natural CMO completely forget the troubles of the earth.
6. Regret how he is approaching, we just leave.
7. Not to a full day doing nothing, just addicted to the success of the past, he decided to start a new career.
8. Us sitting there, completely fascinated by her beauty, she ignored the implication in the case.
9. What it means to the entire incident, it is still unclear.
10. Along with the acceleration of the pace of life, people feel the urgency of time, driving faster. Race Runway like roads, high-speed vehicles travelling a serious threat to the safety of pedestrians.
11. People are now becoming increasingly dependent on the automobile strong, even if the work is only 1 mile distance, but also to drive.
12. Made in China with its cheap goods in the world, to win the favor of consumers.
13. China's automobile industry from scratch, now that the progressive development of this size. However, it is still at the preliminary stage, its high quality standards set is not realistic.

1. In the wake of this war, the problem has not been set in well, instead, the deep hostility between the two cultrues sprout over and above.

2. One of the lasting legacy of this action is that it provides a unique perspective for us to realize the importance of a better evironment.

3. First and foremost, we must never be proud before the exaggerated praises, so that we can triumph over the difficuties and make greater efforts.

1.请代我向你父母问好。Please say hello to your parents for me!2.我想介绍我的朋友JANE给你认识 I would like to introduce my friend Jane to you.3.恐怕我得走了.I'm afraid I must go now.4.我该走了。I should go now.5.-谢谢你为我做的一切。-你这样说真客气。Thank you for...

1. The more she speaks, the more excited she becomes.2. As long as he graduated from the university, he began to find jobs.3.The best ways to gain respect of all teachers and schoolmates are to work hard and get high marks.4. It is very difficult to remember all the ...

1. 对你而言,我只是一个长不大的孩子,不配爱你,也不配得到你的爱。To you, I'm only a kid never growing up, not eligible to love you, or worthy your love.2. 我们这一生要有两个人,一个用来终生陪伴,一个用来永久别离。We're to have two people in our lives, one to ...

How long did you stayed in Sydney?【若现在还在悉尼,则用How long have you been in Sydney】2.他今天不是和你在一起吗?he was together with you today,wasn't he?【我觉得这里用反义疑问句式最合适了】3.杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。Hangzhou is famous for West Lake.4. 全年的天气既不太热...

1.I haven't seen you for days. I kind of miss you.2.What are busy with? Are you tired?3.When are you free? I want to date you.4.I can dream of you every night.5.My affection follows only with my feelings.

1.你什么时候结的婚?When were you married?2.你会一直在那里工作吗?Are you going to continue to work at this place?3.你爱他吗?你爱他的什么?(他哪里吸引你?你为什么爱他?)Do you love him? What do you love in him? (What in him attracts you? Why do you love him?)4....

1.邮费 postage 2.剧作家剧作家 dramatist dramaturge playwright 3.剧作 drama play 4.我要做回我自己 i want to be myself 5.导演 direct director regisseur stage director 6.礼物 gift giving present tribute 7.那将会是我的动力 that will be my motive force.8.有时候,你在我眼里...

逐句翻译,绝非电脑软件翻译!1.该去睡觉了。(两种方式)It's time to go to bed.\/ It's time for bed.(下面的句子可能你不要求用两种方式,但我还是帮你写两种表达法)2. 老师叫我们上课不要讲话。The teacher asked us not to talk in class.\/The teacher asked us to keep quilt in ...

1: the realistic down-to-earth, seek truth from facts, practical, all to the interests of the company for the ( translation )2: solid and meticulous elaborate organization, steady work, grab get right on the job really, cogent do good own job 3 rapid response: we should ...

was found by our country.7 我没有笔写字 I don;t have pen to write with.8 照片中的王太太看起来很年轻 Mrs Wang looks very young in the photo.9 学好英语最好的方法就是尽可能的多说 The best way to learn English is speaking as much as possible.可能有些翻译的不是那么准确 ...

雅安市18321598979: 英语翻译请英语高手翻译几个句子!1、两天没有看见你了,有点想你!2、最近你都忙什么呢?3、你什么时候有时间?我想约你!4、我天天都能梦到你!... -
段干贤坎地:[答案] 1.I haven't seen you for 2 days,I'm a little missing you.2.What have you been busy for?Are you feel tired?3.When will you have time?I want to date you.4.I dream of you every day!5.My love can only fol...

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手翻译句子请大家帮忙翻译下面句子,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢!1:得马上请医生来.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤... -
段干贤坎地:[答案] 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday.4:不能把这些...

雅安市18321598979: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?3.自从本世纪开始,太多的自然资源已被利用.(use)4.他是唯一今天早上迟到的那个学生.(theonly)5.就我们所... -
段干贤坎地:[答案] 3/Since the beginning of this century,too many natural resources have been used.4/He is the only student who was late this morning.5/As far as we know,Africa is world's second largest continent.

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
段干贤坎地: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I... You grew up in ireland but you can't speak English,why? 如果是要用这些句子,要依...

雅安市18321598979: 请高手用英语翻译句子,火车有可能晚点,因为现在正在下大雨. -
段干贤坎地:[答案] 很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题, The train may be late ,because it is raining heavily. 或 Maybe the train won't arrive on time because it's raining heavily.

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手翻译几个句子? -
段干贤坎地: 1,作为秘书的主要工作是帮领导处理日常事务. My main task as a secretary is to assist leaders in handling daily affairs. 2.很高兴你来机场接我. I am so happy you come to airport, and pick me up. 3.请允许我代表我们系欢迎王教授给我们做英语...

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手翻译一个句子我们要存一些钱以备不时之需. -
段干贤坎地:[答案] It is necessary for us to prepare some money in case of emergency.解析:英文中地道的用法通常不是以人称做主语对句子进行直译.更多的出现这种形式主语的句子或者是被动句会更靠近英文的思维模式.希望你在今后的...

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手翻译句子 -
段干贤坎地: 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once. 2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work. 3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday. 4:不能把这些书带出图书馆.4.Don't take these books out of the library. 5:以前从未听说过她.5.I have never heard her before.

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话! -
段干贤坎地: 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

雅安市18321598979: 请英语高手帮我翻译两个句子 -
段干贤坎地: 呵呵,中式英语,直译过来就OK了1、book mountain have road hard is easy way, study sea have no precipice hard is boat.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.2、fall red is not no love thing,become spring dirt more protect flower 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花.

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