
作者&投稿:并姜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1,my shoes are made of rubber.
5,my mother‘s necklace is made of silver
7,grapes are made into wine.


虚拟语气 当从句中有had were should可以省略if,把这三个词提前,还原回去时if he had been other than what he was “如果他不在是以前的他”whould have done本要做而没做至于同位语本人不太赞同少结构写不下了

1.I haven't seen you for days. I kind of miss you.
2.What are busy with? Are you tired?
3.When are you free? I want to date you.
4.I can dream of you every night.
5.My affection follows only with my feelings.

1 , two day has seen you , misses you a little bit! What woollen cloth are .
2, you all bustling about lately? Tired out? When do .
3, you have time? I want to make an appointment with you! Can dream about you .
4 I all every day and you.
5, my affection can only follow my feeling walking!

1.I have never seen you for two days , I am missing you .
2.What are you busy for these days ? Are you tired ?
3.When do you have time ? I want to date whit you .
4.I can dream you everyday .
5.My mood can only go follow you .

1. st, two days have not seen you, a little think you!
2. what recently were you busy at? Is tired?
3. when do you have the time? I want approximately you!
4. I can daily the dream to you!
5. my sentiment can only with mine feeling!

Its been two days that I didnt see you, and I miss you a bit.

What are you doing latly, tired?

When will you be free. I want to meet you.

I dream of you everyday

My love will only follows my feeling.

生命的天空也就因此而绚丽多彩!二人の爱が溶け合うになれば、その触れる爱が骨身にしみる回忆や无限の心配となれば、命の空も、必ず美しくなる cow,这个真的很难的说,不知道有没有高手能在翻译一下,鄙视一楼机器翻译。估计像老沈航,或者是萍mm这样的高手应该能有希望。

in the apple of one's eyes是指掌上明珠的意思。in deep water 是指陷入困境的意思。一楼翻的好搞笑!建议你多看看美国习惯用语的书籍。LZ是准备教别人口语吧!Good Morning everybody!Today, I’d like to share some interesting knowledge what I’ve been acquiring in English study.As you ...

所以were提前,并且句子倒装。)4. (...), they don't get diverted by enticements(...) if they are responsible for deploying the cash(...)翻译过来大意如下:在将(其)给我们的同时,他们的注意力,如果让他们来负责利用企业释放出的现金的话,并不会因为各种各样扑面而来的诱惑而转移。

也许过去曾有不如意,但一切都已过去,请不要再感到失落。Maybe we had our regrets sometimes in the past, but bygones are bygones. Please don't feel so lost any more.你一直是我认识的最出色的人(我知道你又想自我解嘲地说那是我认识的人太少,但是我是说真的,真的),你一定能把失去...

backgrounds and can speak two languages are highly of demanded in the developing Asia 7 Some of the toilets still seems to be the dead corner in this sweeping activity 8 The hawker selling and shouting : come on , or you will miss it 呃 一句句翻译的 希望能帮到你 ...

关于英语短句短语翻译。高手请进!满意加分! 英语高手你一定要有耐心帮我翻译啊.谢谢你啦.这些都是短语短句,都出自<全日制版普通教学>高三英语首先是1.2单元的.1.当时的厂长2.因...而出名3.一本最畅销的书4.上交5.跟踪调查某事6... 英语高手你一定要有耐心帮我翻译啊.谢谢你啦.这些都是短语短句,都出自<全日...

1技术进步带来的战争,一战战胜国不平等条约带来的恶果,没有很好的引导民众思想没有很好的引导,导致民族矛盾激化,Wars brought by advances in tecnology; the devastating consequences followed by the conquer of many countries at once; and poor guidance over the general opinion of the public can...

请把你的命运和我们的绑在一起 we will all have one purse"- 我们每个人都必将获得金钱。”my child,do not walk in their way,我的孩子,千万不要与他们同流合污 keep your foot from their paths;远离他们吧 for their feet run to evil,因为他们的步伐正奔向罪恶 and they hurry to shed...

第三句:其实英语往往比我们想象中简单,我们可先将中文化简、再做翻译。把原句化简:当初我选择去湖南,因为我认为湖南的学习很好,和许多高手学习,我也应该是。When I choose to study in Hunan, because I think the study of Hunan is very good, and so many master to make progress in ...

法语高手请进 不要翻译软体 中文翻法文 (急需你们的帮忙)
1.quelle est la periodicité des bus? j'ai très froid,je ne sais pas aussi ,j'espère que le bus va arriver tout de suite 2.pourquoi c'est long ,j'ai très faim et très froid ,zut!le bus!je vais mourir de froid ,je n'aime pas la neige 3.super! le bus arrive ...

广德县13386943773: 英语高手请进~~~翻译句子~~~ -
可卷科林: 我不想我的房子四面高墙,窗户密不透风.文明之风能自由吹拂,而我也不会被狂风刮的站不住脚.

广德县13386943773: 高手请进~~~英语一个句子翻译
可卷科林: 他们继续沿着那种“看似有了结果其实又是悬而未决、看似解决了其实却还摆在面前、看似很强大但实际很疲软”的似是而非的悖论前进着. Ps:翻译最注重联系前后文了,这里没有上下文,我也只能按照自己的主观推理来翻译了,可能与实际的意思有一定偏差,. 2楼的明显的断章取义!要我说机器都比你翻得好,唉~~~

广德县13386943773: 英语高手请进.翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? - __ - you - ____ - _____ - _____ - ____ - English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. - __ - his sister - _____... -
可卷科林:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? Do you have trouble in learning English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. Neither his sister nor mum is at home. 注释:neither…nor…两者都不

广德县13386943773: 英语高手请进..翻译句子:1.这座桥大约30米长.The bridge is about - _____ - _______ - _______.2.五星红旗的左上角有一颗大星和四颗小星.There is a big ... -
可卷科林:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.这座桥大约30米长. The bridge is about thirty meters long. 2.五星红旗的左上角有一颗大星和四颗小星. There is a big star and four small stars at the upper-left corner of the Five-Star Red Flag. 3.李洁坐在Sally 的旁边. Li Jie sits next to Sally....

广德县13386943773: 英语高手请进 翻译句子
可卷科林: 1 when the teacher came in, I happened to be doing homework 2 when they talk about the book, I happened to read 3 when the teacher asked that question, I happen to know the answer 4. Don't be late for school, I get up early 5 his wife with his ...

广德县13386943773: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
可卷科林: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

广德县13386943773: 懂英语的朋友请进,翻译一个句子,并麻烦分析下语法 -
可卷科林: 全句的意思是:(因消化不良引起的)胃滞涨是很多美国人常犯的一种腹痛病.这里as American as apple pie用的不是字面意思(本义:像苹果派一样在美国非常常见),而是它的比喻义(有典型的美国特征、风格或品质): (1)as……as...

广德县13386943773: 英语高手,请进.翻译下句子 -
可卷科林: 1. The concepts and methods to educate children are different because of cultural differences.2. He is more of a poet than a musician.3. My father has offered to carry us to the airport kindly.4. We do need to meet and discuss the details sometime.

广德县13386943773: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
可卷科林: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

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