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外贸英语函电 商务英语应用文写作 第四版 (尹小莹 杨润辉 著) 西安交通大学出版社 课后答案
答案所对应教材名称及版次 外贸英语函电 商务英语应用文写作 第四版
答案所对应教材作者 尹小莹 杨润辉
答案所对应教材出版社 西安交通大学出版社

如果你真的想学好外贸,就应该多多上深圳外贸论坛szfob, 比你看书什么的强多了,因为深圳外贸论坛szfob里面有很多实用的东西,而且都是来自实践的,而且里面的朋友都是非常热情

深圳外贸论坛szfob---造就了大量的外贸人才,外贸高手。。~~。 外贸新手都应该在里面学习,外贸高手依然在里面交流讨论,多多交流经验, 一起更多地学习外贸,深圳外贸论坛szfob可以学习到很多实实在在的东西




毕竟深圳外贸论坛szfob 是全国最专业的外贸交流平台




2. 可以学习到很多外贸方面的知识,外贸流程,外贸经验,如何找客户?外贸平台的介绍和使用,以及特点;

3. 和大家一起交换很多外贸方面的信息,采购商信息&询盘信息等等,彼此共享;里面的朋友都很大方地贡献自己的一些询盘信息,因为大家共享,我们才可以分享更多; 建议大家都应该慷慨地分享对自己没有用的询盘信息,因为如果中国人不买东西给他们,他们就会去其他的地方采购,所以一起把中国市场做好,这是很好的事情啊

4. 可以了解各国礼仪,各国的国家地理, 各国的经济,人口,土地,国家资源等等

5. 地球人都知道,做外贸的,每天都上深圳外贸论坛szfob

怎么样进入深圳外贸论坛szfob呢?其实只需要记得szfob 就好了,也就可以很容易找到深圳外贸论坛szfob

搜索一下:szfob 或者是 深圳外贸论坛szfob 就可以进入了

请认准szfob ,毕竟只有深圳外贸论坛szfob才是全国最专业的外贸论坛

外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms,
Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.
外贸函电:回信(中文版) 尊敬的先生/小姐,
感谢你来信对我的任命表达的祝贺。我也感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。 诚挚的
外贸函电:回复投诉(英文版) 20 May 2000 Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs:
Thank you for your letter of 20 May referring to your order no.252. We are glad to hear that the consignment was delivered promptly.
We regret, however, that case no.46 did not contain the goods you ordered. We have investigated the matter and find that we did make a mistake in putting the order together.
We have arranged for the correct goods to be dispatched to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready.
Please keep case no.46 and its contents until called for by our agents who have been informed of the situation.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller
外贸函电:回复投诉(中文版) ——先生:
错运的货物烦请代存,本公司已知会代理商,不日将与贵公司联络。 因此失误而引致任何不便,本公司深感歉意。

1. We are reputable exporters, who operate following commodity export business for a long term.
2. To pay these additional costs, please send a money order to us.
3. Based on these facts, we changed the packaging as small wooden boxes.
4. Please quickly issue letters of credit in order that we complete delivery in accordance with the contract.

1.Mainly dealing in the export of the lines below for many years ,we enjoy good reputation.
2.To pay the additional costs ,please draw a bill of exchange on us
3.In view of the fact,we change the package to small wooden case.
4.Please issue the the letter of credit quickly ,so that we can delivery the goods according to the agreement on time.

1. We are exporters with high reputation, specializing in export the bellowed commodities for a long time.
2. In order to pay the additional cost, please open bills of exchange to us for payment.
3. In view of these truth, we changed the package as small wooden cases.
4. Please open L/C as soon as possible so that we can make delivery as stipulated on the contract on time.

Thank you for sending us your Enquiry No.224. We appreciate your thinking of us whenever you plan to order new supply.感谢您向我们发送您的查询224。每当你计划订购新的供应时,我们都很感激你的想法。However,we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to make you an ...

文章如下关于我们购物确认书345号项下的5000条白兔牌毛毯,现通知你们你方,我们已经由XX银行开立了保兑的,不可撤销的信用证789号,总金额计。 The article is as follows confirmation on our Shopping 345 under the 5000 White Rabbit brand blankets, are to inform you that your side, we have...

外贸英语函电 翻译
敬启者,我们高兴地学习,从您的信3月20日,由于出口商的中国丝绸件商品,您间建立直接的业务联系与作为,这恰恰是我们的愿望。目前,我们对Crepe Georgette 很有兴趣,请告诉我们您的最新cifc3 %拉各斯连同您的付款条件和国家你是否能够生效交付后1个月内收到我们的定单。在以了解我们的物质和工序您...

英语高手帮忙翻译 关于外贸函电的

1.很抱歉我方不能接受货到目的港后凭单付款的支付方式 I feel sorry that I couldn't accept the mean of payment for the CFR(如果中途有保费则是CIF) cargo.2.如果你方能同意按即期信用证方式付款,我们即能达成交易 If you could agree with paying by a spot L\/C, we could complete the ...

外贸函电是建立对外贸易关系和外贸往来的重要手段。外贸函电不同于普通信函,有其语言、内容、态度、格式方面的文体独特特点,也要学习跨文化交际常识。接下来我为大家整理了外贸函电专业英语词汇。希望对你有帮助哦!drawer 出票人 principal 委托人 drawee 付款人 consignee 受托人 truster 信托人 acceptor...

关于英语的一篇外贸函电,重新报价 110 需要一篇比较正式的,字数不要求太多关于重新报价的外贸函电范文内容如下:报价已下订单,由于某种原因要涨价。需要重新报价。谢谢楼下几位,但不用那么复杂,中文大概就是这样:谢谢... 需要一篇比较正式的,字数不要求太多关于重新报价的外贸函电范文内容如下:报价已下订单,由于某...

一、Dear Mr. XXX,Pls refer to our previous email and the 31st clause of our contract, goods should be shipped before 25th May。But, pls pay attention to below truth:We did not receive any infos about shipment of 200 ton rice until now.The delivery time confirmed on our ...

"外贸英语函电"---English Business Correspondence 实际上“函电”就是指正式的信笺。比如,我们在贸易中会使用专门格式的询盘,发盘等写信给客人,这些都叫作函电。

要做国际贸易,首要的是要懂一些简单的国际贸易知识,最主要的是外贸函电,国际贸易术语,国际贸易惯例,和银行收支的相关知识。对于刚刚涉入外贸行业的个人创业者,有关外贸核销,运输报关的事情并不是必须的,这些完全可以找别的公司来代办。外贸函电英语词汇(1)贵函 Your letter; Your favour; your ...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电 - 搜狗百科
仇变短肽: 一、中英文函电范文对照 1、外贸函电:回信 外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look ...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电是什么 -
仇变短肽:[答案] 《外贸英语函电》借鉴国内外外贸英语函电的结构与体系,紧密结合我国外贸业务的实际,通过大量的案例、实例,系统介绍了外贸业务活动中各种商务英语的格式与结构、写作特点、专业术语、常用专业词汇、相关句型和常见表达方式等,使学生...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电1.我们是声誉卓著的出口商,长期经营下列商品的出口业务2.为付还这些额外费用,请开汇票向我方支取.3.鉴于这些事实,我们将包装该为小木... -
仇变短肽:[答案] 1.We are reputable exporters,who operate following commodity export business for a long term. 2.To pay these additional costs,please send a money order to us. 3.Based on these facts,we changed the packaging as small wooden boxes. 4.Please ...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电句子,中译英1.请注意,付款是以保兑的,不可撤销的,允许分批装运和转船,见票即付的信用证支付.2.你方的信用证与合同有出入.3.请速开L/... -
仇变短肽:[答案] 1. Please be informed that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable andsight L/C, allowing partial shipments and transshipment. 2. L/C arenot in agreement with thestipulations of the S/C. 3. Please open the L/C immediately 4. We were already ...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电翻译,急要!外贸英商业信函以下包括内容;1)收到对方5月24日对于受损货物的申诉信并表示遗憾.(2)表明货物离开时状态良好,并出具清... -
仇变短肽:[答案] Foreign trade business letter including as below:1.we have received your letter of complaint on May 24th and are very sorry for the goods were damaged.2.Indicate the goods are in good condition when d...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电 -
仇变短肽: Our company is one of the largest importer of the textile in Antwerp.We hope to build up bussiness relationship with your company and develop business between two countries. Look forward to your delivery price for FOB Shanghai,include our 5% ...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电 You are asked to write a letter in reply to the letter you received from one of yourclients.The following are tne main contents of the letter you received:... -
仇变短肽:[答案] 楼主好, 以下供参考. Dear XXX, We have received your letter on 9th of Dec, 2012 and know well about your requirement. Pls be assured that we will make the package in a good condition so that they will arrive safely in your place and surely the ...

腾冲县18712286929: 外贸英语函电写作 根据以下要求写一封付款信 1我方欲一贵公司报价条件,以每台300 美元价格(纽约到岸价)订购500台“友谊”拍262型号打字机,于7,... -
仇变短肽:[答案] 1.we decide to buy 500 typewriters of type 262,FRIENDSHIP brand,as your offering terms,at USD300/unit CFR New York,shipment within July/August.2.Because the total deal amount as much as 150000dollars,...

腾冲县18712286929: 帮忙写一篇外贸英语函电,想与一公司建立贸易关系.万分感谢!下面是原题目:Writer a letter to a firm,telling them that you wish to enter into business ... -
仇变短肽:[答案] Dear Sirs,We have obtained your name and address from ***,and we are writing to enquire whether you would be establish business with us.We are very well connected with ***,we are interested in extendi...

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