
作者&投稿:孔歪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!

They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there's probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.

So why don't they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules! Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people's sunday lunches and leftovers), there's no "well let's give it to the beggars!".

Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.

China has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and the per capita arable land area is less than 1.5 mu, which is one-fourth of the world's average value. Such precious arable land is still disappearing at a rate of tens of millions of mu every year.
However, due to backward equipment and management in my country, the total loss of grain in harvesting, storage, transportation, processing, sales and consumption is as high as 18.2%. That is to say, about 85 billion kilograms of post-production grain in my country are wasted every year.
My country has become the world's largest food importer, and the number of imports is increasing year by year. While spending huge amounts of foreign exchange for this purpose each year, food security issues have also become a major issue of general concern from the central government to the public opinion. In this context, the shocking phenomenon of wasting food is even more worrying.
Now that the standard of living has improved, is it necessary to save from a grain of rice? Some students may have such questions. On the surface, dropping a few grains of rice is a trivial matter, but any wealth in the world is created by laborers with their own hard work and sweat.
Cherishing the fruits of this kind of creation is not only the love of social wealth, but also the respect for labor, the respect for creation, and the respect for workers. Food is wealth produced by laborers' hard work and nature's consumption of a large amount of resources. To waste it is to discard the fruits of labor and sacrifice the ecological environment for no reason. In the end, it is human beings who suffer.

A scholar once pointed out: "Sustainable development, this sentence in today's world firstly refers to food." We waste a grain of rice and throw away a steamed bun. In fact, what we discard is the traditional virtues of diligence and thrift of the Chinese nation. What is discarded is a piece of sincere feelings for the working people, and what is discarded is a character and spirit of life.
Our country is not rich yet. In some impoverished areas, there are nearly 30 million people who have not yet solved the problem of food and clothing. Everyone has food, and it is not a dream that every citizen has ever realized. The world food shortage situation will not be fundamentally changed for a long time to come. Therefore, wasting a grain of food is also a shameful behavior.
Saving food is the obligation of every citizen. With a sense of conservation, it is very simple to do: eat as much as you want during meals, and don't throw away leftovers. Respecting the fruits of labor and reducing the pressure on the ecological environment has become a consciousness of modern people. Cherish the food, this is cherishing your life!
Building a conservation-oriented society concerns each of us. To save resources and live a healthy life, let us start by cherishing food.

Eating is a important part in our daily life.Up to now,many people waste food as much as they can.As a middle school ,I am very depressed.
In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting.Such as putting up some pictures and so on .
Therefore,saving food is our task now.Let us do it from now on!

How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there's probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why don't they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules! Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people's sunday lunches and leftovers), there's no "well let's give it to the beggars!".Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.


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Eating is a important part in our daily life.Up to now,many people waste food as much as they can.As a middle school ,I am very depressed.In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting.Such as ...

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How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe like to give the food to the needy or ...

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郎涛抑肽: How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe ...

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郎涛抑肽:[答案] How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?!Too many times!They are well-meaning... Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the ...

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郎涛抑肽:[答案] How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times! They are well-... Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of ...

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郎涛抑肽: How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wa...

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郎涛抑肽: Eating is a important part in our daily life.Up to now,many people waste food as much as they can.As a middle school ,I am very depressed. In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting....

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郎涛抑肽: How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe like to give the ...

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