
作者&投稿:藏侮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We live on the earth and depend on many kinds of natural resources. But these resources are very limited so we should try to save them. For example, in our daily life we should turn off the tap when we finish using water. Don't have the water running when we wash face or brush teeth. Besides ,we should make proper use of paper. We should write on both sides and we had better send our used books to the junior students. In that case we can save many trees. And then we should form a good habit of saving electricty . Remember to turn off lights when we leave. Don't turn on lights unless it is too dark. Finally we should ride bikes instead of by bus or by cars to save gas. I think only in that way can we have more natural resources for the future use.

  Save our limited farmland
  It’s a well-known fact that the population of our country is growing rapidly while farmland is being lost day by day. According to the latest statistics, land suitable for farming only makes up about 10% of the total land in our country. Worse still, building factories, roads, railways and houses use up a lot of land, especially farmland.
  We now here call on all people to save and protect our farmland. Remember once our farmland is gone, it will be impossible to get it back.


From the first day of school, the teacher taught us a poem: "the hoe and the middle of the day, sweat and dirt, who only dishes, a journey" of the poem, then I knew the grain be not easily won, we want to save food. Because we have to understand a truth, farmers uncle a year working in the field, flow a lot of sweat, can irrigate we cannot do without food. How hard, how can we not cherish food?
Into the school, if careful attention to words, it is not difficult to find a bucket of the school every day was piled with leftovers, leftovers, and the whole steamed buns, each one came to it in front of the people, will use a very handsome posture, gives the white steamed buns a beautiful arc. Although we lived in the countryside, long in the countryside, the food is brought about by its own, does not need to spend money to buy, but we don't have such a waste of it, this is also our parents the sun overhead, on land, the effort to them. If all this let parents see, they also think, in addition to deplore, what?.
Some people may say: "this is a big deal, not just some food?" Yes, although throw away food is not much, but throw away is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, a people do not cherish the food, also do not cherish everything else, the end can only become an egoistic person. Such a person, will eventually be abandoned by society, you like steamed buns into the swill bucket.


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人性的转变,即在扩大耕地以满足不断增长的粮食需求的同时,对森林,草原和湖泊的破坏不仅导致水土流失,土壤质量下降,荒漠化,盐碱化和生态的进一步丧失 工业文明的出现使人类与自然发生了根本变化之间的关系:自然世界不再是一个完全神秘的过去,中世纪的力量不再需要上帝的帮助来维持其对人类等自然界的...

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八年级下册语文,数学,英语,物理,政治,历史,地理,生物,期中考试复习提纲 悬赏分:30 - 解决时间:2010-4-5 11:07 语文(人教版),数学(北师大版),英语(人教版),物理(人教版),政治(人教版),历史(北师大版),地理(人教版),生物(北师大版),要简练明了,在线等,好的话还会追加分。

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凌受银黄: We live on the earth and depend on many kinds of natural resources. But these resources are very limited so we should try to save them. For example, in our daily life we should turn off the tap when we finish using water. Don't have the water running ...

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凌受银黄: Save our limited farmlandIt's a well-known fact that the population of our country is growing rapidly while farmland is being lost day by day. According to the latest statistics, land suitable for farming only makes up about 10% of the total land in our ...

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凌受银黄: Our country population continues to increase,while the cultivated land area is in an increasingly reduce.At present,the cultivated land area only takes up 10% of the total national land...

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凌受银黄: Every minute, our country loses farmland at a rapid rate to urban sprawl and development. Farmland is the heart of our nation and we must protect it.Protecting farmland helps to preserve a productive land base for the agricultural economy, preserve ...

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凌受银黄: In my point of view, less damages to the farmland, protect the eniviroment and love the nautre as well.

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