
作者&投稿:哈服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求翻译英文!急~~~~~~这是 加菲猫 里面的!!!~

C:I hate Mondays.

加菲而德,世界上最有名的猫,正在穿越大陆。他和他的狗朋友(名叫奥迪)一起穿过池塘,打算给主人(布莱肯 麦业)一个惊喜。而他的主人正在伦敦计划向兽医女友(詹尼弗 爱 赫威特)求婚。加菲而德决定成为婚礼上的不速之客。

Garfield is always so lazy and Chan, and he had another easily overlooked personality, is not generally self-confidence and pride. For example, his favorite is his own person, his best friend is a mirror, he believes he is in perfect shape, at least in this way under the weight is so…… If the sleep of mankind, there were still more than a little bit of activity, He will use their brains to master Laojiang Zhuolong Europe brother or puppy.

We are from the education are not lazy, not for Chan boy, in fact, whether adults or children, regardless of the face is the pressure of work or study, in order to have one day to goof off, as big as Garfield Daye eat big sleep, seems to have little luxury. Even more jealous, that the vast majority of people without Fuxiaodao privileges, it was in Garfield is granted. Since in this busy society, can not have too much the same as Garfield and Chan Chong Lanchong exist, we would imagine, the majority of worship and fascination with his people, we hope from him was complementary.

5 我们的爱情,有甜蜜 也有忧愁,小打小闹。但不管怎样,我们的心里都还有彼此,都放不下 这份爱 6 我们也慢慢的学会了理解 与包容。生活就像包饺子!你只会擀皮,我只会包馅,而当我们共同努力,就会让这个家 充满温馨 7 终于,我们结婚了,从此“家”这个字眼对我们有了新的含义。我们要互相...


哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉 I wonder how we can survive This romance 我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系 But in the end if I’m with you I’ll take the chance 但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我已渐渐憔悴 I ...

about the difficulty in front of us.As we know we should be grateful, we know we should respect and understand others. When we are thankful to those who are generous with their help, we may create a world of harmony, imperceptibly! As a saying goes, ...希望对你有帮助。


I am so delighted and grateful that God has created such a beautiful girl and let her be with me. So charming she was that we are happy and joyful when staying together. She was grace and elegant, just the one in my dream. We have enough money to enjoy our love with. ...



I know I can't walk away if I see you guys becasue I cannot forget and leave any of you, especially you. The time that we are together is the happiest moment in my life, despite the truth that I am reluctant to end it, the new story must open a new page. I don't...

现代口语译文:大蛸 ―いつかはと狙っていたかいがあって、今日は、とうとう捕まえてやったぞ。へへへ、むっくりと熟れたいいぼぼ(女性器のこと)じゃねーか。今までのどの女よりもいいモンだぜ。さぁて、吸って吸って吸いまくってやろうか。思う存分堪能した后は、いっそのこ...

博乐市19819943607: 谁能帮我翻译一下这段介绍加菲猫的英文文章? -
茶朱复方: 加菲而德,世界上最有名的猫,正在穿越大陆.他和他的狗朋友(名叫奥迪)一起穿过池塘,打算给主人(布莱肯 麦业)一个惊喜.而他的主人正在伦敦计划向兽医女友(詹尼弗 爱 赫威特)求婚.加菲而德决定成为婚礼上的不速之客.

博乐市19819943607: 翻译一下这三段英文?关于加菲猫的主人乔恩的 -
茶朱复方: 1.原来,乔恩过去是一个动画制作师.这些天他似乎忙于用木玩偶逗弄加菲.注:straight man:The partner in a comedy team who feeds lines to the other comedian, who then makes witty replies. 2.由于衣着的不入流和每天单一的出行路线,乔恩...

博乐市19819943607: 加菲猫语录的英文翻译 急用啊!!! -
茶朱复方: 1, hush - do not tell them that I have done a good thing, it will affect my image!2, you have to bring a use was not any old guy to come back, but not me.4, be able to eat today, and never to leave tomorrow.5, audio, we eat ice cream bar, but you ...

博乐市19819943607: 帮我找一段《加菲猫》第一部的对话 -
茶朱复方: 随便加菲猫与谁的对话都可以么 我找了一段 它和那只邻居黑狗的对话 英文和对应的中文翻译 都是我自己看着电影 打下来的 dog: you are the wrong side of the street,fat cat. Beat it.Garfield: and you,luca,the wrong side of the evolutionary curve.dog:...

博乐市19819943607: 加菲猫:如果早晨晚一点儿来的话,我会喜欢早晨的.英文怎么说 -
茶朱复方: if the morning can come a few later,i would like it

博乐市19819943607: 我要做一个关于加菲猫的ppt,一些英文是电脑翻译的,一些是自己翻译的,各位高手帮忙看看有没语法错误 -
茶朱复方: 修改如下:Carfield is an orange cat ,.He eats a lot so he is very fat His friend is a yellow dog “odie”and Carfield often plays tricks on him Garfield is the host of Jon YiBoKe Current weight: according to his proportion,he is as weight as an aircraft...

博乐市19819943607: 翻译两句关于加菲猫的英语短语
茶朱复方: 1 但是他仍然可以让你为他疯狂. 2 往下读,深入了解这个有趣的朋友

博乐市19819943607: 哪位英语高人帮我把这段话翻译下啊?? -
茶朱复方: Companies providing products, service quality is good or bad, determine customer satisfaction, to improve customer satisfaction, we must continuously improve qualit...

博乐市19819943607: 懂英文得高手帮我翻译下这个句子是什么意思—Garfield - Yee
茶朱复方: 加菲猫

博乐市19819943607: 恳请高手帮我把这段话翻译成英文! -
茶朱复方: Enthusiasm having mobilized student's studying like this greatly. The interactive teaching more valuable being , this are exchanged answering back has boosted the teacher and student room , student room teacher and student beneficial to knowing ...

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