
作者&投稿:巫兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Eighteen years old, which is the sweetest age. We can meet the most beautiful fortuitous meeting in our life and we should live up to the time and every seconds of the 365 days.
这句话省掉了主语 ---我们,所以要补一下。18岁是不可能遇到奇遇,不辜负事情的。

A: coincidence ah, Blair. A disc?
C: she is a scoring blame, don't.
B: I .. there is anything.
A: never mind ah, friendly.
D: Yeah, just want to find a rival Alice.
B: opponent?
C: finished finished finished .. I feel the end is coming.
E: game.
Where D: you came from?
E: all the way to smell a smell of gunpowder. Come have a look need fire brigade.
C:Alice, Blair is the two man. You in gender and number the vomit not dominant.
D: this match when Alice opponent.
A: Yes, I can have a try. My high school is the school tennis team.
B: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Tennis. Chidau Sheenah is my who?
CDE:· · · · ·Sheenah?
B:Sorry. Li Na
C: she is you ..?
B: she is my idol --!
C: ( surprised )
D: oh!!!!
ABCE: How ..
D: did you forget? · · · · ·don't have much time.
ABCE: ( nervousness )
E: how to do?! Have to think of a way!!
B:Ceci, you are responsible for checking GPS have a look the nearest hotel. Ella, you are responsible for playing. Daianna, you pack up here.
C: everything's fine now.
B: Okay, guys, go go go! Love apartment is beginning!
The Chinese part of the trouble to translate, thank you.

I know I can't walk away if I see you guys becasue I cannot forget and leave any of you, especially you. The time that we are together is the happiest moment in my life, despite the truth that I am reluctant to end it, the new story must open a new page. I don't know what love is in the past, it is you who make me know what love is. when you love a person, you can even give up your freedom to exchange his freedom. When you fall love with someone, love may alter the course of my life to accomplish his wishes. Falling love with someone leaves me the best memory and wishes. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, but we may be unable to join hands in the end. The memorable journey we go through will always be in my heart and I shall never forget. Please forgive my innocence, this is the best ending that I can think of.

i know that i would not be able to leave if i see you, for i cherish each and everyone of you, you especially, the days that i spent together with you all are the happiest times throughout my life. although i myself do not want to to see it come to an end as well, but life must go on, in the past, i do not know what love is, it is you that showed me that when you love someone, you would give up your freedom for theirs, that you would change your life to ensure their wishes. love is when you are willing to let go and retain the best wishes and blessing for the one that you love. love is beautiful, it need not be an ending, the journey that has been embarked upon together has already made it a regretless life. forgive me for my naiive decision, but this is the best ending that i
can think of.

I know if I see you certainly will not leave because I want you to everyone especially you and you in the together day is the happiest time in my life. Although I don't want to end but the new story will start I don't know what love is it is you who let me understand love is when you love a person will lose their freedom in exchange for his free love is when you love a person will change your life to fulfill his wish of love is when you love a person will be willing to let loose the hand leaving the best memories and blessings of love is the most beautiful is not always the end of journey together is not negative life forgive my innocence the I can imagine the best outcome. 望采纳啊亲

I know if I see you certainly will not leave because I want you to everyone especially you and you in the together day is the happiest time in my life. Although I don't want to end but the new story will start I don't know what love is it is you who let me understand love is when you love a person will lose their freedom in exchange for his free love is when you love a person will change your life to fulfill his wish of love is when you love a person will be willing to let loose the hand leaving the best memories and blessings of love is the most beautiful is not always the end of journey together is not negative life forgive my innocence the I can imagine the best outcome

I know if I see you certainly could not walk because I could not bear to each of you, especially you with the day is the happiest time of my life although I do not want to end but the new story always began in the past I do notknow love is what you let me know love is when you fall in love with a man will give up their freedom in exchange for his freedom of love is when you fall in love with a person change their life to fulfill his wish of love is when you fall in love with apeople would be willing to let go leave the best memories and blessings love best is not necessarily the end of the journey traveled together to live life to forgive me naive, this is the best outcome I can think of

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words. ~~~让梦想大于胆怯,让行动强于语言。

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镇康县13522564698: 请英语高手帮我把爱情公寓3的这段台词翻译成英语,谢谢了.
邢雨利胆: I know I can't walk away if I see you guys becasue I cannot forget and leave any of you, especially you. The time that we are together is the happiest moment in my life, despite the truth that I am reluctant to end it, the new story must open a new page. ...

镇康县13522564698: 爱情公寓三最后曾小贤那句台词的英文翻译.跪求高手!!!!!!!!!! -
邢雨利胆: When faced with two choices, a coin toss, always worked. Not becausethe right answer always given by it , because in the second you throw it in the air, you suddenly know what your real want is .

镇康县13522564698: 请帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文,请不要用翻译软件,好的会继续加分! -
邢雨利胆: 我已经跟朋友谈好(商量好),由另外一...

镇康县13522564698: 求英语高手帮翻译几句爱情公寓的台词啊..(斗地主中的子乔)
邢雨利胆: 1 Wow that is immune to lose2 Open play are all killed him3 This is how you play my cards (cards nice tone) 4 3 K This is my brand of minimal 5 This is just straight flush 6 It seems I do not blow die 7 You're too much. . . . Too strong 8 King Do Chinese Seek expert ah-translation

镇康县13522564698: 急急急!求各位英语高手帮忙!请帮我把下面这一段翻译成英语吧,非常感谢. -
邢雨利胆: This article from the "head /...

镇康县13522564698: 高手请帮我把下面的一段中文用英文表达出来! -
邢雨利胆: Come on, man! I know the last year of the high school's st...

镇康县13522564698: 爱情公寓3剧本台词 -
邢雨利胆: 第一集: 悠悠:曾老师,你回来之前应该告诉我们一声啊,我好把我的礼物清单发给你. 关谷:悠悠,曾老师千里招招回来,你怎么只想着自己呢. 悠悠:那个字念“tiao迢”. 关谷:太过分了,你至少应该把我的清单一起给他,我都计划了三个月了. 关谷:这牛奶怎么味道怪怪的. 小贤:我看过了... ...(关谷喝了一口)过期了. 关谷:(反胃吐出来)那你干嘛不扔掉. 小贤:我们干脆把冰箱一起扔掉吧. 关谷:回头你还是问问张伟吧,他比较纠结. 小贤:他人呢? 关谷:听说是去探亲了.短则个把月,长则三五年. 小贤:(黑着脸)探亲?他不是孤儿院长大的吗?哪来的亲戚. 白幕 张伟:探亲探亲,探着探着,就亲了么.

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邢雨利胆: 1.This is our best price. This is the best price we can provide. This is our rock-bottom price. This is the rock-bottom price we can provide. (商务...

镇康县13522564698: 恳请高手帮我把这段话翻译成英文! -
邢雨利胆: Enthusiasm having mobilized student's studying like this greatly. The interactive teaching more valuable being , this are exchanged answering back has boosted the teacher and student room , student room teacher and student beneficial to knowing ...

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