
作者&投稿:离瞿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My hometown in Guoyang. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.

My home in Canton,there are many high-rise buildings,as well as delicious old fire,where large and the United States Park,the grass looks green it would stifle the trees grow tall and straight,flowers opened again bright and beautiful.There is also the country's largest book center,I often go to the library to buy books,pay the cashier that in the little girl is me!我的家乡在广州,这里有很多高楼大厦,还有美味的老火靓汤,这里的公园又大又美,草长得又绿又多,树长得又高又挺拔,花儿开得又鲜艳又美丽.这里还有全国最大的购书中心,我经常去图书馆买图书,那个在收银台买单的小女孩就是我!


  My hometown is in a mountain village near the water.

  The back of the village is a large forest, the birds chirp to sing the songs in the trees, the singing is really move!

  In the front of the village is a piece of green, as the eye can see the edge of the big rice paddies, dew play on wheat and rice.

  Paddy fields, the bottom is a winding river, the fish in the river happy swimming in the water, they are your head above water blowing bubbles, some in the play, and in chat...

  The sides of the river is a large lawn of wearing green clothes, open colorful small wildflowers there, the grass dressed up colorful, very beautiful!

  Beside the small wildflowers are tall and big willow, willow seems to be played a happy dance in the breeze, like as the swallow song dance.

  Under the willow is the lively and lovely children, they are in the running, some in playing games, and in the mining of wild flowers... The children play really happy ah!

  This is my hometown, this is my beautiful hometown! The villagers here a happy life.








我的家乡英语作文_第1篇:My hometown is in a mountain village near the water.The back of the village is a large forest, the birds chirp to sing the songs in the trees, the singing is really move!In the front of the village is a piece of green, as the eye can see the ...

着晚年的欢愉生活。瞧!家庭主妇们兴致勃勃地学起英语、电脑,为更好地投身于家乡的建设积蓄力量……今天,家乡乘着改革家乡人民的奋斗下,在侨胞们的热情关怀下,家乡的经济展翅腾飞,并成为凝聚海峡两岸同胞和海内外乡亲情谊的一条纽带,为促进祖国统一大业做出了积极的 贡献。明日的家乡,必将乘风破浪,...

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石台的秋雨很温柔,不同于春雨如针尖、夏雨如利刃,落在身上生怕将你弄疼了似的,全然不用打伞。就是下小雨吧!别让大雨破坏了如此静谧美好的气氛。 我说石台的秋天如古色古香的女子,穿着旗袍举着伞从画中走出来。“一年之获在于秋”,田地里的农民们辛勤地劳动,用汗水为秋谱写了一首丰收之歌。 我爱我的家乡石...


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最美的是牯牛降的水了,它时而流淌于涧底,时而悬挂于峭壁,时而又像一匹峻马一泻千里,而我最爱龙门潭的水,若大的龙门潭四面苍崖绝壁,深深的潭清澈见底,青山绿水,蓝天白云尽在潭中。这里的水清凉甘甜。 多美的牯牛降,真是让人流连忘返呀!远方的你准备好了吗?我在石台等你来。 家乡四年级作文10 我的家乡在...

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在我的家乡,有一座用石头所砌成的石桥,它连接了河的两岸,为我们的生活带来了方便,石桥是用石头砌起来的,石头有大有小,形状也不一样,但是很牢固。下面是作文栏目我为你带来的《建筑物说明文600字》,希望对你们有所帮助。 【建筑物说明文600字:篇一】 水从碧玉环中过,人在苍龙背上行。弯弯水曲细牛毛,条条...


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