
作者&投稿:潭农 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Technology has changed our life. Nowadays there are two very important tools for our daily lifes: computer and bicycle. Firstly, computers can provide us with a large amount of information. As for our students, it can offer a couple of study courses or softwares, and enable us fully understand and absorb what we have learned in class. Instant messager is also a very crucial software for our communication nowadays. Moreover, buying commodities online gives us more convenience. Seondly, riding bicycles is a green way of transportation because it can not only make people do exercises but also protects our environment from being polluted. Therefore, the emergence of computer and bicycle make our life much more convenient.



A friend came back from the states, give me back to a "Emerson analects", I like reading, and intermittent passage on the card of some sentences the tenor of this a few card in my desk is put aside for a long time, has become my motto.Emerson said, to believe your own thought, to believe that your inner truth has confirmed they will eventually admit - this is a genius! Although Moses, Plato, Milton language is black and white, is well known, but they are great, the most outstanding place is that they the mie see books doctrine, get rid of the traditional custom, say their own, rather than the thoughts of others.


作文题目:相信自己一定能行 主题:励志

同学们,自信就是要相信自己,因为只有相信自己,才能激起进取的勇气。 只有相信自己,才能感受生活的快乐,只有相信自己,才能限度地挖掘自身的潜力, 让我们大声告诉自己“我自信,我快乐,我能行。” 全班呼号:“我自信,我快乐,我能行。” 老师讲话:同学们,你们的主题班队会开得非常成功,使我也充满了自信。请大家记住...


在任何时候,都要学会自信,微笑坦然的面对一切,做任何事都要自强不息,不要轻易放弃,对自己说:我能行!自信的力量是无穷无尽的,让我们微笑自信的走向属于自己的成功之路吧!以自信的为主题的记叙文3 当你有自信时,就是你勇敢时;当你勇敢时,就是你成功时。——题记 自信是什么?是惊雷,...

只有你想不到的,没有你做不到的,对自己要充满信心,认识自我,自信做好你自己。一起来看看以认识自己为主题的 演讲稿 2020,欢迎查阅! 以认识自己为主题的演讲稿1 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 自省,既是自我品德修养的一种 方法 ,也是通过自我意识来省察自已言行的一种途径或过程,孔子说过:“见贤思齐...

总是在鼓舞自己 要成功就得努力 热血在赛场沸腾 巨人在东方升起 相信自己 你将赢得胜利 创造奇迹 相信自己 梦想在你手中 这是你的天地 CBA CBA CBA CBA 相信自己 你将超越极限 超越自己 相信自己 当这一切过去 你们将是第一 相信自己 你将超越极限 超越自己 相信自己 当这一切过去 你们将是第一 ...

通过用最灿烂的笑容和最宏亮的声音对着“魔镜”说出“我是最棒的,相信自己我能行”,用最简单最直接的方法帮助幼儿树立自信心。通过前面的铺垫,幼儿自由结伴开展魔法秀将活动推向了**,最后通过一个欢快的歌曲“相信自己”结束活动,让自信这一主题贯穿整个活动,让幼儿成长为自信满满、阳光灿烂的自信宝贝。 在活动开展...

自信是一朵花,花要自己开,不能用激素,更不能把它的花苞掰开来。 2. 以“自信”为话题,写一篇作文 人生需要自信 人生需要目标,有目标才有奋斗,有奋斗才有充实感。 要充实必定要自信。人生并非是一帆风顺,永无波浪物,它是一条充满艰辛坎坷、曲折,充满挑战,充满挫折的旅途。 当新的一天又到来时,你是否把自己...

不好意思开始搞错了`` `现在揪错`你是一个梦沉睡在银河里 我们在召唤你今夜的舒醒 期待中的你一定很美丽 掌声中你能够找到一定 全世界都能为你柄住呼吸 绚烂的青春由你自己叮咛 彷徨中的你是否有勇气 欢笑中有你最美的回应 相信自己你最美丽 从你踏上舞台那一刻起 青春的美丽 智慧的结晶 整个...

歌词里有句相信自己,哦,哦, 哦,...歌名是什么
总是在鼓舞自己, 要成功就得努力 热血在赛场沸腾, 巨人在东方升起 相信自己, wo...你将赢得胜利, 创造奇迹 相信自己, wo...梦想在你手中, 这是你的天地 相信自己, wo...你将超越极限, 超越自己 相信自己, wo...当这一切过去, 你们将是第一 相信自己, wo...你将超越极限, 超越...

邗江区18782155512: 以相信你自己为主题的80字英语作文 -
巴倩复方: A friend came back from the states, give me back to a "Emerson analects", I like reading, and intermittent passage on the card of some sentences the tenor of this a few card in my desk is put aside for a long time, has become my motto....

邗江区18782155512: 以自信为话题的英语作文 -
巴倩复方: Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day . This does demonstrate thetheory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.It is clear that self-confidence means trust in one's abilities . If you are full of self-confidence ,it will bring ...

邗江区18782155512: 英语作文—— 相信你自己,你会赢70字 -
巴倩复方: No one life is out of the strong, the saying goes, "eager to win through struggle", that is, prove that: as long as the many efforts, no one can become a powerful life, so, I believe you will win!

邗江区18782155512: 求一篇英语短文,500词左右,主题是“发现自己,相信自己”,谢谢! -
巴倩复方:[答案] 把这个当作语文作文来看,想一下要你写的话你会怎么写,把提纲给列下,可以稍微详细一点,然后用英语扩展开来.句子可以简单点,主要没有太多语法错误基本就差不多了. 这么说吧,你用心写个三五篇以后都不用怕了,但估计没有人能每次都帮...

邗江区18782155512: 求用“相信自己就会赢”为题 写一篇英语短文!RT 100词左右 越快越好 词语 尽量用 -
巴倩复方:[答案] There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be. That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better.There are times when people ...

邗江区18782155512: 我相信我能行用英语写一篇80字的短文 -
巴倩复方: 我们的学习生活中,总会碰到各种各样的事情,可能顺利,也可能磨难多多,在困难面前,告诉自己,我相信我能行,给自己多一点信心,让自己更自信地去面对接下来的挑战!那是一个星期天的下午,爸爸忽然提出要和我下跳棋.抱着试试看...

邗江区18782155512: 用About Self - study为题 写一篇80字以上的作文 是英语作文 谢谢拉 -
巴倩复方: but sometimes it will be better to learn in schools to furtherly knowing whats going on;t afford to go to school so they just studied at home without anybody'. Sometimes self-study could be more affective then going to schools and listen to teachers ...

邗江区18782155512: 帮写一篇120个单词的英文短文(高分)以我相信我会飞为题提示及要求如下:一、只要相信自己,就会……二、以自己或他人的一次经历说明主题 120个... -
巴倩复方:[答案] When I was very young,I wanted to be a super man,I thought it must be very cool that I could be a hero and everyone could see me.I thought I would enjoy that feeling.But now I know it's impossible.我...

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