
作者&投稿:其包 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I will be away from home on Monday and Tuesday,I'll be out on Wednesday morning.I'll be not in the town from Thursday afternoon and will be back on Friday morning.So,I can see you on Wednesday

Dear Ms. Zhang,It is only seven months for us to get prepared for the National Entrance Examination. As one of the many candidates who are going to participate in the exam, I have several suggestions for your reference. Firstly, I highly suggest that the preparation process should...

帮我写一篇英语作文!题目是I'm different from what I was two years...
I'm different from what I was two years ago的意思是我不同于两年前。 以下是三篇英语作文,希望对你能有所帮助。 一、英语作文 篇一 写作思路:这篇作文主要描述了我在两年前很缺乏自信主动性,不敢在公共场合发表自己的想法,总是担心别人的看法。但近两年,我为了超越自我而不断拓展自己,变得更加自信、开放...

帮我写一篇英语作文:My favorite player
【一】🌈🌈🌈案例来啦 My favorite player is Zhang Yining who is 1.68 meters tall. She is a table tennis player on the national team of China. She was born on October 5th, 1982. When she was six years old, she began to practice playing ping-pong. Sh...

帮写篇英语作文 I love learning english 字数不用很多
1、 Learning a foreign language cannot be interrupted for a day. If there is really no time, even squeeze out ten minutes every day. The morning is a good time to learn a foreign language.学习外语一天也不能中断、倘若确实没有时光,哪怕每一天挤出十分钟来也行、早晨是学习外语的大...

what will the future be like? i think many things will change.Maybe cars can fly in the sky.Maybe we can fly too. I want to fly to school every day.In the future, we don't have money. Everything is free (免费的). We only study in the afternoon. In the morning and...

帮忙写一英语作文 关于Enjoy Music
Music is a wonderful soul comfort thing in the world, even without understand the language and we can enjoy the music.Music also reflect the human being kindness side, with music the woorld will unite as one.I do prefer listen to music but occassionary i would take part to ...

帮写一篇英语作文I don ’t like sport
Every time I take part in the sports meeting I have not participated in, I don't think it's money for nothing. Once the movement, I would get dizzy ( especially running ) I hope I will not arrive 可以吗,就是字数有点少 我是一个有些胖的男孩,所以我不爱运动的男孩.很多运...

we want to find ways to balance work and study. Here I will show you 4 ways to get your work and study balance.Firstly, you’d better focus on study or your work. Don’t waste your time on some pointless things or hesitate for a long time. You must clear your aim and...

There is a kitchen and a cinema on the ground floor.The kitchen is very big.The is always more than enough food there.The cimema has a huge TV set.I often invite my friends to watch films at the weekend.On the first floor there are 12 bedrooms. Each room has a new ...

利才15988921311问: 怎么用AI写作文? -
肇源县知芙回答: 百度文库AI写作功能可以在百度文库官方网站或相关的百度AI平台中找到.具体的寻找步骤如下:打开百度搜索引擎,输入“百度文库”或“百度AI写作”进行搜索.在搜索结果中找到百度文库的官方网站,并...

利才15988921311问: 求问智能ai写作怎么使用?人工ai写作如何实现? -
肇源县知芙回答: AI智能写作是通过自然语言处理技术实现的.它的主要工作流程包括以下几个步骤:1. 数据处理:AI智能写作需要大量的数据来训练模型,让模型能够较为准确地理解语言文字...

利才15988921311问: 想问下,有人用过ai智能写作助手的吗?
肇源县知芙回答: 现在用的应该挺多的了吧.我和我朋友一直都在用呀.效果还挺好的.用的是牛商股份的牛商云平台上的i写作.写的东西质量好,效率也高.建议你看看.

利才15988921311问: ai自动写作软件有哪些? -
肇源县知芙回答: AI写作软件在近年来得到了快速的发展,市面上涌现出了多款优秀的工具.以下是一些广受欢迎的AI写作软件,它们各具特色,可以根据个人或企业的需求进行选择: 在选择AI写作软件时,建议考虑以下因素: 功能需求:明确自己的写作需求,...

利才15988921311问: AI创写作好用吗?有谁用过? -
肇源县知芙回答: AI创写作很好用的,我当时由于要写的文章很多,时间不够,意外发现爱创这个写作平台,把自己已有的素材添加上去,另外平台本身也可以自行搜索,不会打断思维,经常写东西的人用着还是很省时间的

利才15988921311问: 想使用ai智能写作助手的,推荐吗?
肇源县知芙回答: 当然推荐啊,我还挺喜欢用写作功能的.用的是牛商股份的牛商云平台上的i写作.这个我用的比较多,效果很好.之前是我朋友给我推荐的.效率很高,质量也很好.推荐你试试.

利才15988921311问: 请问智能ai写作怎么使用?人工ai写作如何实现? -
肇源县知芙回答: 如果要使用上很方便的话,那还是得用手机App.有的App已经做得很细分了,各种类型的写作能力已经让AI学习得很好了.比如这款iOS平台的AI文案宝,支持的类型很多,无论...

利才15988921311问: 想问下,ai智能写作助手的写出来的可以用吗啊?
肇源县知芙回答: 当然可以用呀,我用的比较多的就是牛商股份的牛商云平台上的i写作.这个平台功能就可以写.而且质量也很好.效率很高,我还挺喜欢这个平台功能的,你就可以看看这个平台功能啊.

利才15988921311问: 小猫AI写作一键伪原创生成原创文章好用吗? -
肇源县知芙回答: 你还 这个软件原创程度不是很高,如果对文章要求不是很高的话可以用一下,推荐一个比较不错的伪原创工具叫优采云,挺好用的 谢谢 望采纳

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